Yet another reason why Christianity is pathetic......

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Post by EBSB52 »

lucky80 wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Darwinism is taught in schools as if it were fact.

You keep saying that, yet don't show where scientists use the word, "proof" or where these things are taught as fact. Every science class I have attended constantly reteaches the scientific model: Hypothesis, test, observe, repeat, disprove, theory. A theory is an educated guess, Christianity is presented as THE WAY IT IS.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That is what I meant to say. It is presented as something that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt; when in reality it is a theory that has not been irrefutably proven.

Please, show me a reputable journal that uses the word, "prrof" as something that they are extending. Real science doesn't use that language, but in order to villify science you transpose it and then call science irresponsible and dishonest :scratch: . Let me see your, "PROOF" that legitimate science uses the word, "PROOF" as something they are claiming, not as a word to discuss the ridiculous nature of the word. Proof is a word like utopia, just an unreal standard you try to achieve, but know that you will never be able to.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As for the garden of eden, it's my understanding that contemporary biblical scholars place it's location somewhere in or near modern day Iraq. I don't recall if the Tigris & Euphrates rivers still bear those names, but that was where it supposedly was.

OK..... still, hocus pocus, poofy-woofy, we have people.....the smoke and mirrors dissipate. Furthermore, if Eve was made from Adam's rib, then we have DNA-based cloning, right? Other than the gender issues.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Edit: It is my understanding that Darwin recanted everything about evolutionary theory on his deathbed.

I say this w/o sarcasm, but I beg you to put your understanding into a citation. I do think you did hear this and that you are being honest, I'm just thinking the source was some nut wearing a robe, passing around a plate.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As far as I'm concerned natural selection and evolution are 2 different things.

Evolution is the whole pie, natural selection is just 1 piece of it. In science class we briefly studied some moths in Europe in the 1800's, they were white before the industrial revolution, just like the bark of teh trees they resided upon. After the soot from the factories made the trees darker and darker, they whitest moths stood out and were eaten b predators, namely birds, as they stood out. So only the darker shade of white survived and reproduced, this cycle continued until the species of that moth became brown to black over a short period time. That's evolution: adaptation of an environment's change, or extinction - not real hocus pocus. Now, for man to have evolved from ape, that's a longer stretch..... however, there is that little tailbone thingy.....why did Jebus/God give us a tailbone so we could be like a common animal? Maybe we can just skip over that little issue, it makes Christians uncomfy. We were born as biological herbivoires, that sacrificial lamb bs is to justify killing the animals that we WEREN'T designed to eat.

Oh, another evolution is right at yoyur feet, loyally. We call it, K-9 domesticus, a diiferent species from that of wild dogs, or K-9.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Evolution implies a more complex organism developing out of a less complex one. Natural selection implies adaptation, not new species.

Quit listening to the nutty profiteers in the robes.

ev·o·lu·tion Audio Help /ˌɛvəˈluʃən or, especially Brit., ˌivə-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ev-uh-loo-shuhn or, especially Brit., ee-vuh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane.
2. a product of such development; something evolved: The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research.
3. Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.
4. a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development, as in social or economic structure or institutions.
5. a motion incomplete in itself, but combining with coordinated motions to produce a single action, as in a machine.
6. a pattern formed by or as if by a series of movements: the evolutions of a figure skater.
7. an evolving or giving off of gas, heat, etc.
8. Mathematics. the extraction of a root from a quantity. Compare involution (def. 8).
9. a movement or one of a series of movements of troops, ships, etc., as for disposition in order of battle or in line on parade.
10. any similar movement, esp. in close order drill.

—Synonyms 1. unfolding, change, progression, metamorphosis.
—Antonyms 1. stasis, inactivity, changelessness.

In a nutshell, evolution is change, perhaps you're defining what is actually genesis. What you're trying to say is that ape-to-man evolution theories are such, but evolution theories are so much more than the theory that we may have evolved from ape. See, the chimps in robes that pass the plates at the end of the entertainment try to convolute one and all evolution theories, but that is dishonest and to my knowledge never asserted by Darwin or any other scientists/biologists.
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Post by EBSB52 »

stimpy wrote:So I just skimmed this. Oh so briefly.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>But let me see if I got the gist of it. God cant exist because he couldn't handle hiring enough bouncers? Wow, that's bleak.

When did I ever write that god doesn't exist? I just think the odds are slim and this thread pokes just one hole the theory of Jebus. The thread's main point is that the logistics are difficult to have far < 1 second per person being screened for admission.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I prefer to believe that we are all given eternal life, and eternity has no beginning as well as no end, therefore we all have always existed, therefore we are all part of the consiousness that is God.

And that's one of my points with Christianity, if there were 2 churchs next to each other, 1 had Chrisianity as we know it, stained glass windows, etc and the other had a coffin with a body decaying, which one to you think most would WISH to be true? Aside from wishes, Christianity is irrational, as are most/all religions, so that's why I like science, they don't pretend to understand everything, they just strive to learn more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If there is no God, then our existence is a lie.

Only if you wrap everything around Christianity or whatever god you chose to believe in. If indeed we did evolve from some other species, what would be such a lie? Would it make us less viable as organisms to not have a father floating in the heavens above, one who has a son who looks like Charlie form the Zig Zag package? I don't place my worth on some theory that renders me worthless if it isn't as believed, one that guarantees it's right and all others are created as distractions and frauds. Again, I hve never discounted the possibility of Jebus, nor have I guaranteed that we evolved from another species, I just weigh the available and tangible evidence and make a guess.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fit Christ wherever you choose to into the scenario, personally I don't think that when we die we will have identity, we will simply absorb back into the Godhead consciousness.

I fit Christianity as it is, a cult. Church is a business supposedly not for profit, but the employees of many churches do quite well. As well, churches tend to try to keep groing, so if that isn't a form of profit I don't know what is.
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Post by EBSB52 »

stimpy wrote:And Ed, I live in Salinas. I get enough of belligerent Mexicans. Your avatar would bug the fuck out of me even if it didn't take up half the page.
Ya bro, I'm in Phoenix, so I feel your pain. I just saw that fucking pic and laughed my ass off.
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Post by EBSB52 »

DiggityBiggity wrote:
stimpy wrote:So I just skimmed this. Oh so briefly. But let me see if I got the gist of it. God cant exist because he couldn't handle hiring enough bouncers? Wow, that's bleak. I prefer to believe that we are all given eternal life, and eternity has no beginning as well as no end, therefore we all have always existed, therefore we are all part of the consiousness that is God. If there is no God, then our existence is a lie. Fit Christ wherever you choose to into the scenario, personally I don't think that when we die we will have identity, we will simply absorb back into the Godhead consciousness.

I'm with you Stimptser

I didn't have you as a Christian......
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Post by EBSB52 »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:
EBSB52 wrote:
The Dark Side of Will wrote:
EBSB52 wrote:But thatnks for empirically going thru my assertions point by point :scratch:
Kohburn wrote:but we've gotten into religion discussions before and it was obvious a long time ago that you are just on a soap box and uninterested in seeing another view.
Ditto. EBS, you've made it abundantly clear that you have made up your mind and have absolutely no interest in discussion. You might as well be the lunatic on the street corner holding the "REPENT" sign.

And... yeah, I don't need to go through your assertions as they are irrelevant to the point of being frivolous (the legal definition) in the ontology in which you are trying to argue.
Not true, kinda sad when a guy, who as I recall is an engineer, divorces a post about methodology and assumes one of avoidance..... kinda my point, the scientific method is logical and the religious approach pathetic. Well, you've applied the religious approach to a scientific offering.

I'm not saying there isn't a God or Jebus, I'm just saying the approach to, "prove" that there is one of each is riddled with improbabilities.

I understand; a cop out, running from science to, "prove" Jebus, or at least to avoid evidence that draws the theory of God / Jebus into question. Do you approach your engineering tasks that way too; "I don't need to read all of the test data to know which way we should go with this." BRILLIANT. :scratch:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Avoidance: Is it a doctrine of avoidance when a judge throws out a frivolous argument? No. He doesn't even have to pay attention to it because it's so absurd.



Ac`qui*esce"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Acquiesced; p. pr. & vb. n. Acquiescing] [L. acquiescere; ad + quiescere to be quiet, fr. quies rest: cf. F. acquiescer. See Quiet.]

1. To rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest without opposition and discontent (usually implying previous opposition or discontent); to accept or consent by silence or by omitting to object; -- followed by in, formerly also by with and to.

They were compelled to acquiesce in a government which they did not regard as just. --De Quincey.

2. To concur upon conviction; as, to acquiesce in an opinion; to assent to; usually, to concur, not heartily but so far as to forbear opposition.

Syn: To submit; comply; yield; assent; agree; consent; accede; concur; conform; accept tacitly.

So every argument tht you are unable to successfully and logically impeach, you just deem it frivolous and thumb your nose like Don Notts as the deputy in Andy Griffith in all your smug ignorance. AND YOU'RE A FUCKING ENGINEER???????? Well, that bodes well for the adverse Arabic nations, as I recall you worked on the Apache Longbow - correct me if I'm wrong.

Not to mention you asserting yourself as a judge. No fucking wonder you like God and Jebus, you see yourself as omnipotent. Fuck, I thought you guys left that mentality behind at P.F.F.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If you want to argue the existence or not of the Christian God, then you must argue within the framework established by Christian beliefs. Otherwise you are not logically consistent.

I can argue it from the outside as well, unless, for the sake of argument, I use it as a hypothetical. Yet another attempt by a Christian to get people to buy into the idiocy and then try to discount it. That would be like a murder defendant having to agree that he killed the person, then argue from within that context that he didnot do so. It is logical to impeach Christianity from the outside, while not using Christian litterature and rhetoric.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What you're doing is like saying that some earth moving equipment is a peice of junk because the divergence of a curl is zero. You're not even in the same zip code as far as reasoning goes.

Not even, Christianity and evolution are competing theories, tractors and geometry are in no way directly relevant to each other. Are you feeling ok, engineer?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The real thing you don't get is that science and religion don't overlap. Science can use words like "knowledge" and "evidence". Faith is called "faith" for a reason.

And I don't have an issue with faith as faith, but the thumpers, or at least the visible ones push it as fact that in no way can be different. THEY'RE ALL THEORIES, just that science poses it that way, most religions pose it as irrefutable fact, proof. I would be as critical as I am with religion if we were talking science pushing proof.

Again, the thread is about the improbability of of this so-called God being the way it is written/spoken due to logistical issues.
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Post by Kohburn »

EBSB52 wrote:I dont wanna piss anyone off
lol thats bull because you have a serious habit of using statements and nicknames for people specificaly aimed at mockery. you just don't want to piss of diggity.

you posts are intentionally inflamatory in wording and phrasing. what person in a reasonable conversation or debate would use "jebus" instead of Jesus. your tone is very clear. everyone started ignoring your posts a long time ago because you did the same thing, started an inflamatory debate with hostile tones then when others didn't feel like contributing you claimed it as a "win". its sad really.

I'm honestly sad for you. you must be a very misserable person based ont he amount of hate you spill out onto this forum, and this thread in particular smacks of a sence of injustice or hurt betrayal.

ever think that maybe your problems and the problems of the world aren't God's fault but your own and everyone else's? and actually if you don't believe in God then you MUST believe that.
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Post by Indy »

Kohburn wrote: ever think that maybe your problems and the problems of the world aren't God's fault but everyone else's? and actually if you don't believe in God then you MUST believe that.
Fixed it for you.
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Post by EBSB52 »

Kohburn wrote:
EBSB52 wrote:I dont wanna piss anyone off

I wonder who would declare himself as the first person to turn to an total Ad Hominem. As you notice, no one has addressed what the thread is about, they just post what feels, "comfortable" for them. Guys like Will try to post some nonsense about avoidance in a judicial sense, others have just picked put what they want and avoid the tough issues. HERE's AN AREA:



3) WHY DO WE HAVE ALL OF THE VESTIGIAL ORGANS IF WE HAVEN'T EVOLVED? (a poster, don't care who it was, stated in his own words that evolution was a total morphing of an organism. Evolution, as I evidenced is simply a change.)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lol thats bull because you have a serious habit of using statements and nicknames for people specificaly aimed at mockery. you just don't want to piss of diggity.

I DO ALL I CAN TO GET UNDER PEOPLE'S SKIN; I have never disagreed with that. WHat I really hope is for some interesting discourse where people use data and evidence to impeach my assertions, but no, not here, not in most posting rooms. You can already see the mob mentality stirring. People are inherently insecure and look for a place in the clique's pecking order, Will's was to declare the thread frivolous, yours is start the slander.

Why do you think Tim Russert was praised so highly as a political media interviewer? He didn't let people get away, he hammered them and refused to let tem get away. I'm sure he was considered a dick by many people, esp conservatives. I could be vanilla ice cream here, learn the temperment of the audience here and go with the flow and be thought of as a cool guy. Sorry, I'm not that pathetic. IN justice class I went against the grain too, most students were getting their BA in justice to become pigs, so did I go with the grain as these pig wanna-bes laughed at people's US Const rights? Doubt it.

This forum, not as bad as P.F.F., but here I would have to blend in and be 'one of teh guys' even if if goes against my personal beliefs, or be considered an outsider. Look, kid, I just love to stir debate, not shit, but debate and even if it gets a little ugly, so what. The members who addressed this thread should have the cookies to address my issues rather than to misdirect and avoid, whilst calling me an avoider. Will is a smart guy, he realizes he has to use the, "avoidance card" or try to address an issue that is really hard to answer.

As for pissing off Brian, done it before, not affraid to, just won't go out of my way to do it and try to be considerate. Remember, I'm outed from the clique, so I have less to worry about as for the pecking order.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you posts are intentionally inflamatory in wording and phrasing.

YES!!!! I'd love to get young people to think, even if they hate me. Think about various issues and throw some great discourse back at me, it makes me a better arguer. Just addressing this mythological character named Jesus as, "Jebus" means nothing, just fun. As with calling Bush the Chimp in Chief, so what.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>what person in a reasonable conversation or debate would use "jebus" instead of Jesus. your tone is very clear.

That's called semantics, kid. It gives people an out, so they can act offended, but those same people would find something else to pick on or act offended at something else anyway. Worrying about tone over substance is a loss for the answerer of that assertion.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone started ignoring your posts a long time ago because you did the same thing, started an inflamatory debate with hostile tones then when others didn't feel like contributing you claimed it as a "win". its sad really.

That sounds really thin-skinned. WHo cares if I address Jebus? In an honest objective forum of random people, they might find that naming as immature or not constructive, but the merit is still there and has gone unaddressed; are you gonna be the first to address it or..........

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm honestly sad for you. you must be a very misserable person based ont he amount of hate you spill out onto this forum, and this thread in particular smacks of a sence of injustice or hurt betrayal.

So you chastise me for being too inflamatory, then follow it up by denegration of me. Hmmmmmm. Don't worry, the clique still has your back.

There's no hate in my posts. Illustrate the words you define as hate in this thread and be sure to support it by posting what I was responding to.

Injustice/betrayal? Hmmm, no, just sick of losers using legislators to push their ideology on me and the rest of the country/world.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ever think that maybe your problems and the problems of the world aren't God's fault but your own and everyone else's?

I think my problems are mostly my own doing, as well as my successes are my own doing. How's that, when I catch a touchdown, I praise myself, when I drop a TD pass, I blame myself. Unlike the type who thank Jebus for the catch and blame themselves for the drop. Uh, God's fault, I don't blame anything on an entity yet to be proven who has no control over this venue. Fair enough?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and actually if you don't believe in God then you MUST believe that.

Must believe what? To reiterate, I don't believe there is a God, but I can't discount it as in science we don't dismiss what we cannot disprove. Of course in religion they just write in whatever works, the followers buy into what the boob in the robe says.
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Post by EBSB52 »

Indy wrote:
Kohburn wrote: ever think that maybe your problems and the problems of the world aren't God's fault but everyone else's? and actually if you don't believe in God then you MUST believe that.
Fixed it for you.
Why not address any of the many questions I've posted rather than be the 2nd mob member? Affraid to represent your religion? I didn't state to defend it, just represent it.

As I just wrote, my problems are generally my fault, my accomplishments are to my credit. I do blame this slimy country for matching the rest of the world dollar-for-dollar in military defense, while allowing the crapiest of medical care, that I will blame on the politiciansand their employers, the corporations. Everything else is on me. Can't see in this thread where I've blamed any other entity, but I guess it works for you in your misdirection argument.
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Post by Shaun41178(2) »

as many years of being on forums you still don't get how to use the quote feature properly.

wtf its not that hard.
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Post by slow'n'steady »

OK... I am NOT reading through all of this for a few reasons... Christianity isn't about "science" it is about FAITH!

John 3:16-17
Mathew 17:20
Luke 18:27

As for "science" all i remember is in High School when the teacher mentioned "evolution" i brought up the other "scientific theory" that everything is DEGRESSING which means it is slowly winding down and coming to an end. Which kind of sounds like the opposite of evolution which in it's definition says "as from a simple to a complex form, or of gradual, progressive change"

So science says we are PROGRESSING and getting better as we are DEGRESSING and getting worse? Yeah, i will take jesus over something as contradictory and hypocritical as science...
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Post by EBSB52 »

Shaun41178(2) wrote:as many years of being on forums you still don't get how to use the quote feature properly.

wtf its not that hard.

Ahhhh, Shaun agreed with my points at first, then realized he wanted to not alienate the clique, so he had to cut in here and find a reason to be a dissenter. Hmmm, I have never been the type to follow the crowd, guess that's why I'm outed here - it's worth it. :salute:

I like to respond the way I do, maybe you can next go and find some spelling/punctuation errors.
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Post by EBSB52 »

slow'n'steady wrote:OK... I am NOT reading through all of this for a few reasons... Christianity isn't about "science" it is about FAITH!

John 3:16-17
Mathew 17:20
Luke 18:27


Right, and my point is that we have to disavow logic when we examine that there's < 1 second per person that goes before Jesus/God for admission after we die if things are as they are written by the committee that wrote the Bible. Of course not counting for the interpretation from Hebrew / Latin and the revisions Old Test / New Testament.

And I have no problem with people projecting Christianity as faith, but when they want it so bad that they describe it as fact, which constantly happens, then that gets out there. All religions I'm aware of are irrational, so when people put it forward as rational and logical, again, I reject that and this post was written to assert the improbability of the accuracy of biblical prophecy via logistics.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As for "science" all i remember is in High School when the teacher mentioned "evolution" i brought up the other "scientific theory" that everything is DEGRESSING which means it is slowly winding down and coming to an end. Which kind of sounds like the opposite of evolution which in it's definition says "as from a simple to a complex form, or of gradual, progressive change"

Which theory is that that describes/professes degression? As for your definition of evolution, that is a peripheral defintion. Evolution is really more along the lines of a series of natural selections rendering the most adaptable, most survivable traits to reproduction. The version you have isn't wrong, just a peripheral definition that infers the hocus pocus effect. Science doesn't claim that, science simply states that a species will adapt or die, or if the oranisms within that species have favorable traits for survival then they will survive long enough to reproduce and pass along those genes.

Christianity requires a lot more imagination, hence you must have faith to believe, not that science has all the answers, they admit they don't.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So science says we are PROGRESSING and getting better as we are DEGRESSING and getting worse? Yeah, i will take jesus over something as contradictory and hypocritical as science

This is not Bible study, you need to cite your claim of scientific degression. And if you do, some scientists might feel that we are progressing thru evolution, some might feel the earth decaying / degressing or whatever theroy you have stated. Hell, especially Christianity has several offshoots from the same origin; Christians, Catholics, LDS, Baptists, etc..... What science does is require their scientists who make claims based upon research to post pier-reviewed journals for other scientists to pick apart, this is an open and honest approach, versus Christianity where every sect of Christianity says they're right and everyone else is all fucked up - purely idiotic.

Where does science contradict itself? Cite examples.

Where is science hypocritical? Cite / explain examples.

Bottom line here is that anyone who KNOWS they know the truth is deluded. Having faith, theories are great, swearing and guaranteeing the knowledge of origin and destiny are rubber room stuff. Let's fix the easy stuff like cancer and AIDS, then move on to the more difficult stuff like origin / destiny.
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Post by lucky »

Wow, dude. You can accept that a computer built by a man can do millions of calculations a second, but an all powerful God (if he/she exists) that created man by an act of will can't handle "judging" one.whatever people a second? Christian doctrine (basic scriptural "truth") says that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He knows all, is everywhere, and can do anything. When you die, there is no "time" taken to judge you, He knows what is in your heart.

As far as Adam/Eve incest with yourself discussion, consider that God destroyed man with the flood except for Noah, his sons and their wives. So we're all related to them, who were also all related to adam & eve......(yeah I didn't help myself there). It's still fairly easy to believe that God's perfect design corrupted over X generations since the garden of eden to the point where your sister or cousin having your baby is not cool on very many levels. (That should be a poll: If your sister was the only woman in existence besides your mom, would you do your sister?) It's much more believable than the hindu flood myth that god destroyed the earth with water, except for 1 man who god sent a giant turtle to carry through the flood. After the water receded he fashioned a woman out of butter and replenished the earth through her.

I did not say any source said "proof" of anything. I said evolution is taught as if it were fact. In 99% of the classrooms that the average american might actually pay attention through, evolution is the only theory on the origin of man that is presented with ANY kind of emphasis.

Again it may be semantics, but there is a big difference between breeding certain qualities, and a rat giving birth to a bat, or an ape giving birth to homo-erectus (I know there were other "steps"). As far as I'm concerned, natural selection does not constitute evolution, although the chinese tigers whose habitat got flooded and now have webbed paws intrigues me. As far as natural selection and the human species goes, I said it in a rant on my website last september: "Survival of the fittest went out the window when the TV dinner walked in the front door." Who knows what vestigial organs did in the past? Who's to say they are in fact vestigial? We learn more about our bodies daily. Ya I got nothin on the tailbone.
Your moth story was not an example of evolution. It's exactly what would have happened if Hitler had succeeded in eliminating all the non-Aryans; the human species would have appeared different, but all that really changed was the moths lost a dominant pigment trait, because those who had it were easy targets. The species is still the same. If Nazi's ruled the world, still today there'd be kids born all the time who weren't blond and blue eyed. Hell I've got 3 cousins who all share obvious family facial features with their parents, except that their father is blonde/blue, their mother is dirtyblonde/grey, and the girls are blonde/blue, red/green, and brown/brown. My aunt is french/polish/irish, my uncle is french/polish/lithuanian, it happens.
Moths reproduce fast, and birds eat fast too, so the "bad" pigment traits were lost quickly.

As far as all the problems in the world and where is God when people suffer.
Consider it this way: God gave us free will. Freedom to follow His rules or to not follow His rules. Freedom to love and worship Him, or to turn our backs and walk away. If we didn't have free will, there would be no point to existence, we would just be mindless slaves to an unloving creator. Those who don't follow the rules cause most of the suffering in the world by their actions, when God destroyed man in the flood.

As far as listening to someone in a robe, I think anyone who blindly follows what they are spoon fed is a prime example of what is wrong with this country, religious or not. The church I was raised in was not led by ignorant men. The preachers were educated individuals, who believed what they taught, and there was a clear line between tradition and scripture. I have had conversations in the past with devout catholics and Jehovah's witnesses where they could not refute my logic and understanding of "their" religion. A couple of my favorite points:
1. The Bible says, IIRC 2nd Corinthians, that priests do not need to be celibate. That is a decision that is for the individual to make, and is between that individual and God. Why does catholicism force it upon clergy 'creating' so many pedophiles?
2. Jehovah's believe that only 144,000 people will get into heaven. Considering that there are currently millions of members in their church, and probably also millions of believers already dead, the odds of getting struck by lightning are better than getting into heaven if they're the ones who are right. I'll go practice Voodoo before I join their church; if the odds say I end up in hell anyway, might as well have fun getting there.

Before anyone goes there, I use Hitler as a correlation to those moth hating bastards who built those factories only. I am french, polish, and lithuanian, three countries that all got royally f#cked during WWII. Also let it be noted that I have no sisters, yes 2 of those cousins are hot, and I walked away from the church I was raised in and currently aren't quite sure what I believe, but "The Art of Happiness" by The Dalai Lama changed my life.
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Post by Kohburn »

EBSB52 wrote:So you chastise me for being too inflamatory, then follow it up by denegration of me. Hmmmmmm. Don't worry, the clique still has your back.

There's no hate in my posts. Illustrate the words you define as hate in this thread and be sure to support it by posting what I was responding to.

Injustice/betrayal? Hmmm, no, just sick of losers using legislators to push their ideology on me and the rest of the country/world.
no denegration, just honest pity. I don't hate you EB I feel sorry for you being so unhappy.

not hate in your posts? no hate directed specificly at us, but your posts are dripping with venom about everything you post about.

legistlators pushing ideology? don't know if you've been keeping up ont he times but when it comes to religious freedoms, Christianity is being swept under the rug by the legislators.
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Post by EBSB52 »

lucky80 wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wow, dude. You can accept that a computer built by a man can do millions of calculations a second, but an all powerful God (if he/she exists) that created man by an act of will can't handle "judging" one.whatever people a second?

I thought it was going to be, 'another one of those posts' until I read it all; well written post my friend.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Christian doctrine (basic scriptural "truth") says that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He knows all, is everywhere, and can do anything. When you die, there is no "time" taken to judge you, He knows what is in your heart.

And that's the point of my thread; how is it realistic to think, even on omni-terms that any deity could judge 150k people per day, create these so-called miracles thousands of times per day, and be everywhere everyone, all 6.5 billion people are at all times. This blows way past Twilight Zone stuff. Not saying it isn't real, just that the further we get into this concept, the logistical end, the further I am skeptical of it.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As far as Adam/Eve incest with yourself discussion, consider that God destroyed man with the flood except for Noah, his sons and their wives. So we're all related to them, who were also all related to adam & eve......(yeah I didn't help myself there).

Oh well, the Mormons fit right into this theory!!!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's still fairly easy to believe that God's perfect design corrupted over X generations since the garden of eden to the point where your sister or cousin having your baby is not cool on very many levels. (That should be a poll: If your sister was the only woman in existence besides your mom, would you do your sister?)

I guess it depends upon what she looks like :puke: Naw, not gonna happen, but if we were still 'uncivilized,' primordial animals w/o the social structures we have today, no problem.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It's much more believable than the hindu flood myth that god destroyed the earth with water, except for 1 man who god sent a giant turtle to carry through the flood. After the water receded he fashioned a woman out of butter and replenished the earth through her.

But being much more believable is still generally unbelievable IMO.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I did not say any source said "proof" of anything. I said evolution is taught as if it were fact.

What we're talking here is strength of language and I find that people who use more absolute language, not saying you, but venues, organizations that use absolute language do so because their argument is weak. I see it in court, I see it in church as well as in casual arguments out of these venues. The law uses a standard of proof:

- Reasonable suspicion = 10%ish

- Probable Cause = 25%ish

- Preponderance = >50%

- Beyond a reasonable doubt = 80%ish (the more $ you have, the higher this is)

Trying to apportion proof is like trying to proportion pregnancy.

The church/religion speaks in the concept that there is no question that there is a god and he has a son named Jesus. This is patently incorrect, even if there is a God/Jesus, since there is no direct evidence, we must think of God/Jesus as a theory, unless we want to be irrational/illogical. Evidence I exist is all too present, Evidence the people I know is very present, evidence that we evolved from ape or some other animals isn't complete, hence we must look at it as a theory. Evidence that there is a God/Jesus is only present in tortillas and screen door images (just a joke, take a Ritalin folks!). The presence of God/Jesus is only present in writings that are >2k years old, interpreted for language and revised, as well, reinterpreted differently by different sects. Take all of it for what it's worth, but when I see any oft these entities project an agenda, I doubt I will ever believe a thing they say, which is why science draws me the most near; they beg anyone to disprove their theories.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>In 99% of the classrooms that the average american might actually pay attention through, evolution is the only theory on the origin of man that is presented with ANY kind of emphasis.

Agreed. Why is this? Does science own academia? Is it a political thing and that the gov hates Christianity? They give them tax-free organization, so that's hard to believe. Could it be that Christianity has only one piece of paper that supports it; the Bible. Again, all religions I’ve ever encountered are irrational, not based upon logic but hope, which is subjective and intangible. This is why there is the occasional Koreshian-type group that spins off Christianity. I can think of the Hale-bop Comet folks who committed suicide, but who else did nutty things in the name of science? Religion, Christianity is intangible, how would a school teach it? There are Bible colleges, but they just teach stories of the Bible I imagine. Oh well, now the Christians can plead religious persecution.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Again it may be semantics, but there is a big difference between breeding certain qualities, and a rat giving birth to a bat, or an ape giving birth to homo-erectus (I know there were other "steps").

Evolution doesn't work in 1 generation. Come on, quit trivializing it for the sake of argument.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As far as I'm concerned, natural selection does not constitute evolution, although the chinese tigers whose habitat got flooded and now have webbed paws intrigues me.

Don't know of that incident, but it couldn't have occurred with the same tigers, they don't mutate to adapt. If you look at a cat's claw, there is a sort of web anyway. Post this story, be interested to read it.

As for you not accepting that natural selection is a component of evolution, that brings me back to a thread where I posted that the USA is an Imperialist nation, posted a definition of Imperialism, Will shot back saying he didn't like that definition of Imperialism. Well, sorry, I didn't write the dictionary, I just read it. Same here, if you want to draw up your own definition, have a great time, meanwhile the rest of us will be back here in reality. Please don't take that as an insult, but let's use the common definitions of various elements.

Natural selection is present when a heard of gazelles are being chased by a tiger and the tiger catches the slowest one. This is not an exact science, as the fastest one may be injured and therefore slower that day, but science works off the concept of probability and any of them could be injured at any given time, so the fastest one will usually survive and reproduce. How about bulls, the dominant male has his own harem of cows, so he passes on dominant traits. Natural selection is all around us, occurs everyday, to deny it is as errant as denying the Holocaust, which is a crime that can be sentenced by up to 10 years in Austria, Hitler's home country. Thought I would throw that in since you use a Hitler reference. Again, is it intelligent to deny a simple concept of natural selection, one that is present all around us today? I understand that since it is the foundational block of the theory of evolution, that if you can disprove the foundation, the rest of the theory crumbles, a very typical way to attack a belief. But is it intelligent to think that Jesus decides which tiger gets to eat which gazelle based on luck, based on Jesus making the tiger attack which gazelle? I mean, itis simple reasoning that the slowest will get eaten, furthermore, if a tiger isn't fast enough to catch anything, it will die as well and not reproduce: if you don't call that natural selection, what do you call it?

Natural selection is the process by which favorable heritable traits become more common in successive generations of a population of reproducing organisms, and unfavorable heritable traits become less common, due to differential reproduction of genotypes. Natural selection acts on the phenotype, or the observable characteristics of an organism, such that individuals with favorable phenotypes are more likely to survive and reproduce than those with less favorable phenotypes. The phenotype's genetic basis, genotype associated with the favorable phenotype, will increase in frequency over the following generations. Over time, this process may result in adaptations that specialize organisms for particular ecological niches and may eventually result in the emergence of new species. In other words, natural selection is the mechanism by which evolution may take place in a population of a specific organism.

"In other words, natural selection is the mechanism by which evolution may take place in a population of a specific organism."

Like the language? Not absolute, therefore not with an agenda. But natural selection isn't really in question as we can find examples al around us, other than not liking the definition of the term, can debunk what NS states? Can you find another reason why the slowest gazelle gets caught and doesn't pass on its traits at all or as frequently as the survivors? Is it Jesus imposing his will? What is your explanation?


Natural selection is the process by which favorable heritable traits become more common in successive generations of a population of reproducing organisms, and unfavorable heritable traits become less common, due to differential reproduction of genotypes. Natural selection acts on the phenotype, or the observable characteristics of an organism, such that individuals with favorable phenotypes are more likely to survive and reproduce than those with less favorable phenotypes. The phenotype's genetic basis, genotype associated with the favorable phenotype, will increase in frequency over the following generations. Over time, this process may result in adaptations that specialize organisms for particular ecological niches and may eventually result in the emergence of new species. In other words, natural selection is the mechanism by which evolution may take place in a population of a specific organism.


I need to read more Darwin:

[edit] Darwin's hypothesis
Between 1842 and 1844, Charles Darwin outlined his theory of evolution by natural selection as an explanation for adaptation and speciation. He defined natural selection as the "principle by which each slight variation [of a trait], if useful, is preserved".[34] The concept was simple but powerful: individuals best adapted to their environments are more likely to survive and reproduce.[35] As long as there is some variation between them, there will be an inevitable selection of individuals with the most advantageous variations. If the variations are inherited, then differential reproductive success will lead to a progressive evolution of particular populations of a species, and populations that evolve to be sufficiently different might eventually become different species.

To me, that is solid.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As far as natural selection and the human species goes, I said it in a rant on my website last september: "Survival of the fittest went out the window when the TV dinner walked in the front door."

Altho is it true that contemporary humans have bastardized NS, our alpha males are Bill Gates and everyone here’s favorite, G Bush, it is still present today. But phenotype genes are replaced by $$$. If you are born into a rich family, you are born with a great phenotype. However reproduction isn’t dependent upon this and often the worst traits end up being reproduced more often than are desirable traits. Survival in a contemporary human society revolves around the ability to create capital, so those who are genetically the most able to create capital will survive, but will they reproduce.

But evolution from the start of time or the start of man occurred how many millions of years ago? When Darwin speaks of human evolution there were no TV dinners, no cars, no other distractions or luxuries. And Darwin referred to times before civilization with his theories of human evolution, so to bring in TV dinners is cute, but not in context with Darwin’s theory of evolution and/or NS. But yes, human NS and evolution have changed with modernity.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Who knows what vestigial organs did in the past? Who's to say they are in fact vestigial? We learn more about our bodies daily.

Whales have leg bones, were they on the way out or the way in?

Vestigial structures are often called vestigial organs, although many of them are not actually organs. These are typically in a degenerate, atrophied, or rudimentary condition,[1] and tend to be much more variable than similar parts. Although structures usually called "vestigial" are largely or entirely functionless, a vestigial structure may retain lesser functions or develop minor new ones.[2] However, care must be taken not to apply the label of vestigiality to exaptation, in which a structure originally used for one purpose is modified for a new one. For example, the wings of penguin would not be vestigial, as they have been modified for a substantial new purpose (underwater locomotion), while those of an emu would be, as they have no major purpose anymore (not even for display as in ostriches).

All we have to go from is that there are tissues or organs that are no longer needed, there is a genetic passing of these tissues/structures along, structure = function, so we can just surmise that there was a reason at some point that we needed them. No fact, just evidence that can be selectively ignored or try to reason them.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ya I got nothin on the tailbone.

We can’t intelligently ignore it, is it on the way out or the way in? It does lead one to believe we could have evolved from some creature that had a tail - pretty strong evidence.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your moth story was not an example of evolution.

It’s adaptation to an environmental change. You don’t have to like it, but it fits every definition of NS.

Natural selection is the process by which favorable heritable traits become more common in successive generations of a population of reproducing organisms, and unfavorable heritable traits become less common, due to differential reproduction of genotypes.

It is more favorable to have a color that disguises with the environment. A chameleon would not eat all the time if it didn’t change color. I understand your desire to throw out NS so you can then claim the T.of E. is all BS, I do understand your tactic, but to claim NS, a phenomenon that is clear all around us today in most/all species is void is just dishonest. To claim the theory that we evolved from apes, well, you could make a reasonable claim there.

So yes, the moth adapting to its changing environment IS an example of natural selection, since the most desirable traits have been passed along.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It's exactly what would have happened if Hitler had succeeded in eliminating all the non-Aryans; the human species would have appeared different, but all that really changed was the moths lost a dominant pigment trait, because those who had it were easy targets. The species is still the same.

Exactly the same, but entirely different in regard to color, the only thing that changed in their environment. So they are very different. Appearance is an element of adaptation and NS. Here we go:

Natural selection acts on the phenotype, or the observable characteristics of an organism, such that individuals with favorable phenotypes are more likely to survive and reproduce than those with less favorable phenotypes.

Observable characteristics are color, do we agree?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If Nazi's ruled the world, still today there'd be kids born all the time who weren't blond and blue eyed.

You’re assuming what a madman might have done in a given situation, let’s not get too far out there. Sure, recessive genetics would bear differing characteristics, but they might have been exterminated until all non-blue/blond recessives were washed from the cycle. But yes, if both the mother and the father have 1 recessive and 1 dominant, the recessives get selected for the offspring, that recessive trait will be evident in the offspring, a 1:4 long shot. NS isn’t an exact science, as most science, it deals with probability. If you’re looking for some grease ball peddling an absolute, go to court and listen to a lawyer or go to church and listen to the used car salesman peddling religion. Science doesn’t pretend to know it all, unlike the other 2. BTW, GW Bush is the president, are we sure Nazis don’t rule the world.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hell I've got 3 cousins who all share obvious family facial features with their parents, except that their father is blonde/blue, their mother is dirtyblonde/grey, and the girls are blonde/blue, red/green, and brown/brown. My aunt is french/polish/irish, my uncle is french/polish/lithuanian, it happens.

What did the mailman look like? JK….No, it is simple recessive genetics, via Mendel, the father of genetics.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Moths reproduce fast, and birds eat fast too, so the "bad" pigment traits were lost quickly.

Right, which establishes why a moth can evolve in a few generation cycles, whereas human evolution takes waaaaaaaaaay longer. But it’s still the same NS platform.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As far as all the problems in the world and where is God when people suffer.
Consider it this way: God gave us free will. Freedom to follow His rules or to not follow His rules. Freedom to love and worship Him, or to turn our backs and walk away. If we didn't have free will, there would be no point to existence, we would just be mindless slaves to an unloving creator. Those who don't follow the rules cause most of the suffering in the world by their actions, when God destroyed man in the flood.

Well, that’s nice Christian philosophy that people should live by with or w/o believing in a god, any god, but it doesn’t explain our origin in any kind of complex form.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As far as listening to someone in a robe, I think anyone who blindly follows what they are spoon fed is a prime example of what is wrong with this country, religious or not. The church I was raised in was not led by ignorant men. The preachers were educated individuals, who believed what they taught, and there was a clear line between tradition and scripture. I have had conversations in the past with devout catholics and Jehovah's witnesses where they could not refute my logic and understanding of "their" religion. A couple of my favorite points:
1. The Bible says, IIRC 2nd Corinthians, that priests do not need to be celibate. That is a decision that is for the individual to make, and is between that individual and God. Why does catholicism force it upon clergy 'creating' so many pedophiles?
2. Jehovah's believe that only 144,000 people will get into heaven. Considering that there are currently millions of members in their church, and probably also millions of believers already dead, the odds of getting struck by lightning are better than getting into heaven if they're the ones who are right. I'll go practice Voodoo before I join their church; if the odds say I end up in hell anyway, might as well have fun getting there.

This is kinda my point: Christianity is so dividing within that it grenades itself in many ways. People get tired of following their cult, so they diverge - the Mormons are worst IMO.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Before anyone goes there, I use Hitler as a correlation to those moth hating bastards who built those factories only. I am french, polish, and lithuanian, three countries that all got royally f#cked during WWII. Also let it be noted that I have no sisters, yes 2 of those cousins are hot, and I walked away from the church I was raised in and currently aren't quite sure what I believe, but "The Art of Happiness" by The Dalai Lama changed my life.

It’s an analogy, no need to qualify yourself. I’m Irish, so I can talk all the trash about drunks that I want to.
cactus bastard
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Post by cactus bastard »

lucky80 wrote: In 99% of the classrooms that the average american might actually pay attention through, evolution is the only theory on the origin of man that is presented with ANY kind of emphasis. [/i]
That's because it's the only theory on the origin of man with any kind of credibility (ie. significant amounts of evidence that support it). What else are they supposed to tell the kids?
"A lot of people believe theory x - because they want to"
"A Lot of other people believe theory y - because they want to"

Oh wait, they do teach about the varied religious beliefs. But not in Science class, sorry.

Btw, I did read this whole thread, and EBSB52, your arguments were pretty weak.

If faith is dependent on the refusal to form your own opinions based on available evidence, why bother trying to argue against it? It's not something that even CAN be argued. If you want a debate, pick a topic that's debatable. Besides, if there were a god, and he WAS all powerful, all knowing, etc. and he DID have such a vast excess of power that he created the entire universe on a whim, I'm sure he could handle sorting people when they die.
Why would you eat bad ice cream?
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Post by EBSB52 »

cactus bastard wrote:
lucky80 wrote: In 99% of the classrooms that the average american might actually pay attention through, evolution is the only theory on the origin of man that is presented with ANY kind of emphasis. [/i]
That's because it's the only theory on the origin of man with any kind of credibility (ie. significant amounts of evidence that support it). What else are they supposed to tell the kids?
"A lot of people believe theory x - because they want to"
"A Lot of other people believe theory y - because they want to"

Oh wait, they do teach about the varied religious beliefs. But not in Science class, sorry.

Btw, I did read this whole thread, and EBSB52, your arguments were pretty weak.

If faith is dependent on the refusal to form your own opinions based on available evidence, why bother trying to argue against it? It's not something that even CAN be argued. If you want a debate, pick a topic that's debatable. Besides, if there were a god, and he WAS all powerful, all knowing, etc. and he DID have such a vast excess of power that he created the entire universe on a whim, I'm sure he could handle sorting people when they die.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Btw, I did read this whole thread, and EBSB52, your arguments were pretty weak.

Yet you didn't bother to impeach them, one by one. Your counter is about as intelligent as Will's; you simply declare the issue moot, insignificant and arrogantly stroll away. I sense bastard has a little self-annointed omnipotence.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If faith is dependent on the refusal to form your own opinions based on available evidence, why bother trying to argue against it? It's not something that even CAN be argued.

Where did I state or infer that a person must refuse to form their own opinions based upon available evidence? All I stated or inferred was that in order to believe in a god, a person must discard any scientific model. In fact, where did I state anything about forming a person’s own opinion? Other than talking about Brian’s position here or the definition of, “acquiesceâ€
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Post by Indy »

If you're arguing based on improbabilites and odds, I propose that none of us actually exist either. What are the odds of evolving from a big gooey soup again, anyway? I'd hazard a guess that it's less likely than a very smart creature being able to sort through the deaths in this world.

And yet here we are.

The fact is that this world is not dependent on probabilities. To say that your initial argument "pokes a hole" in Christian theology, no less, is absurd.

Maybe God uses a laptop and a big Excel spreadsheet.
All I stated or inferred was that in order to believe in a god, a person must discard any scientific model.
Explain to me why that is. Does assuming that humans are the absolute evolutionary "peak" of this universe (or whatever) fit with any scientific procedure or modelling?
cactus bastard
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Post by cactus bastard »

No, that's not my argument. You misinterpreted some of my comments. I said your posts were "weak", not flat out wrong. I didn't really even have an argument actually, as I agree with most of the fundamentals behind yours. I was just pointing out that I found little insight or intelligence in the things you've been saying.
EBSB52 wrote:Yet you didn't bother to impeach them, one by one....
No that's why I even mentioned that I read the whole thread. It was a (rather subtle) acknowledgment of the fact that I was responding to very little of it. There were other things I would rather be doing last night. I am pretty bored tonight though :thumbleft:

Personally, I see zero indication of a god, so I obviously don't believe in one. A lot of people do believe in a god, a god whose entire existence, not to mention his powers or limitations are limited solely by the creativity and imagination of the people who choose to believe in him.

So why bother dispute what he can or can't do? It's like Will was saying earlier, if you want to argue what god is or isn't capable of, you have to realize where those assertions are going to come from.
EBSB52 wrote: Where did I state that a person must refuse to form their own opinions based upon available evidence? ... All I stated ... where did I state ... I didn’t mention ... statements I did make etc.
Actually, I wasn't talking about you at all. What I was stating, is that faith is not based on anything quantifiable. It has nothing to do with things that can be measured, tested etc. If somebody wishes to believe in something, despite the lack of any sort of evidence, they've obviously got very strong [other] reasons behind their faith.
EBSB52 wrote: As for the, “…dependent on the refusal to form your own opinions based on available evidence…â€
Why would you eat bad ice cream?
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