Fahrenheit 911 comes to fruition, any idiot doubters left?

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Who is still stupid enough to think the primary assertions to F 911 are not true?

Not Me
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Fahrenheit 911 comes to fruition, any idiot doubters left?

Post by EBSB52 »

UAE Gave $100 Million for Katrina Relief
By TED BRIDIS, Associated Press Writer 57 minutes ago
Weeks before one of its companies sought U.S. approval for its ports deal, the United Arab Emirates contributed $100 million to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, officials confirmed Thursday.
The Bush administration said the money it received from the United Arab Emirates was nearly four times as much as it received from all other countries combined. Other countries, including some in the Middle East, also pledged large contributions but have not yet sent the money.
The White House said the $100 million for storm victims demonstrates the close relationship between the two governments now caught in a firestorm over the potential security risks of state-owned Dubai Ports World running operations at six major U.S. ports.
The money from the United Arab Emirates was previously described by the State Department only as a "very large" contribution. The White House said so far it has received $126 million in international donations, including the UAE money.
The administration said there was no connection between the request for U.S. approval of the $6.8 billion ports deal and the UAE contribution. It disclosed details about the donation to support President Bush's description of the nations as important allies.
"There was no connection between the two events," said Adam Ereli, the deputy State Department spokesman.
Robert Kimmitt, deputy secretary at the Treasury Department, told senators Thursday that Dubai Ports World first approached U.S. officials Oct. 17 to discuss a proposed purchase of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which runs significant operations at six large U.S. ports.
Kimmitt said the company informally approached Treasury officials to discuss preliminary stages of the purchase. A formal review of the proposed sale started on Dec. 16, Kimmitt told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The United Arab Emirates sent its $100 million Katrina donation on Sept. 21 using an electronic transfer to an account at the State Department, the White House said. Two-thirds of the money was given to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help coordinate aid to 100,000 families. The rest was sent to the Education Department to help rebuild schools and universities near New Orleans that were damaged by the storm.
The United Arab Emirates has long-standing ties to the Bush family. Records show the UAE and one of its sheikhs contributed at least $1 million before 1995 to the Bush Library Foundation, which established the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. The executive chairman of Dubai Ports World, Ahmed bin Sulayem, is not listed among donors.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060224/ap_ ... NlYwN0bWE-

So all you M. Moore haters out there, yes, he's still fat and you're still stupid if you think the primary assertion he made were just liberal silliness. Hmmm, he can diet, but you will continue to be dumb enough to vote Nazi this mid election and 2 years from then...... keep scratching your heads.......
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Post by jstillwell »

Who hates scrolling? :thumbleft: This guy! Can you PLEASE fix your link?
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Post by whipped »

Well now I understand why he was screaming "VETO!!!" when he hadn't been fully briefed on the subject, considering he'd just read it in the newspaper...
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Post by Shaun41178(2) »

I find it funny everyone in congress is saying this needs to be looked at, but Bushy keeps on insisting its fine. LIKE WTF? :scratch:

Selling out america. I wonder what he was promised in return.
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Post by 88GTneverfinsihed »

Shaun41178(2) wrote:
Selling out america. I wonder what he was promised in return.
A special place in hell?
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Post by txf »

damn even the poll is configured in a manner that it's left to interpretation. Does "ME" = EB or does "ME" = the person answering the poll? Cause if "ME = EB hell yeah you're stupid. anything can be interpreted anyway you want if you push it that way. Hell we could interpret the above story into bush trying to get a BJ if you pushed hard enough and worded it correctly. all you'd have to do is get a quote from someones daughter and misquote it or take it out of context.

ANYWAY LINK FIX 101 If your link is soo freaking long that you feel the need to make others, that don't have the WIDE SCREEN monitors, scroll then do us all a favor. FIX IT! HEre's a tutorial!

Code: Select all

 [url=http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060224/ap_on_go_pr_wh/ports_security_katrina&printer=1;_ylt=Ah5WtVqn6TrbY9jls5iNUT8Gw_IE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-]READ IT HERE[/url] 

Code: Select all

Start your tag but don't close it.

 notice how you close the bracket AFTER your link  Once you do that anything you put after the closing bracket becomes the link text and then when you're don't typing you close the URL after your link text.
LEt's try it
[url=http://eb_you_suck.cum]hover for link[/url]
Last edited by txf on Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Fast88Fiero »

I'm soooo glad I never voted for bush, not that it did any good. :angry:
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Post by txf »

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Post by EBSB52 »

txf wrote:Image
I won't paste our conversations from PM to the board, but if you're such a proud RepubliNazi then why is it that you can't support the decisions made by Nazi-chimp in public? Can't you see how cowardly you look by running to private? Howard and the admin here aren't Nazi fuckers, they will allow you to write what you want. You have no excuse for posting that pathetic little flag then running to PM to discuss these issues.

Here, I will give you a chance to descreibe and define what Bush has done for this country that makes you proud of him. Please, substantive stuff only. Furthermore, praise Bush by himself without relegating it to a comparison. Lastly, don't list: The Iraq War without explaining in some detail as to why that was a good thing.

Bush is good for the US because of the following list and description of things he's done:[/u]




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Post by txf »

Oh by all means here I'll bring my questions and your answers out. But like I stated before about wording answers to make them sound like have have been answered. you didn't answer the first question.

I bet you firmly believe that BUSH IMPLODED the Towers since it takes lots of explosive knowledge and precise placement of charges to Implode a building onto itself yet somehow two planes colliding with the towers caused then to accidently IMPLODE?

Punctuation is a beautiful thing. Bush can't tie his shoes, let alone implode a building. It's the people Bush places in power that conduct these goodies, then get absolution from him.

Would that be a correct statement to say that you believe that someone else had a hand in that?

I don't know who did it and I don't totally buy into DB's theory either. I think it raises good points and is plausible, but there isn't proof enough to label it fact.

How about the rumor that the Bush administration blew up the levy's in New Orleans to drown the Niggers?

Sorry, but redneck racists assfucks like you did that. Bush is culpable for not responding, period. Inaction is an action.

How about the rumor that the Chinese government has a machine that can generate Hurricanes and direct them at the United states and when the weathermen state that the reason behind the hurricane moving in circles in the ocean is due to wind and sea currents it's actually the chinease govenment showing off by making the hurricane do DOUGHNUTS before they strike us?

Never heard that one, go hit your bong once more.

Or do you believe the BUSH admin is spying on us through illegal wiretaps that have been in place for other presidents before him and actually only monitor OVERSEAS COMMUNICATIONS.

That's several questions all wrapped up in one illiterate wad of shit. Bush is and has been spying on us via all of their agents for his entire term. Has this gone on during previous presidencies? Probably, but the nerve to bring it public and admit all evidence is hardcore.

Or do you believe that Nikola tesla has embesed a coil underneith california in an experiment to sink it from the states with the use of high power magnetic fields?

Haven't heard that one either - your bong is calling. Look, drug addict, you can circumvent the issue all day long and you will, but the truth is that Bush has wanted to turn over the government to the corporations and now he is turning it over to the Arabs. You're a coward for not addressing it - moot point - common knowledge. Furthermore, you are a bigger coward, if possible, for not having this discussion on the board - you know this is true. I will hold good character and not paste any of this.

OR do you believe that I actually give a damn what you think vs. what you can prove.

I know you don't give a fuck about anything but your angry RepubliNazi stance.

Or that you think that because it was written and stated on T.V. or on the NET that it's FACT and TRUTH! If so I have a link to the toothfairy.

Yea, every media station has a conspiracy. Joke here is that you attempted to make some conspiracy nut out of me by throwing out asinine conspiracy theories, yet you claim there is a media conspiracy against you and your chimp.

Just admit you were stupid for voting for him, acknowledge he has fucked the country and move on. You look like the biggest cowanrd there is by rushing to some corner to discuss this issue and then go public with some crap about link vs no link. I can't figure why you guys even post here - must be embarrassing to support such a loser as a president.

I'm just waiting for you to stub your toe and figure some round about way to blame Bush for the Ambulance taking too long.
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Post by crzyone »

The towers did not implode. They collapsed. There were no bombs. No thermite.

Michael Moore was seen running from the bathroom in the loby, right before the towers collapsed. Coincidence? :la:
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Post by EBSB52 »

txf wrote:Oh by all means here I'll bring my questions and your answers out. But like I stated before about wording answers to make them sound like have have been answered. you didn't answer the first question.

I bet you firmly believe that BUSH IMPLODED the Towers since it takes lots of explosive knowledge and precise placement of charges to Implode a building onto itself yet somehow two planes colliding with the towers caused then to accidently IMPLODE?

Punctuation is a beautiful thing. Bush can't tie his shoes, let alone implode a building. It's the people Bush places in power that conduct these goodies, then get absolution from him.

Would that be a correct statement to say that you believe that someone else had a hand in that?

I don't know who did it and I don't totally buy into DB's theory either. I think it raises good points and is plausible, but there isn't proof enough to label it fact.

How about the rumor that the Bush administration blew up the levy's in New Orleans to drown the Niggers?

Sorry, but redneck racists assfucks like you did that. Bush is culpable for not responding, period. Inaction is an action.

How about the rumor that the Chinese government has a machine that can generate Hurricanes and direct them at the United states and when the weathermen state that the reason behind the hurricane moving in circles in the ocean is due to wind and sea currents it's actually the chinease govenment showing off by making the hurricane do DOUGHNUTS before they strike us?

Never heard that one, go hit your bong once more.

Or do you believe the BUSH admin is spying on us through illegal wiretaps that have been in place for other presidents before him and actually only monitor OVERSEAS COMMUNICATIONS.

That's several questions all wrapped up in one illiterate wad of shit. Bush is and has been spying on us via all of their agents for his entire term. Has this gone on during previous presidencies? Probably, but the nerve to bring it public and admit all evidence is hardcore.

Or do you believe that Nikola tesla has embesed a coil underneith california in an experiment to sink it from the states with the use of high power magnetic fields?

Haven't heard that one either - your bong is calling. Look, drug addict, you can circumvent the issue all day long and you will, but the truth is that Bush has wanted to turn over the government to the corporations and now he is turning it over to the Arabs. You're a coward for not addressing it - moot point - common knowledge. Furthermore, you are a bigger coward, if possible, for not having this discussion on the board - you know this is true. I will hold good character and not paste any of this.

OR do you believe that I actually give a damn what you think vs. what you can prove.

I know you don't give a fuck about anything but your angry RepubliNazi stance.

Or that you think that because it was written and stated on T.V. or on the NET that it's FACT and TRUTH! If so I have a link to the toothfairy.

Yea, every media station has a conspiracy. Joke here is that you attempted to make some conspiracy nut out of me by throwing out asinine conspiracy theories, yet you claim there is a media conspiracy against you and your chimp.

Just admit you were stupid for voting for him, acknowledge he has fucked the country and move on. You look like the biggest cowanrd there is by rushing to some corner to discuss this issue and then go public with some crap about link vs no link. I can't figure why you guys even post here - must be embarrassing to support such a loser as a president.

I'm just waiting for you to stub your toe and figure some round about way to blame Bush for the Ambulance taking too long.
Loser, all you did was to cut-n-paste my entire post. The net result of your entire post in your writing is this:

Oh by all means here I'll bring my questions and your answers out. But like I stated before about wording answers to make them sound like have have been answered. you didn't answer the first question.

I'm just waiting for you to stub your toe and figure some round about way to blame Bush for the Ambulance taking too long.

OK, please, quit talking about doing it and do it. Oh by all means, well fucking do it. Hey, you know I think Bush is far worse than Hoover, I've stated my case, so it's time for you to support any actions he's done.... go.
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Post by EBSB52 »

crzyone wrote:The towers did not implode. They collapsed. There were no bombs. No thermite.

Michael Moore was seen running from the bathroom in the loby, right before the towers collapsed. Coincidence? :la:
I've never made that assertion or any others regarding that event. Dumb nuts tx brought that up. I think it is VERY suspect, but in a broader sence, let's weigh all of Bush's accomplishments that are positive.
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Post by 88GTneverfinsihed »

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Post by MNFatz »

The only people left supporting bush are the collective teenage daughters of america.

They've brought home the neighborhood loser to meet the parents and now they're too ashamed to admit they made a bad decision.

Be nice to them--they're the angry white males of the world--they're the ones you'll be buying arbys and burger king from for a looooong time.
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Post by txf »

They're also the ones Securing your house and whose small company has done presidential work.

EB it's funny that your even imply that the towers collapsing like they were imploded is "SUSPECT" cause if you had ANY wits about you other that what your FAT ASS LEADER MADE YOU THINK. You'd know that those towers fell 100% how they were designed. YEs those buildings had a collapse design in them. Would you build anything in NY without knowing how it could be brought down in the future? Dare to challenge me on that topic I dare you.

What's funny is you make a really big deal out of money changing hands BOTHWAYS for a "ports deal" But if it's such a big deal to you and if you CANNOT be happy with what you have been given in life either move or take it.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

crzyone wrote:The towers did not implode. They collapsed. There were no bombs. No thermite.

And you can prove this how?
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

You can prove otherwise how?
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Post by txf »

The towers had their skeletons on the OUTSIDE of the building where as most have their strength on the inner supports. These supports are the last to go when a buildign collapses. Not for example take take 4 pencils and stand them up in a square. space them 2 inches apart. Now let go. Did the paper fall STRAIGHT DOWN? No the pencils pushed it to the side. Now put the pencils at the outer corners. Let go of the paper. The pencils will allow the paper to fall between them. The towers had their supports on the outside of the building. The only reason the supports didn't fall outward while the floors collapsed between them it they were still attached so they snapped and bent as it all fell. Thus the reason they IMPLODED.
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Post by EBSB52 »

txf wrote:The towers had their skeletons on the OUTSIDE of the building where as most have their strength on the inner supports. These supports are the last to go when a buildign collapses. Not for example take take 4 pencils and stand them up in a square. space them 2 inches apart. Now let go. Did the paper fall STRAIGHT DOWN? No the pencils pushed it to the side. Now put the pencils at the outer corners. Let go of the paper. The pencils will allow the paper to fall between them. The towers had their supports on the outside of the building. The only reason the supports didn't fall outward while the floors collapsed between them it they were still attached so they snapped and bent as it all fell. Thus the reason they IMPLODED.

I think you have some questions to answer here. Quit being a redneck coward, you said you would get bacl to these, now do it or reaffirm to all as to what you are.

Here, I will give you a chance to descreibe and define what Bush has done for this country that makes you proud of him. Please, substantive stuff only. Furthermore, praise Bush by himself without relegating it to a comparison. Lastly, don't list: The Iraq War without explaining in some detail as to why that was a good thing.

Bush is good for the US because of the following list and description of things he's done:[/u]




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