List of Bush fuck-ups

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Post by MNFatz »

V8Mikie wrote:
DiggityBiggity wrote:Bill Clinton is a fuck up too... he signed NAFTA. GATT. and the WTO. However, Clinton at least had a brain, and didn't start any false wars...
No, Clinton just got on his knees over some Somalian warlord and ran with his tail in between his legs. Not to mention extremely downsized our military to the point where we were totally unprepared for the wars post 9/11. And don't forget about the cruise missiles he sent, one of which destroying a prescription drug site. Other than that, he was General George fucking Patton.
You're either ignorant of the subject or lying, either way you don't know much about what happened in Somalia.

I'll take any 6 years of the Clinton presidency over any 6 of the Bush presidency. If nothing else we've learned how powerful the office of the presidency actually is by how quickly Bush ran it into the ground.

Ed: Here's a couple you can research for your list:

The most civilians killed in an attack on American soil.

The worst job creation by any president INCLUDING the great depression. They quitely went back and reassessed employment figures over the past year. Interesting statistics for you.
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Post by EBSB52 »

YFM754 wrote:nm u will find stuff wrong with anyone/thing that doesnt agree with you.

That's the ultimate cop-out. I can find things wrong with Clinton, but the net result was a great country at the end of his 8 years, versus a trainwreck just 5 years later.

So instead of just sweeping it under, I initiated a list of Bush accomplishments and CLinton accomplishments, however, the other side only says they all do it. I would rather enumerate and define each, "it" than just throw them in a pool. Please, list positive and negative things each did.
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Post by EBSB52 »

product1620 wrote:
What was it about Kerry's campaign promises that would make you think he wouldn't make a good president?
eb I stated one of my problems with kerry in another thread, and you didn't reply to any of it. :scratch: So when people tell you how they fill and give reasons and examples to support what they say, you ignore it? but then go and ask someone else to do the same thing in a different thread, come on now. You talk about other people supporting there statements, so why don't you?
Pardon me, give me the thread and I will answer it immediately.
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Post by EBSB52 »

V8Mikie wrote:
DiggityBiggity wrote:Bill Clinton is a fuck up too... he signed NAFTA. GATT. and the WTO. However, Clinton at least had a brain, and didn't start any false wars...
No, Clinton just got on his knees over some Somalian warlord and ran with his tail in between his legs. Not to mention extremely downsized our military to the point where we were totally unprepared for the wars post 9/11. And don't forget about the cruise missiles he sent, one of which destroying a prescription drug site. Other than that, he was General George fucking Patton.
Don't make me break out my DOD chart, Mike. Bush 1 cut as many troops as Clinton did, give or take a couple percent, but no one is there slamming his ass. And what wars are we unprepared for? Furthermore, what has Bush2 done to restire the number of troops?

OK, so he directed the military to do something and it went off target or more ill intelligence directed the missile to the wrong building, are you going to talk about bad intelligence?

Basically, Clinton knew he could do little militarily and be called worthless in that regard, or he could do what chimp is doing and be considered a train wreck. He wasn't teh military president, but in this case we would be better of w/o being in Iraq.
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Post by V8Mikie »

MNFatz wrote:
V8Mikie wrote:
DiggityBiggity wrote:Bill Clinton is a fuck up too... he signed NAFTA. GATT. and the WTO. However, Clinton at least had a brain, and didn't start any false wars...
No, Clinton just got on his knees over some Somalian warlord and ran with his tail in between his legs. Not to mention extremely downsized our military to the point where we were totally unprepared for the wars post 9/11. And don't forget about the cruise missiles he sent, one of which destroying a prescription drug site. Other than that, he was General George fucking Patton.
You're either ignorant of the subject or lying, either way you don't know much about what happened in Somalia.
Somalian warlords taking food supplies intended for civilians. We send in special forces to take out warlord, already having a few thousand troops there for "peace keeping." Shit hits the fan, mission goes bad, Clinton gets scared and pulls out everyone.

The impression that left was clear - you bloody our nose and we'll run for the hills.

Say what you want about Bush, but he has changed the way the terrorists look at us. No more do they poke fun of us in Somalia and laugh at our futile cruise missile attacks. We took the war to them. How many attacks have we had on American soil since 9/11?
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Post by EBSB52 »

V8Mikie wrote:I like how some of the "fuck ups" are "threatening" to do something. How is that a fuck up? You must be a fucking idiot if you think that. Also I like the "fewest press conferences." Jesus Christ could you people reach any further. Half of those "fuck ups" are purely opinionated.
Weren't you one of the people decrying all the name calling? Hypocrite.

If you have a particular fuck up in mind, post it and address it.

As for opinion, they are factual, the harm done may be opinion. Unfortunately for your argument even your fellow voters have a low opinion of him - 34%. Wanna ignore the facts and be a hold-out? I never liked martyrs.

Mile, post each item you disagree with and why, I will reply. And please quit the name calling, it hurts my delicate feelings.
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Re: List of Bush fuck-ups

Post by EBSB52 »

MNFatz wrote:
EBSB52 wrote:
Source is a Michale Moore webpage. Before the Buch clones get up in arms, even if Moore posts it and it's true, it's still true. The author only matters if:
Precisely what did Michael Moore say that you (or anyone else) qualifies him as an unreliable source? At work I've asked the department angry white male (every office has at least one!), but he can't site anything specific.

Everything in F9/11 is referenced and footnoted on his website complete with links.
I totally agree. It's just that when you post Limbaugh ort Moore it is assumed to be biased and possibly skewed, versus Yahoo or Reuters.

And a lot of what Moore has said in F911 is comming to fruition by way of the 1 m$ given to the Bush library in 95, the 100m given to Katrina relief and now teh ports deal. I'm inline with facts not unsubstantiated rhetoric. :thumbleft:
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Post by product1620 »

EB it is bush vs security, take 59.
1998 Mustang GT
You can't piss on what you can't catch.
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Post by V8Mikie »

EBSB52 wrote:
V8Mikie wrote:I like how some of the "fuck ups" are "threatening" to do something. How is that a fuck up? You must be a fucking idiot if you think that. Also I like the "fewest press conferences." Jesus Christ could you people reach any further. Half of those "fuck ups" are purely opinionated.
Weren't you one of the people decrying all the name calling? Hypocrite.

If you have a particular fuck up in mind, post it and address it.

As for opinion, they are factual, the harm done may be opinion. Unfortunately for your argument even your fellow voters have a low opinion of him - 34%. Wanna ignore the facts and be a hold-out? I never liked martyrs.

Mile, post each item you disagree with and why, I will reply. And please quit the name calling, it hurts my delicate feelings.
My statement that started with "you must be a ..." was broad and not directed at any one person, obviously. I was simply saying in general "people must be xxxxx " if they believe that.

I posted the particular fuck ups I have problems with, the "press conferences" for one and the "threatened too ..." for the other. I honestly only glanced at the list but those two stuck out.
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