So the chimp will just pass along the missery to the old

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So the chimp will just pass along the missery to the old

Post by EBSB52 »

House GOP Seeks to Offset Katrina Spending
By DOUGLASS K. DANIEL, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 9 minutes ago

House Republinazis are looking at delaying some federal spending, including money for a prescription drug benefit under Medicare and thousands of highway projects, to offset the cost of rebuilding the Gulf Coast, a leading GOP fiscal conservative said Sunday.

Rep. Mike Pence (news, bio, voting record), R-Ind., said there is a need for dramatic spending cuts in "big-ticket items."

Raising taxes or not making permanent the president's tax cuts is not the answer now, said Pence, head of the Republican Study Group, the spearhead group for the GOP's most conservative members.

"We simply cannot break the bank of the federal budget," Pence told ABC's "This Week."

"We simply can't allow a catastrophe of nature to become a catastrophe of debt for our children and grandchildren," he said.

The drug benefit program, set to begin Jan. 1, is expected to cost $40 billion a year. Last month President Bush signed a $286.4 billion highway bill that has been criticized for including about 6,000 projects added by lawmakers to benefit their districts and states.

Setting aside all of those additional highway projects and delaying the drug benefit by a year are expected to be among the proposals House Republicans are preparing for "Operation Offset" this week, Pence said.

"We need to rebuild," he said. "We can find the cuts in Washington, D.C., to do that, I really believe that."

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said tax increases will not be a part of the recovery plan he intends to offer this week. Although cuts in spending and delays in spending already approved will not be in his proposal, Vitter said he is open to considering such actions.

Vitter said people should not take on faith that Republicans will make cuts in light of the high spending during the Bush administration.

"We haven't been disciplined enough over the last 10 years. We need to do that, and we needed to do that before Katrina. We still need to do that over the medium and long term," Vitter said.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (news, bio, voting record), R-S.C., said an across-the-board cut in spending, excluding defense spending, would be appropriate. He suggested lawmakers consider delaying the drug benefit and review the highway and energy bills passed this summer. The energy bill totaled $12.3 billion over 10 years.

"We're failing when it comes to controlling spending," Graham told "Fox News Sunday."

"The idea that this government of $2.4 trillion is efficiently being spent I disagree with," he said.

Former President Clinton said that Democrats should oppose policies that result in the government borrowing more money from other countries to pay for the costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, rebuilding the Gulf Coast and providing tax cuts to the wealthiest.

He said Democrats should make those policies an issue in next year's congressional elections.

"We depend on Japan, China, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Korea primarily to basically loan us money every day of the year," Clinton said. "I don't think it makes any sense. I think it's wrong."


Right, we cannot raise taxes on his buddies and pay for the disaster in La when the rest of teh taxpayers are paying for the disaster in Iraq.

This should surprise no one. The chimp will do anything to stay in Iraq and the keep his chimp-loving pals rich........ geniuses who vote for the Chimp.....

Vitter, a Republinazi from La said, "We haven't been disciplined enough over the last 10 years. We need to do that, and we needed to do that before Katrina. We still need to do that over the medium and long term," Vitter said."

Uh, let's talk last 5 years, oh chimp-lover from the south. Explain how Clinton wasn't discip[lined in his taxation and in his spemding when he has left the only surplus in how many decades of Republinazis? That's a chimp-lover trying to spread the balme for 5 years of record unemployment, record deficits, and many other ill records. Please, Nazi, get your facts straight.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

I couldn't agree with you more

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Re: So the chimp will just pass along the missery to the old

Post by Kohburn »

EBSB52 wrote:5 years of record unemployment
uh yeah lets blame bush for the economical slump caused by 9-11.. the job market right now is actually very stong

and i never hear you complain about the senators for any of this stuff - do you honestly think the pres is the all powerful monarch of the US?
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Post by p8ntman442 »

bush sucks, and the democratic party is so incompetent, they cant produce a candidate capable of beating him. Way to go both parties.
"I wanna make a porno starring us. Well, not just us, also these two foreign bitches."

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Both parties are corporate controlled... Red and Blue is just a way to seperate the population, and make us fight with one another, instead against the real problem...

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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Let's blame W for bringing about hurricane Katrina, too, while we're at it. Come on, you know you want to.

Government funded retirement is a waste of money anyway.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

I'm not blaming him for the hurricane... however, he did cut funding when this was known...

Read the article... now read his quote...

Bush: "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees"

Then listen to the mayor...


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Post by Shaun41178(2) »


Post by DiggityBiggity »

Once again, you are successful in making me laugh...

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Re: So the chimp will just pass along the missery to the old

Post by EBSB52 »

Kohburn wrote:
EBSB52 wrote:5 years of record unemployment
uh yeah lets blame bush for the economical slump caused by 9-11.. the job market right now is actually very stong

and i never hear you complain about the senators for any of this stuff - do you honestly think the pres is the all powerful monarch of the US?
uh yeah lets blame bush for the economical slump caused by 9-11.. the job market right now is actually very stong

1. Bush's Republinaziism was in effect in regard to treatment of employees, which is evident with his axing of the Ergonomics Bill.

2. 9/11 happened and the airlines were introuble. Chimp's reaction was to give the airlines millions of $$ to stay afloat while not requiring them to maintain their employees. Sometime in 2001 chimp disallowed the airline mechs from striking with American and Northwest Airlines. Then, after the airline workers were out of a job and 100's of millions were given to them Hoover style, there was great unemployment and chimp allowed a 3 moth extension of unemp benefits and then axed a new extension passed by Congress.

3. Bush has done everything pro-business and anti-worker his entire time in office, so let's be intelligent before defending the chimp's record toward employees.

Job market string now? Where is your data? I agree it is better than it was after chimp's 1st term.... you know, first chimp in history to actually have a gross job loss..... That was over 3 years beyond 9/11...

and i never hear you complain about the senators for any of this stuff - do you honestly think the pres is the all powerful monarch of the US?

I do, but maybe not on here. I think most of the Congress is almost as bad as chimp. In a representative Democracy we have less say than do people in contemporary Monarchies. Besides, if I brought up Senators all I would here is crap about Kennedy w/o any substance (such as voting record of Bills that are not good, etc....) , so let's take on 1 corrupt chimp at a time.
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Post by EBSB52 »

p8ntman442 wrote:bush sucks, and the democratic party is so incompetent, they cant produce a candidate capable of beating him. Way to go both parties.
I agree that the Dems won't win, but not for the reasons given. The reasons the Repugs are strong now is due to:

1. Fiscal conservatives vote Nazi

2. Moralists vote Nazi, even though many are from the poor classes; they buy into the Jesus card more than one of civil liberties and economic help.

3. Military nuts buy into the Nazi scheme based upon their belief that the Nazi Party likes them.


The numbers are too great to beat with all the above elements of our society on the same side.


Dems are incompetent? How? The last 24 years yielded 3 Repugs over 16 years - each leaving a larger deficit than the former. The only relief we had was 8 years of Clinton, who left an annual surplus. This stereotype of incompetent Dems is part of the Repug slander campaigns, not empirical truth. I compel anyone to produce evidence to the contrary.

Furthermore, how can anyone say that the Dems are incompetent when the entire country is Nazi (Repug) controled? Isn't it necessary to first have a Dem in office, critique his/her perfomance and then establish the alleged incompetence?
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Post by Aaron »

How about a new sig?
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Post by Kohburn »

EBSB52 wrote: 1. Fiscal conservatives vote Nazi

2. Moralists vote Nazi, even though many are from the poor classes; they buy into the Jesus card more than one of civil liberties and economic help.

3. Military nuts buy into the Nazi scheme based upon their belief that the Nazi Party likes them.
and you wonder why nobody wants to debate with you.. astounding
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Post by EBSB52 »

Aaron wrote:How about a new sig?

I don't know if you're trying to trash the thread to that of a sig test thread or attempting to subtly say something, but how about the issues? Don't you find it cowardly that conservs can't answer issues but just turn to misdirection? Actually it probably isn't totally cowardly, just impossible to defend policies that deny millions health care, laugh at homeless, execute innocent people, demand that the richest 2% become even more rich, trash personal protections, and many other things that make this country the turd it has become?

The irony is that the rich and powerful get the poor to buy into these policies that almost exclusively benefit the rich and deny help to the morons who vote-in these policies. That's like getting desert inhabitants to vote to increase the cost of water. The Rupugs use hooks like patriotism, fear - esp terrorism, racism - quietly, classism, morality - via the church, and many other meaningless symbolic forms of coercion.

The last pint is this: People, consers, whine about various semantic things in my arguments like calling Bush a chimp or Republicans, "Repugs." Well, if the Dems are such whiners and the conservs are so tough, find the cookies to look past that and answer the issues. Truth is that the conservs here realize these policies can't be successfully defended, so they look for these misdirections as an escape and then call the Dems weak, whinny and basically wrong in their policies..... try to answer ALL issues posted and if you find yourself running from certain issues, realize it's not due to some little semantic name-calling, but due to the fact that there really is no excuse for the actiions of chimp and the right-wing in general.
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Post by Kohburn »

EBSB52 wrote:
Aaron wrote:How about a new sig?
Actually it probably isn't totally cowardly, just impossible to defend policies that deny millions health care, laugh at homeless, execute innocent people.
if you want universal healthcare and want to see how "well" it works - move to canada - I pay handsomely for my healthcare and work hard to pay for it and all the other "luxeries" that your seemingly communistic views put down.

yes i'd like to see money diverted from things like nasa to create jobs for the homeless and unemployed

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Post by Kohburn »

EBSB52 wrote: realize it's not due to some little semantic name-calling, but due to the fact that there really is no excuse for the actiions of chimp and the right-wing in general.
actually its due to you being a left extremist ass and people not wanting to waste their valuable time on your rants even though there are some issues i agree with you on

me.. i'm just bored at work today otherwise i wouldn't bother clicking on these threads
Last edited by Kohburn on Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EBSB52 »

Kohburn wrote:
EBSB52 wrote: 1. Fiscal conservatives vote Nazi

2. Moralists vote Nazi, even though many are from the poor classes; they buy into the Jesus card more than one of civil liberties and economic help.

3. Military nuts buy into the Nazi scheme based upon their belief that the Nazi Party likes them.
and you wonder why nobody wants to debate with you.. astounding
Here is another "astounding" irony. I was typing the last post about conservs whining about semantics and being eaisly offended, such as WEAK people wil be, and then I have an example. As I've said before, I will go back and change all the offensive words and statement that offen offemd panty-wastes if you peromise to anser all the issues.

Have you seen that pathetic little attemot to offend the Dems that pictures a crying baby in the seal of the Democratic National Party? HOw fucking ironic there when the Repugs are crying, "He called us - sniff-sniff - a name." Seriously, you wouldn't even adress the post/thread unless you had a reason run and we all see it.

Just answer the issues and the bad, mean, scary words will go away, k my little powderpuff.
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Post by Kohburn »

EBSB52 wrote: Here is another "astounding" irony. I was typing the last post about conservs whining about semantics and being eaisly offended, such as WEAK people wil be, and then I have an example. As I've said before, I will go back and change all the offensive words and statement that offen offemd panty-wastes if you peromise to anser all the issues.

Have you seen that pathetic little attemot to offend the Dems that pictures a crying baby in the seal of the Democratic National Party? HOw fucking ironic there when the Repugs are crying, "He called us - sniff-sniff - a name." Seriously, you wouldn't even adress the post/thread unless you had a reason run and we all see it.

Just answer the issues and the bad, mean, scary words will go away, k my little powderpuff.
1 - you never would go back because you'd never be satisfied with any responce - you've already made up your mind and are simply preaching your beliefs - your name calling and other tactics are just an attempt to draw people into your little game

2 - no i haven't but I have seen just as pathetic acts done by the dems - - get off the whole political party thing - deal with the issues in an intelectual and civic manner and people will be much more likely to take the time to joint the discussion

3 - yes you really are an ass - seriously :la:
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Post by EBSB52 »

Kohburn wrote:
EBSB52 wrote: realize it's not due to some little semantic name-calling, but due to the fact that there really is no excuse for the actiions of chimp and the right-wing in general.
actually its due to you being a left extremist ass and people not wanting to waste their valuable time on your rants even though there are some issues i agree with you on

me.. i'm just bored at work today otherwise i wouldn't bother clicking on these threads
Kohburn wrote:
EBSB52 wrote: realize it's not due to some little semantic name-calling, but due to the fact that there really is no excuse for the actiions of chimp and the right-wing in general.
actually its due to you being a left extremist ass and people not wanting to waste their valuable time on your rants even though there are some issues i agree with you on

me.. i'm just bored at work today otherwise i wouldn't bother clicking on these threads
Another shining example of how the Pussypublicans continually misdirect what their Nazi-chimp in chief does to keep his buddies rich while cutting even more benefits for the poor, which is what Katrina was all about; poor peoplebeing afected by a natural disaster.

Go back and read the article posted and defend your chimps actions of rounting funds meant for:

1. delaying some federal spending, including money for a prescription drug benefit under Medicare

2. Raising taxes or not making permanent the president's tax cuts is not the answer now

3. "We simply can't allow a catastrophe of nature to become a catastrophe of debt for our children and grandchildren,"

He meant to say, of the rich

4. delaying the drug benefit by a year are expected to be among the proposals House Republicans are preparing for "Operation Offset"

And the Nazipublicans, Operation puss-fag where they run from issues.

5. "We haven't been disciplined enough over the last 10 years…..â€
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Post by Kohburn »

EBSB52 wrote:bitch moan name-call
well if you want to get into taxes and spending I belive we'd be much better off with a flat income tax or a flat sales tax inplace of income tax - (of course then people would jsut buy everything overseas unless we had hefty import taxes)

the rich are the bigest spenders so obviously they'd pay out the most
if food was still tax free then the poor would obviously pay the least since they can't afford the extra luxeries that are heavy taxed..

plus it mades the irs's job a lot more simple
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