Bush's Rhetoric Not Matching Reality

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Post by EBSB52 »

Kohburn wrote:
EBSB52 wrote: The Repugs are at least wise enough to either abstain from arguments llike the one in this thread, and I'm not cornering any Repugs here, but nationally. They are wise enough to continually defer to unrelated, irrelevant nothingness as opposed to addressing substantive issues like homelessness, health insurance, jobs, execution of the innocent, and other classist core issues that the Repugs fear.

I compell any Repugs here to address these, but first start by addressing the enumerated post above..... crickets.... won't happen. I feel sorry for the Repugs not being able to argue the merits of their ideologies; no wonder they're often angry......
thats because saying anything in here would be about as effective as a black man walking into a Klan meeting and debating with them about how their hate is unjust. Now like the smart man - i'ma run along now before the lynch mob forms up
Not that I needed the help, but thanks for reinforcing my point. When Clinton got blown and lied, the Dems were willing to talk about it and any subsequent fallout. But when any Repug issue arises the Repugs bow out. I guess they can since they have control of the entire fucking country, but I guess they can never defend the fact that this country goes down the toidy when ever the Repugs are in control either.
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Post by richfiero »

I had a surprised look on my face when I herd about the planes hitting had a surprised look on my face when I herd about the planes hitting the world trade center. He waited a little bit because the media was their and if he would of ran outside ripped off his shirt and scream hit me instead he would be a mockery of are nation.

Bush is also the person who asked the Gov. and Mayor 48+ hours before the Hurricane hit to issue a mandatory evactuation. Blanco and Nagin (both democrats) waited until 18 hours before the hurricane hit to issue the mandatory evactuation. For those of you can't add, they waited 30 hours after Bush asked for it. Again, it's called State's rights and Bush can't issue the order, it has to be the local government.

To make matters worse, thousands of people were taken to the Superdome to ride out the storm. All of this when the City of New Orleans excellent Hurricane Preparedness Plan.....

1.)As soon as a hurricane reaches Category 3 intensity, it is the MAYOR's exclusive responsibility to implement a FORCED evacuation2

2.)The plan states that all public transportation systems (buses, etc.) are to be used, and are to be assisted by city police.

Again, both clear cut plans, both ignored by the democratic Gov. and Mayor. I'm sure most people don't know that 2 blocks, 2 BLOCKS! away from the superdome were enough school buses to get 16,000+ people to safety plus other publican transportation throughout the city which would have taken even more.
Last edited by richfiero on Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by richfiero »

Taken from Page 9 of STATE OF LOUISIANA Office of Homeland Security and
Emergency Preparedness


A. The Governor is responsible for the coordinated delivery of all emergency services, public, quasi volunteer, and private, during a natural, technological and/or national security emergency/disaster situation. The Governor has delegated the LOHSEP Director the authority to implement this plan, and to direct State level emergency operations through the regularly constituted governmental structure.

B. In the event of an emergency/disaster, the needed elements of State government will be in the State EOC located at 7667 Independence Boulevard in Baton Rouge. Should the primary EOC become inoperative, isolated, and/or unusable, the LOHSEP Director shall issue relocation instructions to deployment teams for the preparation of the alternate State EOC at Camp Beauregard or at another location to be determined at the time.

The whole document can be found here if anyone would like to read it.

http://www.loep.state.la.us/plans/STATE ... 202005.doc
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Post by Kohburn »

yeah it does go downhill - because of the policies put into place by the last dem president - who gets credit for the upswing in the economy generated by policies that were put into place by the republican president before him.

i think you're point is more that repubs are confident in what they know - while dems feel the need to jawflap and try to "convert" or belittle repubs with whatever their often extremely liberal point of view is..

personally i'm middle of the road - I've voted rep and dem - i've even been registered as both at one time or another - I personally don't care if someone is democrat or republican - I go by the issues and where they stand.

but almost everything I see you post is extremist - and there is no debating with extremists - just a useless waste of time - like arguing with a jehovas witness
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Post by EBSB52 »

Kohburn wrote: yeah it does go downhill - because of the policies put into place by the last dem president - who gets credit for the upswing in the economy generated by policies that were put into place by the republican president before him.

i think you're point is more that repubs are confident in what they know - while dems feel the need to jawflap and try to "convert" or belittle repubs with whatever their often extremely liberal point of view is..

personally i'm middle of the road - I've voted rep and dem - i've even been registered as both at one time or another - I personally don't care if someone is democrat or republican - I go by the issues and where they stand.

but almost everything I see you post is extremist - and there is no debating with extremists - just a useless waste of time - like arguing with a jehovas witness
yeah it does go downhill - because of the policies put into place by the last dem president - who gets credit for the upswing in the economy generated by policies that were put into place by the republican president before him.

Which economic generation, largest tax increase in history? Read my what? You Repubs need to figure out of you like taxes or not, indebtedness or not because you talk all this 'no taxes' BS and then run the economy and general financial state of the nation inot the crapper. Don't believe me, look it up.

i think you're point is more that repubs are confident in what they know - while dems feel the need to jawflap and try to "convert" or belittle repubs with whatever their often extremely liberal point of view is..

More examples - less rhetoric.

personally i'm middle of the road - I've voted rep and dem - i've even been registered as both at one time or another - I personally don't care if someone is democrat or republican - I go by the issues and where they stand.

Riiiiight. Regostered in 2 different parties? Isn't taht against the law? I don't see you as middle of the road, but that isn't important to this matter. You're a chimp lover, so if you want to defend him, list all the credible things he's done while in office for 4 1/2 years.... I bet you don't.
but almost everything I see you post is extremist - and there is no debating with extremists - just a useless waste of time - like arguing with a jehovas witness

but almost everything I see you post is extremist - and there is no debating with extremists - just a useless waste of time - like arguing with a jehovas witness

I've losted many issues / questions, so if you want to be a chickenshit, then fine - we all see that. If you would like clarification, then ask. I will enumerate any/all questions for you, but I realize you would rather defer to rhetoric about extremism and tangent to Jehova Witnesses.
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Post by Kohburn »

ooh so now i'm chicken shit? typical mudslinging -

as for registering as demo or repub - they were at different times not simultaniuously - damn you are a fucking retard
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Post by EBSB52 »

Kohburn wrote:ooh so now i'm chicken shit? typical mudslinging -

as for registering as demo or repub - they were at different times not simultaniuously - damn you are a fucking retard
What you initially wrote was:

i've even been registered as both at one time or another

Then, after I say that you can't register as both at the same time, you write:

as for registering as demo or repub - they were at different times not simultaniuously - damn you are a fucking retard

I guess it's my fault for expecting proper English from a fuckwipe. What you meant to initially write was: I've even been registered as either at one time or another.

It really changes the meaning a lot. Maybe I should get my GF's nephew to extrapolate your gibberish next time.

Yes, you are a chickenshit punk for running from the issues. Don't worry, it is so status quo with the Pugnicans.
The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

EBSB52 wrote:I guess it's my fault for expecting proper English from a fuckwipe.

Yes, you are a chickenshit punk for running from the issues.

Let's look at another problem of scale...
I believe that someone in this or another thread mentioned 5K soldiers...
N'awlins proper, in the last census, had a population of ~1/2M.
What are 5,000 soldiers going to do in a city of 500,000 people, even if half of the populace managed to get out? Ever tried to herd 50-100 panicking people anywhere by yourself?
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Post by Kohburn »

EBSB52 wrote: :blah5: :blah5: :blah5: :blah5:
since you obviously are too stupid to understand varying dialect slang via context i'll give you a little mathamatics..

you = hostile extremist liberal

political debate + you = waste of time

so you can preach all the extremist propoganda you want but i feel no need to cast anything other than shit into an already monsterous mountain of shit.

will your non stop insults it amazes me that you honestly think you deserve some sort of a responce - oh but you don't its a common extremist tactic to chase off the people who don't agree with you do try and make your stance seem right.

hot under the colar yet? :angry: - I hope so - it only makes extremists lose credability
The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Also, I guarantee that there are MAYBE 100 helicopters working on the rescue effort. What are they going to do with thousands of people?

The Bataan and Iwo Jima (LARGE amphibious assault ships, ~50,000 tons or about half the displacement of an aircraft carrier fully loaded) were sortied from Norfolk to N'awlins last week. I might be going down there at the end of next week to help.

At any rate, while initial response might have been sluggish, things are in full swing now and people who are laying blame need to SHUT THE FUCK UP and do something productive...
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