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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:52 am
by Dirty Sanchez
When you test a coil you are measuring the resistance in the coils, not the current. All you need is an Ohm meter. You also don't test it with the engine running.
Here is an article I copied for you explaining how to do this.

A standard car’s distributor ignition coil can be tested by checking the ohms reading. Ohms can be read on a volt/ohms meter. Ohms is a unit of measure for the resistance that a wire or coil has. Ignition coils should be measured on the primary coil between batt and tach terminals. The batt is the coil ground. To check the secondary coil, check the ohms between the batt terminal and where the coil output wire plugs into. If the ohms read zero the coil connection is broken and the coil is no good. An open coil reading zero is the usual culprit of coils. Don’t test through the output wire though. The primary coil should read between .7 ohms and 1.7 ohms, if outside this range replace it. The secondary coil should generally read between 7.5K ohms and 10.5K ohms. If the ohms are not within the specified range for that paticular car, replace the coil. Coil resistance will also change and vary if the coil is hot or cold. This a generalized ohms range that fits most distributor coils. Another thing to remember is that sometimes a coil will only read bad after it gets hot. It may work intermittently after it gets hot also. Coil packs will generally read around .3 to 1.5 ohms on the primary side and 12.5K to 13.5K ohms on the secondary side. These figures will get you reasonably close to where the coil’s ohms need to be to work properly.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:51 am
by Mach10
I well and truly do feel sorry for you.

I'm going to explain this to you one last time:

1) You came HERE asking for help diagnosing your issue.
2) You got many responses, ALL of them good, and pertaining to problems similar to your own.
3) The result was that your uneducated and baseless guess happened to be right.
4) Instead of "Hey, it was the fuel pump all along" you started with the insults.

From your perspective, yes, our information was off. We're wrong. Where you seem to be stumbling up is this idea of right/wrong.

We don't need to admit that to you, we don't need to appologize. The information was given freely with no express warranty or guarantee of accuracy. We didn't make you go out and spend money, and we didn't make the problem worse. We don't owe you anything.

But on the other hand, you seem to crave this vindication... The admission that we were wrong and you were right. This seems to be your biggest problem with social interaction. You have MAJOR issues deciphering context. This little blurb from you shows this point quite clearly:
Good god people. I guess once you're beat plain and fair, it's just time to quit replying and let the next person step up to get beat. Can't anyone just say "shit man, I'm sorry, we were wrong, here's your beer dude. "? That would be kinda nice to see. Everyone all getting along. But no... someone's always got to defend their e-ego...
You seem to think that this thread was somehow a competition, and that by not saying "You're right! Have a cookie!" we're somehow not playing fair.

Uh, dude? It's not a competition. Never was.

Nobody is "defending their e-ego." Everyone is responding to your rude and completely socially inappropriate comments deriding the earlier advice. Demanding an appology from you has absolutely nothing to do with the technical problem, and everything to do with your inability to correspond in a civilized manner.

I'm telling you in all seriousness that if you cannot see that, you should get some help. There's all manner of CBT-based treatments that can help you.

If you're not interested in self-improvement, then people will continue to ostracise you, and you will continue to go to sleep wondering "Why does everything I say seem to bring out the worst in people?"

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:12 pm
by stimpy
Mach10 wrote:I'm telling you in all seriousness that if you cannot see that, you should get some help. There's all manner of CBT-based treatments that can help you.
CBT therapy for teh win! :thumbleft: ROLF

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:16 pm
by Mach10
Aspergers is a mild form of Autism. I've always been a bigger fan of coping strategies rather than medication, since brain-drugs almost always make the indivual something they weren't.

Personally, I'd rather NOT take dexedrine daily, but I can't afford the therapy, and at least it's been clinically proven to work (and it works for me)

I can live without dexedrine, I can keep a tab on most of the problems, but I have a REAL hard time at work without it because I get hopelessly disorganized REAL fast.

So I take my pill in the morning. :salute:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:16 pm
by whipped
Mach10 wrote:Nobody is "defending their e-ego."
Oh, I wouldn't be sure of that.

Please forgive us o mighty falcon. You are the master parts shotgunner.


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:20 pm
by Falcon4
I think I've had about 20 different people tell me about this Assburger's shit, but I still think that's about the same as telling me my dick is too small or something and calling it "Smallpenis Syndrome". If you want to try to "help", then do so without shoving me in a box that says "Mental case retard syndrome" first. Because quite honestly I take a good amount of pride in how much I know (and I'm not talking about being a social genius here), and I sure as fuck aren't gonna take nicely to someone telling me "Not only are you stupid, you're clinically retarded".

Yeah, perhaps it is stupid to ask people to apologize for their damn advice. But I think that was taken out of context. It isn't a thing about apologizing for the advice, but for making a MASSIVE FUCKING DEAL about it when I joked around about everyone owing me a beer. Not like I was expecting everyone to kiss my ass about telling me shit that didn't work. But I certainly don't like people dragging me along a guilt-trip for not taking their advice, e.g. having gone out on a limb and replaced the fuel pump/filter, it didn't work, then getting mocked mercilessly for not listening to everyone else. So I was MORE than just a LITTLE relieved when it actually worked. Similarly, I don't like having to tell people "No, I didn't actually DO what you told me to do, why do you ask?", so when someone comes along and says "Hey, did you replace blah be blah like I told you to yet?", I get just a little defensive when I didn't!

As far as being socially retarded, maybe I am just a little. The intarwebs are pretty much the only social life I've really ever had, so I learn here. That's not always a bad thing though... I've learned how to avoid pissing most people off (*ahem* most) and I have a plenty long list of people that kiss my ass on a regular basis (aka "friends"... haha). And if you think I'm going to start taking pills to "correct" my personality, you may just find more pleasure in sitting on a broom handle than knowing how hard I would beat your sorry ass if we were in the same room. :angry:

Meanwhile, the few people that have actually posted useful advice, much thanks (once again). Still got a few other things to replace, of course... *sigh* More work!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:37 pm
by stimpy
Falcon4 wrote:... you may just find more pleasure in sitting on a broom handle than knowing how hard I would beat your sorry ass if we were in the same room. :angry:
I would love to have you beat my sorry ass. I'll even be standing on one foot. My time is at your leisure. I'm only about 2 hours away, when would you like to do this?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:42 pm
by Falcon4
With that much preparation, I'd just bring a gun to a knife fight. :thumbleft:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:20 pm
by Weponhead
that would make you a fucking tool. and JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION, tearing intake gaskets is like .. i dont know, crying over spilled milk, buy some new ones for $15 and call it a day. I took my upper , and middle intake off , and obviously the fuel rail too. only to change VC gaskets and plugs. why, because it made it easier, and oh damnit i tore a couple gaskets.. and spent $15 on a new gasket set. I've dropped my fuel tank 8 times. and the intake plenum is pretty gravy , as is the tank now to me.

you need to get off your socially retarded internet horse, like i did and go out and get a job that forces you to interact with other human beings. me.. i still get to satisfy my hatred for people by getting to tell people off now and again. And in regards to my life ego, or my E-ego dont think im defending shit.

You should be thanking people that they attempted to help you, and I myself in my much to far and wide experience with the fiero fuel system , wouldnt have guessed it be the fuel pump causing a shit start but HEY I RUN GOOD syndrome. should be the opposite due to fuel pressure loss under load. and for you buying a car with 150k + on the clock and not doing routine maint. like changing the fuel filter. your a fucking tool. did ya not change the oil either? .

You are not a mechanic in any way shape or form. this kind of shit annoys me and PLEASE go get into a fight with stimpy you fucking pansy. and i'd love to be the referee by patting your faggot gun toting ass down before it started.

Now if you'll excuse me. i have to go change the brakes on the car of someone like you, for $ .. because inept assholes make me giggle.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:31 pm
by Falcon4
If a $4 McDonald's meal of the day, versus scrounging up some home cooked junk food is a considerable decision for me, $15 for something I could easily avoid is a BIG thing.

It's also not like I was presented with a list that said "Here are all the things you should do when you buy a Fiero". Fuck, I didn't even know what a goddamn Fiero was before I bought mine, nor did I even know the first thing about engines. I found the Fiero "scene" after I bought it, I found information, and I learned about engines, long after I actually bought the thing. So you can't tell me I'm a moron for not knowing.

Nobody said I'm a mechanic either, just that the amount of skills I've gained over such a short period of time is rather amazing. For fuck's sake, you all should already have experience with n00bs posting in the forums, with years more experience than I do, that they totally fucked up their engine when they tried doing a head gasket, or totally fucked something else up with their fuel pump, or the bumper repair, or radio repair, or any number of other things. I think I deserve a little bit of credit for being a total n00b and still having fixed so many things with my own hands.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:03 pm
by Mach10
Falcon4 wrote:I think I've had about 20 different people tell me about this Assburger's shit, but I still think that's about the same as telling me my dick is too small or something and calling it "Smallpenis Syndrome". If you want to try to "help", then do so without shoving me in a box that says "Mental case retard syndrome" first. Because quite honestly I take a good amount of pride in how much I know (and I'm not talking about being a social genius here), and I sure as fuck aren't gonna take nicely to someone telling me "Not only are you stupid, you're clinically retarded".
You've got some pride issues. First, there's NO shame in having any kind of condition, be it Aspergers, ADHD (me) or otherwise. There's been a lot of verbal abuse tossed around here. Trust me, that was directed at you in response to your posts.

Like calling someone "gay" it's meant as an attack on your person, not necessarily because the person honestly thinks you are homosexual.

Yeah, perhaps it is stupid to ask people to apologize for their damn advice. But I think that was taken out of context. It isn't a thing about apologizing for the advice, but for making a MASSIVE FUCKING DEAL about it when I joked around about everyone owing me a beer. Not like I was expecting everyone to kiss my ass about telling me shit that didn't work. But I certainly don't like people dragging me along a guilt-trip for not taking their advice, e.g. having gone out on a limb and replaced the fuel pump/filter, it didn't work, then getting mocked mercilessly for not listening to everyone else. So I was MORE than just a LITTLE relieved when it actually worked. Similarly, I don't like having to tell people "No, I didn't actually DO what you told me to do, why do you ask?", so when someone comes along and says "Hey, did you replace blah be blah like I told you to yet?", I get just a little defensive when I didn't!
When you explain it like that, the context slips a bit better into focus. Although it's letting the gate slam after the cows are out, if you had clarified earlier, it would not have turned into a pissing match.

The first joke was buried pretty well, but nobody would have said anything other than "huh." To be perfectly honest, it was your flying off the handle afterwards that pissed everyone off.

If you can accept that people reacted to the way you phrase things--regardless of your real meaning--then you should be able to accept responsibility for the outcome.

In this case, a mature apology would go a long way to gain you a fair chunk of the respect you want.
As far as being socially retarded, maybe I am just a little. The intarwebs are pretty much the only social life I've really ever had, so I learn here. That's not always a bad thing though... I've learned how to avoid pissing most people off (*ahem* most) and I have a plenty long list of people that kiss my ass on a regular basis (aka "friends"... haha).
Doesn't make you less of a person to have social skill problems. But it makes you more of a person to be able to admit that.

Take it a step further and accept responsibility for your problems, instead of escalating it in an attempt to save face.
And if you think I'm going to start taking pills to "correct" my personality, you may just find more pleasure in sitting on a broom handle than knowing how hard I would beat your sorry ass if we were in the same room. :angry:
Read my post again. I'm AGAINST the use of meds for issues like this, I suggested CBT, which is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Organized instruction that teaches coping strategies, rather than dosing you full of... well, anything really. If it WAS aspergers, there's no recognized pharmaceutical treatment anyway.

With me, ADHD is poorly understood, but it IS known that CNS drugs wake up parts of the brain that don't seem to function correctly. On my part, although I technically have a learning disability, I score in the top 5% in my IQ tests. There are some things that I am spectacular at, and there are some things (*cough*calculus + theoretical math*cough*) that I am worse than retarded at. I picked up a few things that help me day-to-day, and I'd jump at the chance for proper therapy.

But for now, the Dex helps me when/where I need it with minimal side-effects, so for now, I'm happy.

Meanwhile, the few people that have actually posted useful advice, much thanks (once again). Still got a few other things to replace, of course... *sigh* More work!
I haven't posted anything "useful" yet.

Something to think about: How does slamming doors in this thread help you down the road if you run into trouble?

For my part, it makes no difference to me what you do from here. I guess I've got a soft spot for people who've got similar problems to that which I've had to deal with in the past.

In any case, I've got nothing to gain in giving you this piece of advice:

Swallow your pride.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:18 pm
by Falcon4
Maybe it's something about carrying around this name and image that wants me to be badass all the time. :scratch: I bet if I were "anonymous1239" I'd've probably been a hell of a lot more humble... :scratch:

I guess, if people don't come back and say "yeah fuck you asshole" afterwards, that I should just apologize for being an assclown. Certainly am getting a lot more "chances" here than I ever did at Pencock's Fucked Forum. Maybe you all aren't immature bastards after all (despite what those smileys to the left of this post box, and the word filters, say).

So I'm sorry for being an assclown. Fuck if I should tell people to go to hell for giving me advice. Yeah, I am backed into a corner when someone says "So did you do what I said?". Are people really bugged, or hate me more, for saying I didn't? I mean, don't I have to fill the air full of bullshit and excuses to excuse the fact that I ignored their advice? Most of all this topic was about me not following other people's advice, and it turned out better in the end, and all I want to do is say "No, I didn't take your advice, and look what it got me". But at the same time I guess nobody's superhuman and can just "know" what's wrong with my car, so they're just giving it their best shot. If nobody's really hurt by me not taking their advice, then I have nothing to defend, right?

No doubt there will be times in the future when I'll probably need help. One thing I did learn, though, is that just like computers, you really can't give, or get, an accurate diagnosis over the Internet. The one person that actually came out to my car and heard what the fuel pump sounded like was able to accurately diagnose the problem. It's really not a good thing to ask people on the Interwebs what your car at home is doing wrong. However, things like "where does this go?", "what can I do to improve performance?", and "what are your experiences with this product?" are reasons this forum is here, and I sure don't want to burn that bridge.

So once again, without the ego pumping facade of Falcon4 in front of me, I apologize for being an assclown. Hopefully we can continue to make obscure jokes and jabs at each other here and there, and the ever-fun "Repost" messages in threads, and the excessive use of smileys that really make no sense whatsoever. It's all what makes RFT... not Old Europe. And I love it. :thumbleft:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:25 pm
by Mach10

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:29 pm
by Falcon4
FWIW, I used to take Ritalin for ADHD too. Then some other kind of whacked-ass drug, then I finally said "Fuck it" and stopped taking it. Went off the wall for a few days then the pill's aftereffects wore off and I was fine. Hrm... how interesting. Like cigarettes! You just have to quit the pill. :thumbleft:

And nobody ever said anything about a damn "special ed" class! It was the Falcon4 epiphany (around 2002) that ended up getting me out of it. Haha. :salute:

Um, this message will self destruct... :confused:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:57 pm
by Mach10
What age were you diagnosed with ADHD?

WHO diagnosed you? ADHD was THE most over-diagnosed problem among kids. Immediately after that is was borderline bipolar disorder (this one is fucking SICK to pin on a child) as the flava of the week.

Problem was that many kids had other (some more serious, many FAR less serious)issues that were not helped by the medication.

ADD/ADHD is associated(maybe confused with is a better term?) with Aspergers, since many of the traits are kinda fuzzy at the edges and tend to blur into each other. Friend of the family has a kid with Aspergers, and she comes to me fairly regularly looking for advice on how to cope (many of the same learning problems).

I'm not a psychologist, so I can't say that you have it or don't. I DO have experience with both ADHD and Aspergers, and to my untrained (except a minor in Psych from Uni)eye, you exhibit many of the personality traits. I mean absolutely no disrespect with that.

Again, it's not a bad thing. It's a difference in perception rather than what I'd classify as a "disability." People with Aspergers tend to be exeptionally bright, and they tend to follow behavior patterns. It's what you make of it. :shrug

I for one am AGAINST medicating children. Almost all the Male children in my family have some form of ADD, so I'm expecting MY children to have it. Thankfully I'm prepared. Ritalin is the LAST fucking resort, not the first. When they get older and can make an informed decision, then it's appropriate.

I went my whole youth without a diagnosis. I was smart enough that I cruised through HS with average (except in the courses I liked, which I rocked ass). It wasn't until University, while I was giving my best shot at a 2nd attempt at calculus when we finally figured there was a problem.

Frustrating, to say the least. Ritalin worked for maybe 6 weeks before I had to have my dosage upped, and then it started to suck major, MAJOR ass.

Sleep disturbances (sleep paralysis, night terrors, hallucinations), this uncomfortable "high" when I first take 'em in the day (hard to work when you feel like giggling for 2 hours), and the brutal, BRUTAL headaches.

I stopped taking them for a couple of years, and tried to cope on my own. Did a little better since I now KNEW why I was having trouble and was able to take certain steps to avoid problem areas, but still didn't do great.

Had a couple nervous breakdowns because of a shit job, quit the fuckng place, and went back to the doc's. He switched me to Dexedrine.

Probably 10x stronger than Ritalin, but without ANY of the negative effects for me. XR tab in the morning keeps me on the rails until about 6 or so, then dissipates before bedtime.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:19 pm
by Falcon4
Well this post was read, so it needn't be here anymore. Not for your eyes, bitches! :salute: And no, it wasn't bad. Just private.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:18 pm
by Weponhead
well hey you calmed down + for you , oh wait.. cant do that here.
And i can understand how you feel about hey i didnt know jack, now i've done X and X on my own SWEET! .. i've gone from knowing how to do oil changes when i was about 16 , to getting a fiero. and tearing into it, now i've got a pretty nice handle on gas motors and i drive trucks now, and im starting to delve into diesel motors. And i can 100% guarantee if i went to a psychologist, theyd tell me i have something that keeps me from focusing on school. I taught myself all the way till 10'th grade, hit a wall being homeschooled with no teacher, then got through the rest of school with help when i wanted to ask for it. now at a college level i cant push through the wall no matter what. i need help. and i plan on getting it eventually but some part of me is content on how my life is right now so im not in a huge hurry. but hey.. good for you on learning on your own. it's how i've lived my entire life with my failure parents. Keep on doin it. I pride myself knowing almost everything i know was self taught.

Oh yea, haha you wanna talk about social problems , or problems retaining people as friends? haha yea lemme know. im full of em.

I dont think im anti-social though because i try and keep people around who do nothing for me.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:31 pm
by Mach10
It has to be said that a no-holds-barred battle with Stimpy would be both the funniest AND the most tragic thing ever to happen.

If Falcon won, he'd be a straight up asshole for beating down a cripple, and would subsequently get jumped by pretty much everyone here...

Fiero-owners of not, we'd probably all either buy tickets and fly down, or pay the biggest dude here (other than stimpy) to go over and wring his neck!

If stimpy won, Falcon would be the laughing stock of t3h world for getting tuned like a busted guitar by a cripple...

Either way, you can bet there'd be a section named after the event :thumbleft:

Oh, and bonus-points for serial photographs of Falcon at Stimpy's door, the door opening, and Falcon looking down, up, up, up, and up at stimpy with a classic "ooooohhh...mmyyyyyy.....gaaaawwwddd" look on his face.

Just before Stimpy's crutch catches him on the upswing that is... :afrocool:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:00 pm
by Weponhead
:salute: HAHAHA .. ROFLCOPTER! ... I would SO drive all the fucking way out there to see that. if it happened just like that.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:41 pm
by Boscolingus
Sadly enough, the only thing that would trully unite all Fiero owners to one, singular show would be to set aside the e-fighting just so that we could all throw down face to face....