House Approves Spending Reductions (on programs for poor)

A place for fun discussion of common interests we have besides Fieros

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Post by stimpy »

Uh oh, he's getting to my posts soon...

PAGE 2...
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Post by EBSB52 »

Ya know , all this "they arnt taxing the rich enough" bullshit is starting to get under my skin.

OK, who cares, this isn’t about you. I don’t mean that in an insulting way, but you being pissed, me being pissed matters not to the issue and I won’t turn this into an Ad Hominem.

you know how much fucking tax my mother pays being in one of the highest tax brackets? close to fucking half her income goes to taxes. she busts her ass, and sends half of it to mr. g man, and when it gets squandered on bullshit like some poor fuck mooching off welfare that pisses me off.

But when the “g manâ€
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Post by EBSB52 »

stimpy wrote:
Weponhead wrote:But i knew a guy who was on disability because he was "sick" this guy wasnt fucking sick, he exercised and went out and had fun every weekend he was a fucking leech on the system. So god damnit it pisses me off to see my mothers hard earned money going to support some loser who is too lazy to go work so they get disability from their doctor buddy. there are alot of fuckin losers out there that people who work hard for their money should NOT have to pay for.
You rang? Should I be somehow more materially damaged for your viewing pleasure in order to be worthy of receiving my State Disability that I have paid into for 20 years. Do I need to sit in a wheelchair with a colostomy bag sticking out? God forbid someone with a disability have fun! Kind of a bitch, when my disability stems from chronic clinical depression. I guess I should go ahead and stick a bullet in my medulla so your mom's hard earned money will go to buying a couple of computers for some cruise missles to get blown up, rather then provide me with some type of stipend that allows me to devote my efforts and energy to recovery. Or would it be better if I just let my impulses run free and you can wind up supporting me in the correctional system?

God forbid I get a lousy $400 a week.
Stimpy, you're obviously faking, now send all of whatever money you have received to:

c/o George "criminal chimp" Bush

Now, get off your lazy ass and become happy, hell, there are people worse off than you who are happy, so if they can be - so can you.

Remember, as the Repugs will tell you, corpoartions have better intentions than do we.
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Post by EBSB52 »

donk_316 wrote:Stimpy,
I seriously mean nothing derogatory by this but...

How does Depression stop someone from working?
HUH? People commit suicide when depressed. I have never been diagnised as clinically depressed and I don't think I have ever been depressed other than for short periods as most peole have, but I have compassion for those who are.

When I say that Repubs are incompassionate, do you now understand? Do you think depressed people are just trying to get attention by committing suicide?
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Post by EBSB52 »

stimpy wrote:
donk_316 wrote:Stimpy,
I seriously mean nothing derogatory by this but...

How does Depression stop someone from working?
I don't take it derogetory.

And as far as the depression goes, people don't realize the degrees that can sink to. I absolutely love my life now, but at the beginning of this year I weighed over 300 lbs, had undiagnosed diabetes going nuts, caughed my lungs out every time I lit up another smoke. I was a heart attack waiting to happen. I had parted ways with my job that I got when I came to California due to my total inability to go out and face people in the sales calls that were my territory. For 6 months, I got paid $20k to sit at home or in my car all day. I took a job that paid piss working with special ed kids, so I could do something positive and not be a deadbeat.

Long story short, that didn't work out, and in a spectacularly ugly ending something came loose. Ever feel like smacking your boss? I seriously doubt my ability to resist doing so if one were to start getting pissy at me the next time around. My anti depression meds keep me from lying around getting fatter, but they also tend to agitate me pretty quickly, and keep me up to to 20 hours a day for 4 or 5 days, then I crash like I've been on a meth binge.

My anti psychotic medication is an incredible appetite suppresant, in that if I haven't had some herb to smoke, I feel like vomiting after 3 bites. I have lost 60 pounds, but a lot of that was shit out of me during a 6 month bout with chronic explosive diarrhea. I can't even co-exist on an internet forum with some people, do you think anyone wants to let me work for them?

My diabetes is somewhat under control now that I've lost weight and ruled out as much sugar as possible. The first three inches of my left foot from the big toe back is completely numb, but the nurse says it doesn't appear circlutory which means no gangrene, but it's troubling to feel your body dying off on you nonetheless.

I feel conflicted about taking disability payments while not being a legless deaf mute with cerebral palsy, as I feel fine enough to do some work. I've tried volunteering, but the place that I volunteered at got skittish when I said why I wasn't working. It's not easy to tapdance around that subject, else you look like you've been a guest of the County correctional system for the previous six months (and looking back, I was way too fucked up to go back before that) and once you say disability they think Workers Comp risk for physical injury. Tell them mental and forget about it. Of course, they'll find all of my prescribed chemicals during any pre employment drug screen, and any HR admin can look up pills on the internet to find out what that's all about. So rule out any job that is going to pay me more then the state is paying me to stay at home and get better.

Fortunately, things are such that if the state cuts me off, it won't be the financial hardship it would have been some months. My wife's work is finally paying overtime, so another $40,000 should be coming in and I can stay home and make sure she's happy. Iron her pants, so to speak. But as long as the State of California is paying me insurance benefits from a system that I paid into for 20 years to stay home and get better, I'm going to keep getting better and better.

Wow, I wrote a novel. Only right that I do it hi-jacking one of Eds threads. Now let's see how enlightened he is to the plight of the mentally ill Nazi Faggots.
That wasn't neccesary. I totally feel compassinate for your position and think the gov should render whatever reasonable aide is neccessary to better your health.

The Nazis (Repugs) are the ones who want to revoke your aide and you know what that metaphor means.
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Post by EBSB52 »

richfiero wrote:
DiggityBiggity wrote:
richfiero wrote:Poor people have the same oppurtunity asevery one else to become rich.
most poor people are to lazy to look for a good job. if people from india that are poor as hell come here for a few years and make big bucks. that means that people that are U.S. citizens for there whole life should be able to make money for a comfortable living to pay for food medical and heatig for there home. hell my bro that is a college student can pay for heating and food and a place over his head. so the poor people are just to damn lazy.
Your concerned leader

Diggity"That's pretty fucking ignorant"Biggity
how is that being ignorant. I used Indains as an example because most of them come from a poor society and prosper in the U.S. They are the perfect example o the american dream. so why cant people that have lived in the United States thier whole life not be able to prosper as people from out of our country cant get rich? these people have a hard time speaking english and they make it.

It's kinda like comparing our civil rights deprivation to that of Chinas to make us feel better. Kinda apples/oranges.
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Post by EBSB52 »

stimpy wrote:Uh oh, he's getting to my posts soon...

PAGE 2...

Stimpy, can it. Seriously, everyone here has made generally amicable replies here and no one has wandered off the path - a record it seems. SO why interject this and then turn around and blame me for something?

Back to the issue......
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Post by Weponhead »

granted, yea if we didnt spend the money on welfare and support for underpriveledged people, it would be a fucking pipedream that they wouldnt stuff it somewhere else instead of possibly? lowering our taxes. HAHAHA thats funny im funny.

Post by Lex »

EBSB52 wrote: I have never been diagnised as clinically depressed...

No, the diagnosis is paranoid:


Paranoia involves feelings of persecution and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Symptoms of Paranoia:
Symptoms of paranoia and paranoid disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring on sense of rage, hatred, and betrayal. Some people suffering from paranoid personality may have a high capacity to annoy or enrage others because of rigid and maladaptive behavior. Some identifiable beliefs and actions of paranoid-related disorders include mistrust, taking offense easily, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, argumentative, abrupt, stubborn, self-righteous, and perfectionistic.

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Post by EBSB52 »

granted, yea if we didnt spend the money on welfare and support for underpriveledged people, it would be a fucking pipedream that they wouldnt stuff it somewhere else instead of possibly? lowering our taxes. HAHAHA thats funny im funny.]/b]

Stimpy wrote in reply to that:

You rang? Should I be somehow more materially damaged for your viewing pleasure in order to be worthy of receiving my State Disability that I have paid into for 20 years. Do I need to sit in a wheelchair with a colostomy bag sticking out? God forbid someone with a disability have fun! Kind of a bitch, when my disability stems from chronic clinical depression. I guess I should go ahead and stick a bullet in my medulla so your mom's hard earned money will go to buying a couple of computers for some cruise missles to get blown up, rather then provide me with some type of stipend that allows me to devote my efforts and energy to recovery. Or would it be better if I just let my impulses run free and you can wind up supporting me in the correctional system?

God forbid I get a lousy $400 a week.

I replied:

OK, who cares, this isn’t about you. I don’t mean that in an insulting way, but you being pissed, me being pissed matters not to the issue and I won’t turn this into an Ad Hominem.

But when the “g manâ€
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Post by EBSB52 »

Lex wrote:
EBSB52 wrote: I have never been diagnised as clinically depressed...

No, the diagnosis is paranoid:


Paranoia involves feelings of persecution and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Symptoms of Paranoia:
Symptoms of paranoia and paranoid disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring on sense of rage, hatred, and betrayal. Some people suffering from paranoid personality may have a high capacity to annoy or enrage others because of rigid and maladaptive behavior. Some identifiable beliefs and actions of paranoid-related disorders include mistrust, taking offense easily, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, argumentative, abrupt, stubborn, self-righteous, and perfectionistic.

Here's a shocker: another guy knocks the topic off-issue. Ok, you’ve posted definitions, now post evidence why you think I qualify for that.

Here is the entire message I posted:

I have never been diagnised as clinically depressed and I don't think I have ever been depressed other than for short periods as most peole have, but I have compassion for those who are.

I imagine your examples of me being paranoid are that I mistrust the current chimp. Well, my poor-arguing friend, only 37% of Americans are chimp-lovers, so what is the opposite of paranoia; naivety? I think you might be intelligent enough to understand what t\hat means, so I won’t post the definition.

Still waiting for your examples.

Also, thanks for taking a thread that was staying primarily on track and tweaking it, I knew I could count on you.

Furthermore, what you’ve done is an Ad Hominem…. In case you didn’t understand what that meant.

Post by Lex »

No, the diagnosis is paranoid:


Paranoia involves feelings of persecution and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Symptoms of Paranoia:
Symptoms of paranoia and paranoid disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring on sense of rage, hatred, and betrayal. Some people suffering from paranoid personality may have a high capacity to annoy or enrage others because of rigid and maladaptive behavior. Some identifiable beliefs and actions of paranoid-related disorders include mistrust, taking offense easily, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, argumentative, abrupt, stubborn, self-righteous, and perfectionistic.

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Post by Weponhead »

excuse me i omitted part of my thought. If we could not have the losers that leech of the welfare system sucking the money out of the tax revenue then im saying, it would be a pipe dream that we would stop paying the same amount of tax, they would dump it into something else instead of lowering our taxes. does that make sense or are you going to try and twist it around and try to make me sound more cynical than i really am? i'll give it to you that i AM rather cynical anyhow but .. not as much as you'd like me to be for your argument.
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Post by stimpy »

EBSB52 wrote:
Now, get off your lazy ass and become happy, hell, there are people worse off than you who are happy, so if they can be - so can you.

Yes sir. Why didn't anyone think of that before?
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Post by EBSB52 »

Lex wrote:No, the diagnosis is paranoid:


Paranoia involves feelings of persecution and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Symptoms of Paranoia:
Symptoms of paranoia and paranoid disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring on sense of rage, hatred, and betrayal. Some people suffering from paranoid personality may have a high capacity to annoy or enrage others because of rigid and maladaptive behavior. Some identifiable beliefs and actions of paranoid-related disorders include mistrust, taking offense easily, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, argumentative, abrupt, stubborn, self-righteous, and perfectionistic.

So the reiteration of the definition, no examples.....
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Post by EBSB52 »

Weponhead wrote:excuse me i omitted part of my thought. If we could not have the losers that leech of the welfare system sucking the money out of the tax revenue then im saying, it would be a pipe dream that we would stop paying the same amount of tax, they would dump it into something else instead of lowering our taxes. does that make sense or are you going to try and twist it around and try to make me sound more cynical than i really am? i'll give it to you that i AM rather cynical anyhow but .. not as much as you'd like me to be for your argument.

This not about you or me, it's about taxes and the distribution of them. You are saying that taxes should be lowered via cutting tax programs because the cheaters rip them clean. I'm saying that we should keep the programs and find more violators. It appears you would rather kill most/all social programs to ensure there are no cheats. That's like burning downa building that has 1 criminal and 50 innocent people to get the criminal.
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Post by EBSB52 »

stimpy wrote:
EBSB52 wrote:
Now, get off your lazy ass and become happy, hell, there are people worse off than you who are happy, so if they can be - so can you.

Yes sir. Why didn't anyone think of that before?

That was obvious sarcasm, of course you know that.
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Post by crzyone »

Go figure, EBSB52 is paranoid. Didn't see that one comming. :la:

Post by Lex »

EBSB52 wrote: no examples.....

Examples? Any one of your novels. You pick.

Post by Lex »

Defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism
EBSB52 wrote: Post a 1-liner, get criticized; post a novel, get criticized

Delusional thoughts and feelings
EBSB52 wrote: You have been to P-F-F. you should know Cliffy has a page begging for money

preoccupation with hidden motives
EBSB52 wrote: You know at least as well as I do that Nazipublicans just want everyone to believe as they do w/o any discussion. They want everyone to subscribe to every ideology that they have w/o question. .

mistrust or suspicion
EBSB52 wrote:
Lex wrote:
EBSB52 wrote:
Randomly, how many times per week do you boink your old lady? Purely random, you see.....
Every chance I get! :sex: :downtown:
EBSB52 wrote:
Oh, OK, and it wasn't in hopes I would reply I was 18?
What good would that do? (I am only 26 myself) Does everything have to be plot or conspiracy with you?

Yea.... whatever. You were trying to establish an age-based argument..... yawn..
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