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Post by DiggityBiggity »

Other animals do not needlesly kill their prey. However, not for survival but for profit, we treat these animals as if they weren't alive. Would you treat your dog, or your cat like these animals in the video were treated? If you said yes, and practiced that act, you would go to jail for animal cruelty. But for larger profit margins, corporations lobby to change laws in order to make this cruelty legal. They treat these living beings who normally have rights, and torture them. Label them as product, and not a creature.

I have no problems with free range animals, or hunting, or fishing. I've already stated this. In nature, animals do have a place. However, these animals have been wronfully taken from their natural places, abused, and killed. This is wrong..

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Post by zonyl »

Got to remember my friend in Indonesia that eats dogs.. They have no such cruelty laws towards dogs / cats. Its only a socially manifested law in most countries, not a logical one.

I used to design Animal Laboratory equipment (for experimentation) and been to too many conventions where protesters would throw paint, have clever sayings on signs, etc. From time-to-time, I engaged a few of them in conversation about Animal rights, and mostly shut them up with this: I asked if they had a pet (which most of them do), then asked how they could morally justify spending money to support their pet, when thousands of human children die of hunger each day and could use their financial support more.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

My reply to that. The best way to support the starving people of the world, is to reduce meat consumption by 10%. This is a fact that cannot be challenged.Being a vegitarian I have reduced my meat consumption by 100%. I am not asking that of anyone, however I don't see 10% being very much.

As far as people eating dogs, they can eat them all they want. But torture however, do you have any sense of humanity? or Humility for that matter?

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Post by z.MacK »

diggitybiggity wrote:mms://

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holy shit
I clicked that link an my beats changed to some food runin around

i forgot what was on, got redman goin now... sall good

Post by DiggityBiggity »

You know Z.mak..for being the author of this thread, you've only had 3 total posts including the original. Both of which, made little sense. :thumbleft:

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Post by Shaun41178(2) »

Would you please stop the madness?? I am begging

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Sorry for locking the subject..I seemed to upset some people, and apologize..for those of you upset that I re-opened the thread..damn..I can't please everyone..

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Diggity"Amazed by the length of this thread"Biggity
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Yeah, dude... why do you lock posts in "anything goes"? :dontknow:

The hard question to which I alluded was "What is the metric of intelligence?". If you can lecture us on how smart animals are, then you must have a pretty firm grasp of how to determine how smart animals are...
diggitybiggity wrote:They do not have the capacity to determine such things. Is still doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated as living beings..
They have rights, yet can't determine thing for themselves? Hmm...

They don't have rights. Rights are not absolute. Rights are granted by laws enacted by the legislative arm of our government. The Right to Bear Arms is properly called a right. The "right to chose" (in reference to abortion) is not a right at all, because it is based on a court decision. Courts do not have the authority to make law.
Likewise, the "right to be treated as a living being" does not exist. We, as creatures who exercise almost complete control over the lives of other creatures, have a moral responsibility to minimize the suffering of the creatures over which we have control, but animals do not have a right to be treated well.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

If you treated your dog or cat, the way these animals are treated, you would be put in jail. We do have a standard for animals rights, or else you could do whatever you wanted to your house pets. Just because huge corporate lobbying firms aggresively bribed congress to allow agri-business to break these animal rights laws passed over the years, does not make it right.

I'm not against eating meat. I'm against how these animals are treated. If you think these animals could care less how they're treated, then I suppose you're the kind of person who beats or starves their dog.

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Diggity"Have some sense of compassion"Biggity

Post by DiggityBiggity »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:Yeah, dude... why do you lock posts in "anything goes"? :dontknow:
By the way..please refer to the post "Hey where's my thread?!"
diggitybiggity wrote:For those of you that are wondering where your thread went, here is the answer. I deleted it. As I said earlier, just because the topic is anything goes, doesn't mean anything goes. This may be starting to sound like a dictatorship. Good, you're starting to understand. Jokes, Poems, and what I deem to be pointless threads are all up to my discretion. What does this mean? Write a poem I like, or that the board likes, it stays. Otherwise, sorry. The more people that view or respond, the better it has a chance of sticking around. In order to be a tyrant, gotta please your rabble somehow. So, sorry ((not really though)) for any of you this has effected, and have a great time posting.

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Post by z.MacK »

GW looks blazzed up in your sig pic diggty
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

diggitybiggity wrote:If you treated your dog or cat, the way these animals are treated, you would be put in jail. We do have a standard for animals rights, or else you could do whatever you wanted to your house pets.
In what section of Federal law is the "right to be treated as a living being" delineated?

Post by DiggityBiggity »

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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

That defines the responsibility of entities dealing with animals to treat them in a certain way. Animals are not granted rights.
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

diggitybiggity wrote:My reply to that. The best way to support the starving people of the world, is to reduce meat consumption by 10%. This is a fact that cannot be challenged.
The best way is? I beg to differ. I've already stated what I think a better way would be (farm subsidy reform with US government selling excess pdouct on world market driving price down so that poor countries could afford it). There are other ways... What about herding wildebeast in Africa instead of cattle? Much less demand on the land.
The list goes on and on and will only get longer as technology (like hydroponics) becomes more advanced.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Herding wildebeast...You know, I'm really done arguing over this topic until I find someone who actually has something valid to say. I'm sorry, that comment was retarded.

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Diggity"Why don't you read a book or two, or three, on this subject"Biggity
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

diggitybiggity wrote:I'm sorry, that comment was retarded.
So was this one:
diggitybiggity wrote:My reply to that. The best way to support the starving people of the world, is to reduce meat consumption by 10%. This is a fact that cannot be challenged.
not to mention insubstantiable.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:not to mention insubstantiable.
The amount of resources ((grains and water)) that would be saved if our country were to reduce meat consumption by 10% would be enough to feed the starving people of the world. This is not some number I pulled out of my head. This is a hard fact.

Sorry for the reality check..I know it can hurt

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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

diggitybiggity wrote:
The Dark Side of Will wrote:not to mention insubstantiable.
The amount of resources ((grains and water)) that would be saved if our country were to reduce meat consumption by 10% would be enough to feed the starving people of the world. This is not some number I pulled out of my head. This is a hard fact.

Sorry for the reality check..I know it can hurt

Your Fuhrer

While it is one particular way, your assertion that it is the best (or only) way is insubstantiable.

It happens to be the way that falls into cadence with the particular drum you are beating, but it's not the only way.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

If it fell into my cadance, I would have reduced my meat consumption by 10% and not be a veg. The reason I bring that option up, is because it's so damn easy if Americans weren't so obese and wasteful.

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