Do you know what beef is

A place for fun discussion of common interests we have besides Fieros

Moderator: ericjon262


Post by DiggityBiggity »

According to most of the free translation websites.. and an online dictionary.. Fuehrer is right.. and honestly.. I don't care..

Your Furer/Fuehrer/Furor/whatever

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Post by eHoward »

In all seriousness, I like that he removes the stale threads here because if they outnumbered the tech posts, that would be sad.
Joe_Schmo wrote:
diggitybiggity wrote: Post subject: HEY?! WHERE'S MY THREAD?!
For those of you that are wondering where your thread went, here is the answer. I deleted it. As I said earlier, just because the topic is anything goes, doesn't mean anything goes. This may be starting to sound like a dictatorship. Good, you're starting to understand.
Oh yeah, you'd never delete anything for disagreeable content. And Fueher just means leader. You are a weaselly little liar as well as an ignorant urbanite.

"STFU" isn't debating BTW.
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Post by Joe_Schmo »

Well there's my proof. You deleted my post and in a fit of infantile rage you edited my post to make it says things that I never did. You must be awfully proud of your super hero like powers.
"You ask so many questions,
what answers should I choose,
Is this schizoid paranoia,
or just existential blues?"

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Uhhmm? What? What the hell are you talking about? I didn't edit shit..

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"really confused"Biggity

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Oohh.. I see what I did... I hit edit.. instead of quote.. oh well.. either way.. I saw what you said.. and you said my dick was on lease.. so whatever.. point stands.. my bad

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"hit the wrong buttton"Biggity
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Post by Joe_Schmo »

"You ask so many questions,
what answers should I choose,
Is this schizoid paranoia,
or just existential blues?"

Post by DiggityBiggity »

-= Roots around like a ferret =-

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"I'm a marmot"Biggity
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Post by Joe_Schmo »

diggitybiggity wrote: Give me fucking proof I deleted anything because someone didn't agree with me..
There's my proof, you deleted it, and now I post it again.
diggitybiggity wrote: If you've noticed.. I've debated my point.. and then stated that you should shut your trap..
It seems like you are capable of learning. So you must be willful ignorant.

diggitybiggity wrote: Diggity"I own you"Biggity
You don't own me. I suspect you don't own anything. You probably don't even own your own dick.

Delete me again. And I'll post it again.
"You ask so many questions,
what answers should I choose,
Is this schizoid paranoia,
or just existential blues?"

Post by DiggityBiggity »

I already said I didn't mean to delete it.. post it all you want.. sorry dude.. shit happens.. get a fucking grip

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"You are a tool"Biggity

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Post by Shaun41178(2) »


Post by DiggityBiggity »

You know you're my favorite Shaun

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"Shaun rules"Biggity
Doug Chase
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Post by Doug Chase »


When you're the moderator of a section, the edit button is right next to the quote button, just like the rest of us see when we run across one of our own posts.

Even worse, the edit button is on the right, where the quote button usually is. Look up the thread and check it out.

Will accidently screwed up one of my posts in tech this way. (Sorry, Will).
Doug Chase
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Post by DiggityBiggity »

Thanks for trying to back me up Doug.. but this Joe is irrational, and I doubt it matters to him

Your Fuehrer(he hates this)

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Post by Kohburn »

diggitybiggity wrote:Thanks for trying to back me up Doug.. but this Joe is irrational, and I doubt it matters to him

Your Fuehrer(he hates this)

Diggity"Really appreciate the support"Biggity
I think I need to start a guns-n-steaks thread to balance this forum from your extreme liberalism :thumbleft:

Koh"your commandant"burn


Post by DiggityBiggity »


Your Fuehrer

Diggity"I like your style and thinking"Biggity

Ps. I didn't start this thread

Post by DiggityBiggity »

The Hunger Argument:
Number of People worldwide who will die of starvation this year: 60 million
Number of people who could be adequately fed with the grain saved if Americans reduced meat intake by 10%: 60 million
Human beings in America: 243 million
Number of people who could be fed with grain and soybeans now eaten by US livestock: 1.3 billion
Percentage of corn grown in US eaten by people: 20%
Percentage of corn grown in US eaten by livestock: 80%
Percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock: 90%
Percentage of oats grown in US eaten by livestock: 95%
How frequently a child starves to death: every 2 seconds
Pounds of potatoes that can be grown on an acre: 20,000 lbs
Pounds of beef produced on an acre: 165 lbs
Percentage of US farmland devoted to beef production: 56%
Pounds of grain and soybeans needed to produce 1 pound of feedlot beef: 16 lbs.

The Environmental Argument:
Cause of global warming: greenhouse effect
Primary cause of greenhouse effect: Carbon Dioxide from fossil fuels
Fossil fuels needed to produce a meat-centered diet vs. a meat-free diet: 50 times more
Percentage of US topsoil lost to date: 75%
Percentage of US topsoil loss directly related to livestock raising: 85%
Number of acres of US forest cleared for cropland to produce meat-centered diet: 260 million acres
Amount of meat US imports annually from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama: 200,000,000 pounds
Average per capita meat consumption in Costa Rica, El Salveador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama: Less than eaten by average US house cat
Area of tropical rainforest consumed in every quarter-pounder hamburger: 55 sq. ft.
Current rate of species extinction due to destruction of tropical rainforests for meat grazing and other uses: 1,000 species extinct per year

The Cancer Argument:
Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat meat four times a week vs. less than once a week: 4 times
Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat eggs daily vs less than once a week: 3 times
Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat cheese and butter 3 or more times a week vs less than once a week: 3 times
Increased risk of ovarian cancer for women who eat eggs 3 or more times a week vs less than once a week: 3 times
Increased risk of fatal prostate cancer for men who consume meat, cheese, eggs and milk daily vs sparingly or not at all: 3.6 times

The Natural Resources Argument:
User of more than half of all water used for all purposes in the US: Livestock production
Amount of water to produce a pound of wheat: 25 gallons
Amount of water to produce a pound of meat: 2,500 gallons
Cost of common hamburger if water used by meat industry was not subsidized by US taxpayer: $35/pound
Current cost of pound of protein from beefsteak, if water was no longer subsidized: $89
Years the world's known oil reserves will last if every human ate a meat-centered diet: 13 years
Years the world's known oil reserves will last if human beings no longer ate meat: 260 years
Barrels of oil imported into US daily: 6.8 million
Percentage of fossil fuel energy returned as food energy by most efficient factory farming of meat: 34.5 percent
Percentage returned as food energy from least efficient plant food: 328%
Percentage of raw materials consumed by US to produce present meat-centered diet: 33%

The Cholesterol Argument:
Number of US Medical Schools: 125
Number requiring a course in nutrition: 30
Nutrition training received by average US physician during four years in medical school: 2.5 hours
Most common cause of death in the US: Heart attack
How frequently a heart attack kills in the US: Every 45 seconds
Average US man's risk of death from heart attack: 50%
Risk for average US man who avoids the meat-centered diet: 15%
Risk for average US vegan man: 4%
Amount you reduce risk of heart attack if you reduce consumption of animal products by 10 percent: 9%
Amount you reduce risk of heart attack if you reduce consumption of animal products by 50 percent: 45%
Amount you reduce risk by changing to a vegan diet: 90 percent
Meat, dairy, and egg industries claim you should not be concerned about your blood cholesterol if it is: "normal"
Your risk of dying of a disease caused by clogged arteries if your blood cholesterol is "normal": >50%

The Antibiotic Argument:
Percentage of US antibiotics fed to livestock: 55%
Percentage of staph infections resistant to penicillin in 1960: 13%
Percentage of staph infections resistant to penicillin in 1988: 91%
Response of European Economic Community to routine feeding of antibiotics to livestock: Ban
Respons of US meat and pharmaceutical industries to routine feeding of antibiotics to livestock: Full and complete support

The Pesticide Argument:
Percentage of pesticide residues in the US diet supplied by grains: 1%
Percentage of pesticide residues in the US diet supplied by fruits: 4%
Percentage of pesticide residues in the US diet supplied by vegetables: 6%
Percentage of pesticide residues in the US diet supplied by dairy products: 23%
Percentage of pesticide residues in the US diet supplied by meat: 55%
Pesticide contamination of breast milk from meat eating mothers vs non-meat eating: 35 times higher
What USDA tells us: Meat is inspected
Percentage of slaughtered animals inspected for residues of toxic chemicals such as dioxin and DDT: <0.00004%

The Ethical Argument:
Number of animals killed for meat per hour in US: 500,000
Occupation with highest turnover rate in US: Slaughterhouse Worker
Occupation with the highest rate of on-the-job injury in US: Slaughterhouse Worker
Cost to render animal unconscious with "captive bolt pistol": 1 cent
Reason given by meat industry for not using "captive bolt pistol": Too expensive
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Post by AkursedX »

diggitybiggity wrote:

It's easy to spout off a bunch of statistics to support an argument. I want to know who collected these stats, in what manner were they collected, how big their sample was, what the statistical validity is, etc.

Although I'm not arguing that Americans eat way too much meat, I'm not a fan of statistics. To the educated person, like me, all those statistics don't really mean a hell of alot until I can actually see where they got the numbers from and how they were interpeted. To the uneducated buffon, like Steve Kelley, it can produce a biased opinion based on what can potentially be a bunch of bullshit. Why do you think politicians use statistics so much?
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Post by crzyone »

Thats a bunch of bullcrap! Pun intended.

Every time this thread gets bumped, I feel like firing up the BBQ and doing some T-bones and ribs. MMMMMM!!!!
The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Figures don't lie, but liars figure.
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Let's a few of these gems to examine more closely:
diggitybiggity wrote: Percentage of corn grown in US eaten by people: 20%
Percentage of corn grown in US eaten by livestock: 80%
How much of this grain is used domestically and how much is exported? If you're bashing American meat consumption, don't you need to differentiate?
Percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock: 90%
How is "wasted" defined?
Occupation with the highest rate of on-the-job injury in US: Slaughterhouse Worker
This is obvious crap.
Are you asserting that injury rates are higher among slaughterhouse workers than rodeo clowns? bullshit.

TIME and TIME AGAIN I've chastised you for slip-shod drivel like this, yet you persist...

NO sources cited
NO definitions offered
NO methodolgies documented

Next time you want to post without rigorous treatment of facts and figures, just grab one of these instead:

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