We gotta have a Rove thread

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Post by eHoward »

I don't care to debate the war but if Rove did this, he should be tried and if convicted, sentanced to the fullest extent of the law.

I don't care what side you're on, what Rove probably did was clearly wrong and illegal.
diggitybiggity wrote: Karl Rove ... outed a C.I.A. agent to keep a whistle blower in line.. and for this.. he should be hung for treason

Post by DiggityBiggity »


Mmhmm.. yeah.. hide from that..

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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Kohburn wrote:I don't care what reason the whitehouse gave the UN for going in there - it needed to be done

Don't get me started on the UN. Kofi Anon is a waste of oxygen that I could put to better use.
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

diggitybiggity wrote:The fight was brought to our doorstep by Al Qaida.. not Iraq.. stop trying to connect the two.. Bush has already had to admit that they have no evidence Iraq and the Sept 11th attacks were related..
Al Qaida is basically everywhere. They are a multi-national terrorist organization... Like Cobra, only not so well funded. Where's GI Joe when you need them?

Nothing I do or say will affect the fate of Mr. Rove. I'd rather just whip you into a frothing rage. It's more fun.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

LOL Darkside!! I love the Cobra reference!! Being a child of the 80's and all :)

Good work!

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Post by 88GTneverfinsihed »

Pinnochio and Gepetto (aka bush and rove) are in full on weasal squirm mode.

If they were dems, impeacment hearings would already be underway.

But lord knows, a blowjob and stained dress are much more serious than lying the country into war and taking revenge on the detractors.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Thank you.. you fucking know what's up..

Wow.. someone with a brain.. go figure

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"Thanks G-D!"Biggity

Post by DiggityBiggity »

diggitybiggity wrote:http://dccc.org/rove_small.wmv
Got nothing to say?? After hearing both Scott McClellan and GW say they were going to fire anyone involved? Shut all you guys up real quick huh?

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Post by 88GTneverfinsihed »

this topic is raging over on the other. Pretty entertaining actually.

fierobear and jrm gotta be the 2 biggest retards i have ever encountered.

another day, a little more comes out. This has all the trademarks of something spinning out of control. First straight denial, then attack the source, then in final desperation admit it but say it wasn't wrong.

the tactics are so typical it really amazes me how anyone still falls for it.
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Post by Joe_Schmo »

I don't see execution as the right thing. That is usually reserved for traitors that actually get some one directly killed by their actions. But Firing seems a absolute requirement. Maybe administrative leave until the investigation and conviction is over. And then firing, and jail.

I don't understand why the Bush administration didn't demand Rumsfield to step down over the prisoner abuse thing. I don't understand why this guy isn't being kicked to the curb. It isn't to anyones political advantage to protect these people. You'd think these power hungry sharks would just dump anyone that they considered a burden. But they don't. It's pathetic.
"You ask so many questions,
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or just existential blues?"

Post by DiggityBiggity »

We don't know if anyone was killed because of this.. outing Valerie could have cost the lives of countless C.I.A. agents.. during war time, crimes of treason are punishable by death..

Why didn't they fire Rummy or Rove yet? Because this entire administration needs these people.. there aren't enough sociopathic mentalities out there.. and these men are just that, sociopaths.. killing, stealing, and lying to our faces for their own power and greed..

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Post by Joe_Schmo »

diggitybiggity wrote:there aren't enough sociopathic mentalities out there..
I disagree, there are too many of them. And worse yet they are probably standing in line just waiting to get in. They have a huge crowd of them over at congress. And there seems to be alot of them at all the other levels of goverment. I think we have a process that guarantees that those are the only people willing to participate.

(edited because I can't spell worth a.....)
"You ask so many questions,
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Post by DiggityBiggity »

Scary though.. but you may be right

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Diggity"Hate to think like that.. but reality isn't always pretty"Biggity
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Post by 88GTneverfinsihed »

and today, Bushie requalifies his statement on firing anyone involved to only firing them if they are convicted of a crime.

So Rove dances the legal line by not actually saying her name and does a backhanded confirmation to the reporters and he's all good as far as George goes. And we all know, if it's good for George, it's good for merika. :knob:

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Calling John Kerry(I hate that man too) a flip flopper is laughable.. This administration is the most criminal since Ray-guns..

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Diggity"The American Empire is about to fall"Biggity
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Post by Joe_Schmo »

Actually he said anyone who has commited a crime.

Furthermore the law protect covert agents does not require a name being mentioned for it to count as revealing. But it does require that the agent in question is know as a covert agent by the person revealing them. And that's where the legal weasels will go to work. She had spent the last few years working at the CIA headquarters, not as a field agent.
"You ask so many questions,
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Is this schizoid paranoia,
or just existential blues?"

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Joe.. First of all, he only recently stated if the person committed a crime.. that is a flip flop, watch the video I posted, they clearly state anyone INVOLVED.. nothing to do with a crime..

Second.. you don't have to be a foreign agent to be under cover.. she was still a covert operative who ran a huge operation that was under cover.. her neighbors and everyone she knew were not aware of what she did..

If someone is unsure of whether or not information is classified, it is on their head to make sure it isn't, before they talk about it..

Look into the past videos, Bush and the rest of his administration said ANYONE INVOLVED would be fired.. it is only now they use this "Criminal" status..

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Post by Joe_Schmo »

What do you mean by foreign agent? You use sloppy terminology.

While I don't agree with it. I think the cover they will use for Rove is that she was working out of the CIA headquarters for 5 years and that he didn't know she was a covert (undercover) agent. First this is a weak arguement. Secondly why would the CIA have a covert agent work at their headquarters, that's just plain dumb. But I'm not surprised the CIA did something that stupid. I spent a few years working at the NSA (The National Security Agency) and was continuely amazed by how stupid the CIA could be. And the sloppy methods they called security.

I got the information on the wording on the law from an interview with Victoria Toensing, chief counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committe when the CIA leak law was drafted. I feel fairly confident that her interpetation of the meaning of the law is more accurate than yours.
"You ask so many questions,
what answers should I choose,
Is this schizoid paranoia,
or just existential blues?"

Post by DiggityBiggity »

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