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We gotta have a Rove thread

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:51 pm
by eHoward
Letter I got yesterday:
Dear Howard,

Less than two weeks ago, members of the community demanded that Karl Rove be fired for his deliberate attempt to, once again, use the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks to divide America. Now Karl Rove is embroiled in another controversy concerning the leaked identity of a covert CIA agent, which was done to punish her husband, a man who had the courage to tell the truth about manipulated intelligence in Iraq.

Karl Rove is the President's top advisor in the White House and what he has admitted doing has deep and troubling consequences for our national security.

It's hard to understand how the President can tolerate his top advisor being involved in exposing a CIA agent in the name of politics by telling reporters about her work - making her already dangerous job that much more dangerous.

In order to do what the President called on us to do earlier this week - "continue to take the fight to the enemy" - the White House and Karl Rove must stop taking it to their so-called political enemies here at home.

It's perfectly clear that Rove - the person at the center of the slash and burn, smear and divide tactics that have come to characterize the Bush Administration - has to go.

The problem is that, instead of protecting the American people from real threats to our security, this Administration spends its time protecting Karl Rove. That's not leadership.

They're doing their best to brush off this new Rove controversy as just another political story, but this time they are having a harder time getting away with it. That's why, if we raise our voices now, we can really make a difference. Please ask all your friends to sign our "Fire Rove" petition today:

Despite carefully worded denials, it is now apparent that Karl Rove discussed the identity of an undercover CIA agent with a reporter. His clear aim was to discredit that agent's husband who had dared to challenge the Administration in the buildup to the war.

There appears to be no limit to the lengths to which Rove - and this Administration - will go. But, there is a limit to the patience of the American people - and we have reached it. President Bush has a choice to make: Spend the months ahead focused on protecting Karl Rove's job security or spend them focused on protecting America's national security.

We are asking the President and the White House to do what they promised. When the scandal first broke, here's what the President's spokesman, Scott McClellan, said:

"If anyone in this Administration was involved in it, they would no longer be in this Administration." (9/29/03, White House press briefing). Now we will find out if the Administration honors its word. Call on President Bush to keep his word and fire Rove now:

It's as simple as this: We need President Bush and his White House staff to focus on finally taking action necessary to avoid a quagmire in Iraq. The American people can't afford to wait while the White House spends its time and energy defending a top presidential aide's dangerous political maneuvers.

In the days ahead, the President will either make good on his promise to hold accountable those who shared the identity of a secret soldier in the war on terror - or he'll prove that promise hollow.

We now know that Karl Rove "was involved" in a breach of national security. Decency - and the interests of the American people - demand an end to Karl Rove's days in the White House. It's time for you to demand it as well.

I urge you to take action right now.


John Kerry

|Paid for by Friends of John Kerry, Inc.|

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:33 pm
by DiggityBiggity
He commited treason.. flat out.. anyone who thinks otherwise is a brainwashed mother fuckin puppet.. this whole story gets under my skin.. They have been telling lies about this for the greater part of two years, and now that it's finally come out, they are up against the ropes, and trying to pin Joe Wilson as the bad guy and Rove as the whistle blower.. my fucking ass.. the entire country should be in an uproar about this.. This was all in retaliation over Joe Wilson saying there was no yellow cake in Niger being sold to Iraq.. guess what, he turned out to be right.. and Karl Rove thought it was the proper action to out his wife, an under cover C.I.A. agent putting her and countless others in harms way..

wake the fuck up people.. our government has been hijacked by criminals

Your Fuehrer

Diggity" :angry: "Biggity

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:34 pm
by Ultimate 85

People need to hold their government acountable. That and throw all the religious assholes out of politics [be they jew, muslim, hindu, christian or other (I hate em) all equally)] Just because I tolerate them doesn't mean I have to like 'em. End rant.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:22 am
by The Dark Side of Will
Ultimate 85 wrote::withstupid:

People need to hold their government acountable. That and throw all the religious assholes out of politics [be they jew, muslim, hindu, christian or other (I hate em) all equally)] Just because I tolerate them doesn't mean I have to like 'em. End rant.
Does having faith necessarily make one an asshole?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:27 am
by donk_316
The Dark Side of Will wrote:
Ultimate 85 wrote::withstupid:

People need to hold their government acountable. That and throw all the religious assholes out of politics [be they jew, muslim, hindu, christian or other (I hate em) all equally)] Just because I tolerate them doesn't mean I have to like 'em. End rant.
Does having faith necessarily make one an asshole?
Will, you argue like my girlfriend...take one word of a sentance....use it out of context and twist it around. You know damn well thats not what he said or implied.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:11 am
by Kohburn
donk_316 wrote:
The Dark Side of Will wrote:
Ultimate 85 wrote::withstupid:

People need to hold their government acountable. That and throw all the religious assholes out of politics [be they jew, muslim, hindu, christian or other (I hate em) all equally)] Just because I tolerate them doesn't mean I have to like 'em. End rant.
Does having faith necessarily make one an asshole?
Will, you argue like my girlfriend...take one word of a sentance....use it out of context and twist it around. You know damn well thats not what he said or implied.
he said to remove anybody that believes in a god from politics --
yeah I'm sure that'd be a fair representation of the public -

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:30 am
by DiggityBiggity
What the hell does this have anything to do with the Karl Rove situation? Way to avoid the topic at hand.. a traitor and treasonist..

Your Fuehrer


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:41 am
by Kohburn
diggitybiggity wrote:What the hell does this have anything to do with the Karl Rove situation? Way to avoid the topic at hand.. a traitor and treasonist..

Your Fuehrer

honestly i'm tired of all the inter party squabling - its fkn pathetic and a waste of time/ tax dollars - I wish they'd shut the hell up and just get the fkn job done

edited because i need to stay out of political threads

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:48 am
by V8Mikie
I think Rove would make a great Supreme Court Justice.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:15 pm
by p8ntman442
is that bitch dead, no, so shut the fuck up, nobodys cover got blown, and nobody died.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:30 pm
by DiggityBiggity

The two people above me who posted.. wow.. you're about the most moronic and brainwashed in here so far.. So do you not understand he blew a C.I.A. agents cover? Do you not understand that there could be dead C.I.A. agents we don't know about because of this? Do you not understand that her WHOLE operation, which was based around nuclear proliferation and weapons of mass destruction, has been shot to hell? Do you not understand what he did was TREASON?!


Your Fuehrer

Diggity"Learn some fucking politics before you speak out your asshole"Biggity

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:07 pm
by Kohburn
diggitybiggity wrote::withstupid:

The real terrorist is in the White House.
you have to admitt that some of your views are just as extreme except on the opposite end of the sprectrum

I mean seriously - to think that bush is a terrorist.. thats pretty brainwashed thinking

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:20 pm
by zonyl
diggitybiggity wrote::withstupid:


Your Fuehrer

Diggity"Learn some fucking politics before you speak out your asshole"Biggity
I will have to say, unless you are posting about politics for your entertainment (which I do on a frequent occasion ;) ), talking about them on a Fiero forum instead of City Hall or a note to your representatives is just as futile.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:31 pm
by DiggityBiggity
You are correct Zonyl... it is futile

Second..ask any Iraqi if Bush is a terrorist.. they will tell you he is.. so it's not that extreme.. considering Iraq did nothing to us.. and yet we have illegally killed almost 100,000 of them.. that's a pretty terroristic action

Your Fuehrer


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:47 pm
by Kohburn
diggitybiggity wrote:You are correct Zonyl... it is futile

Second..ask any Iraqi if Bush is a terrorist.. they will tell you he is.. so it's not that extreme.. considering Iraq did nothing to us.. and yet we have illegally killed almost 100,000 of them.. that's a pretty terroristic action

Your Fuehrer

funny - the polls show most of the iraqi people to be thankful for what the US has done - especially the women

you sure you're not Canadian? :la:

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:14 pm
by DiggityBiggity
Polls conducted by who?!

I don't think the 100,000 dead are very happy.. I don't think their family members are very happy.. They have less clean water now then they did when Saddam was in power.. and oh.. btw.. they didn't do anything to the United States to provoke this invasion.. we are the terrorists in this situation

Your Fuehrer


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:18 pm
by The Dark Side of Will
diggitybiggity wrote:Polls conducted by who?!

I don't think the 100,000 dead are very happy.. I don't think their family members are very happy.. They have less clean water now then they did when Saddam was in power.. and oh.. btw.. they didn't do anything to the United States to provoke this invasion.. we are the terrorists in this situation

Your Fuehrer

A) Where's this 100,000 number coming from? That's just as important as who conducted whatever poll.

B) Do we hide behind children and strap bombs to our chests? We're not terrorists.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:20 pm
by The Dark Side of Will
donk_316 wrote:
The Dark Side of Will wrote:
Ultimate 85 wrote::withstupid:

People need to hold their government acountable. That and throw all the religious assholes out of politics [be they jew, muslim, hindu, christian or other (I hate em) all equally)] Just because I tolerate them doesn't mean I have to like 'em. End rant.
Does having faith necessarily make one an asshole?
Will, you argue like my girlfriend...take one word of a sentance....use it out of context and twist it around. You know damn well thats not what he said or implied.
Donk, you throw like a girl.
I want to know if he thinks that everyone who might be called religious is an asshole, or if he was just referring to assholes who happen to claim religion.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:35 pm
by DiggityBiggity
The Dark Side of Will wrote:
A) Where's this 100,000 number coming from? That's just as important as who conducted whatever poll.

B) Do we hide behind children and strap bombs to our chests? We're not terrorists.
This 100,000 number comes straight from the Iraqi government..

Second.. NEITHER DID IRAQIS UNTIL WE INVADED THEIR COUNTRY! It was NOT!! the Iraqis who attacked us 9.11, get that out of your head.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:44 pm
by The Dark Side of Will
Do your legs ever get tired from jumping to conclusions?
Do you have to take pain medication for jerked knees?

It's not Iraqis who are responsible for most attacks. It's salafist extremists from surrounding countries. Why do you think there's such an emphasis on gaining control of the BORDERS?