New Pontiac G3 for $9400!!

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Atilla the Fun
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New Pontiac G3 for $9400!!

Post by Atilla the Fun »

So, Thursday morning, my mom calls me, she saw something in the newspaper. So I got online, and sure enough, you can get a new Pontiac G3 for under $10k. Mostly due to the $6500 rebate. So I searched to find one, and was nearly too late. Not one left anywhere in Utah. It was either a dark red one in Bozeman, Montana, or a blue-ish-purple one in Flagstaff, Arizona. Well, the AZ car had fewer options, and was a bit cheaper. Plus most of mom's family is in St. George, Utah. So mom called and used a credit card to place a $1000 deposit. So Friday morning we got in the '06 GMC Sierra, and drove to St. George. Saturday morning at 3:30 we got back in the Sierra, and headed toward sin city. then across Hoover dam, and into Flagstaff about 9:15. As I pulled into the dealer's lot, I couldn't see the car. Turns out it was being detailed. Mom paid by credit card, which she'll pay off by cashing in a savings bond she had set aside for this purpose. Anyway, she had plenty of credit on each of several cards, but they made her divide the total onto 2 cards, then charged her $192 for not going with GMAC financing. Even so, it's a total steal!
If anyone wants to read the whole story, just let me know. I'll tell you about my 2 encounters with Homeland Security at Hoover dam. And other things.
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: New Pontiac G3 for $9400!!

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Atilla the Fun wrote:I'll tell you about my 2 encounters with Homeland Security at Hoover dam. And other things.
I'm curious about these. Did you have any rights violated?
Atilla the Fun
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Re: New Pontiac G3 for $9400!!

Post by Atilla the Fun »

I have a homemade tonneau cover on the Sierra. I made it by cutting the ends off a couple of 4'x8' sheets of 3/4" plywood, and painting them white to match the truck, then bolting them to the top of the sides of the bed. So when I rolled up to the dam the first time, at like 5:30 in the morning, there were 3 guys there. I rolled the window down, put both hands at the top of the steering wheel, and cruised up at the posted 15 mph. The guy shined his light at the bed, and asked me to open it up. All 3 guys have their hands on their guns. I opened it up, no problem, I'm on my way. But on the way home, it's early afternoon. Traffic for miles. All tourists. And we have 2 vehicles travelling together. Most cars just pull on through. I'm not an RV, so I don't go there, just expecting a repeat of the early morning. But they direct me to another area, and have a cow when mom follows. So then they're all upset and impatient with her, instead of checking my bed. I'm sitting there, hands on the wheel, window down, while they fuss for like 5 minutes at how she's holding up traffic. (They're doing far worse by fussing so much) Then, once the guy sees in the bed, hand on his gun, he's upset that there's nothing in there. I just shrug, and go. Well, they didn't send any lights and sirens after me, but it wasn't cool.
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: New Pontiac G3 for $9400!!

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Typical power-tripping asshole behaviour.
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Re: New Pontiac G3 for $9400!!

Post by TheFieroBoy »

We'll get to "enjoy" a lot more of that behavior after America becomes a police state. We're moving, slowly but surely, in that direction.

On a side note, if your mom knew how much of her tax money went into that car, she might not call it a "steal"... well, at least not in the same sense she does now... :no:
Atilla the Fun
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Re: New Pontiac G3 for $9400!!

Post by Atilla the Fun »

I see. I didn't until you pointed it out, but you're right. Still, at least her tax money is going to a new car for her, what about everyone else's tax money that's also going into that huge rebate? They're not getting much of any benefit, unless they also buy a new Pontiac. So, in that light, she's still ahead.
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