Do you know what beef is

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The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

The drum you sure seem to be beating is the one that condemns the way of life most Americans follow, while maintaining that Americans have a certain amount of responsibility to feed the world. Is this accurate?

I believe that how much an individual consumes needs to be up to that individual. However, I also believe that consumption for its own sake is evil.
I also think that there are ways to accomplish the task of "feeding the world" without putting much of a cramp in our lifestyle.

The question I then ask is... why would any given person take Americans to task to fit into that person's world view, ostensibly for the purpose of betterment of third world peoples, when third world peoples can be bettered just as much WITHOUT asking Americans to conform that person's idea of what America should be?

The idea of asking someone else to not eat something so that someone else can eat something is... well... un-American. The American way is to figure out how both can have what they want.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Dude. I don't personally see how a reduction in 10% is going to put a hurt on any civilian living inside the United States. Lets just say that the average American consumes 3 square meals a day. ((I'm sure that if we did eat 3 square meals a day, we wouldn't be so g-d damn obese..))Now it's safe to assume that each of these meals consisted of an animal by-product of some sort. This is 21 meals. 10% is a little over 2 meals. We can't "sacrifice" two meals? Seems rather greedy and arrogant to me when we could be feeding the world. 54,000 people a day die of hunger related issues, and our obese nation can't sacrifice 2 meals a week? Disgusting arrogance, flagrant ignoracnce and disregard for the well being of humanity.

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Diggity"Karma can be a bitch"Biggity

Post by DiggityBiggity »

No, we shouldn't pass a law. But maybe this issue should be raised in the media. Do you not think if people were informed on this, they might willingly help save peoples lives?

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Diggity"Sorry..that was an after thought"Biggity
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Post by crzyone »

Why should a country that is on the opposite side of the world feel obligated to feed and send money to other countries that have obviously too many people for the land to support? It should have nothing to do with America, or Canada or Europe. I mean really. If they want to stop dying of hunger, then maybe they should be trying to curb their population problem. It would be cheaper for us to send them surgeons to offer free vasectomies on the males that want them. Then they could go back to being "humans" and screw all they want without having 10 kids and 5 of them starving to death.

The problem is their own, and we do send billions a year and food to help support them. There is only so much you should feel obligated to do.

Post by Lex »

diggitybiggity wrote:No, we shouldn't pass a law. But maybe this issue should be raised in the media. Do you not think if people were informed on this, they might willingly help save peoples lives?

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Diggity"Sorry..that was an after thought"Biggity
What if people don't care about saving the starving(I sure as hell don't)?
People are going to die and siffer regardless of what we do, unless you believe in heaven and that kind of bullshit, what is the point?
The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

diggitybiggity wrote:Dude. I don't personally see how a reduction in 10% is going to put a hurt on any civilian living inside the United States. Lets just say that the average American consumes 3 square meals a day. ((I'm sure that if we did eat 3 square meals a day, we wouldn't be so g-d damn obese..))Now it's safe to assume that each of these meals consisted of an animal by-product of some sort. This is 21 meals. 10% is a little over 2 meals. We can't "sacrifice" two meals? Seems rather greedy and arrogant to me when we could be feeding the world. 54,000 people a day die of hunger related issues, and our obese nation can't sacrifice 2 meals a week? Disgusting arrogance, flagrant ignoracnce and disregard for the well being of humanity.

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Diggity"Karma can be a bitch"Biggity
Whether or not cutting some meat would hurt or be good for them isn't the point. The point is that this is America and they decide what's good for them--individual responsibility. My second point is that asking Americans to sacrifice is unnecessary because we can feed both ourselves and poor starving slobs in the third world if our government got its head out of its ass regarding farm subsidies and agriculture policy.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

I appreciate this debate greatly. There are more than two sides to a story, that is true, and I'm through with repeating mine as I'm sure you are tired or repeating yours. The continued destruction of our planet because of the massive meat consumption will one day render this planet uninhabitable. But such is life, and I'm not worried.

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Diggity"You shut me up for now"Biggity

Post by DiggityBiggity »

The Dark Side of Will wrote: The point is that this is America and they decide what's good for them--individual responsibility.
IF this were true, I would be allowed to smoke my marijuana and not have to worry about the police.

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Diggity"Tokin the bong"Biggity
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Post by quantum1 »

YOu know I have thought about this and I have reduced my intake of meat by 10% since high school and I have lost a little weight feel healthier. When I eat meat it is usually chicken, yeah Ive seen the PeTA videos they make me hungry lol. But when I do eat beef it is 2 or 3 pounds steaks at a time but it isnt very often. But oh so tasty lol.

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Post by DiggityBiggity »

Was it hard to reduce your meat intake Quantum?

I'm Glad someone in here understands reduction in meat is not just going to help our planet, but also our own personal health.

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The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

I feel better when I eat meat and few carbs. Carbs turn into sponges and make me feel full, then digest way too quickly. I like the long term feeling of being well fed I get from eating meat.

I like eating meat and I think that it's a good thing.
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Post by quantum1 »

Not so hard. Went to college and got poor lol. Then I got a little money and kept my not alot of red meat up. I went for chinese tonight and I mostly ate lo mein and fried wontons. I never really thought about it until I reread this entire post. I had steak friday and a small portion saturday, but other than that its really only been pasta and very little chicken. Feeling healthier makes me feel better lol. I still like steak, but it makes me really sluggish for hours, but still got to eat up on major holidays. But all in all it wasnt hard at all to not eat as much meat. Plus I worry when I cook meats, I dont like to undercook chicken or pork it kinda freaks me out. I like steak medium so that isnt so bad, but I freak about raw meats lol. So yeah my rant is over it wasnt hard lol.

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Post by DiggityBiggity »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:I feel better when I eat meat and few carbs. Carbs turn into sponges and make me feel full, then digest way too quickly. I like the long term feeling of being well fed I get from eating meat.

I like eating meat and I think that it's a good thing.
You don't replace meat with carbs, you replace it with beans,nuts,soy products,legumes and any other protein based food. If we replaced meat with carbs, we'd become diebetic when we got older.

As far as you like eating meat, so it's a good thing...Coke addicts like that a good thing? Too much of anything isn't good for you.

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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Addicts stop recognizing too much... primary reason such drugs are illegal--people become a social hazard because the drug consumes them.

I'm not addicted to meat. I eat to survive, not for the sake of gluttony. I like eating a certain amount of meat and being free from hunger for a lot longer than I would be if I'd eaten the same amount of carbohydrate based foods.
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Post by Doug Chase »

diggitybiggity wrote:You don't replace meat with carbs, you replace it with beans,nuts,soy products,legumes and any other protein based food.
The problem is that those things all suck, and meat is goooood.

No, I really don't have anything useful to add to this thread.


Post by DiggityBiggity »


That was just plain funny :) in a very good way! Props again


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Diggity"Having a great night"Biggity

Post by DiggityBiggity »


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Diggity"I know none of you care"Biggity
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Sensationalist production, of course; designed to make the whole process seem as horrible as they can make it seem...
They repeatedly stress how cruel the throat cutting process is, but then go on to say that animals go through the next steps of the slaughtering process while fully conscious.
BS. Once the animals throat is cut, it loses blood so rapidly that it only has a few seconds of useful consciousness.
If the throat cutting procedure misses some animals or does not open up enough blood vessels to drain blood quickly enough, then the video should have elaborated on that.

They quoted figures regarding how many animals are injured or killed in transport each year, but fail to mention the total number transported.


Post by DiggityBiggity »

The point of the matter is, no animals should be treated that way. You treated your dog or cat like that, you'd be in jail.

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Post by z.MacK »

Notorious BIG - What's Beef
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