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Really depressed.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:12 am
by Aaron
I don't know why, but I'm feeling really depressed right now and I don't know why. I have had problems with it in the past, but as time goes on, it has gotten a lot better. It has never been very serious, I never seriously contemplated hurting myself, but it is enough to make me feel bad and down.

Maybe its that time of the month, who knows.

My Fiero broke tonight, but that isn't the reason I don't think, that didn't piss me off too much or anything. I leave for CA tomorrow, I should be really happy. My dad is being a dick to me, I told him I lost my clutch, and he said sarcastically "oh damn...", then hung up. It was like he didn't even care, and he liked that it had happened. It isn't a big deal and I can fix it, but his attitude really bothered me.

Friends are fine and normal, that isn't it, although they seem to want to talk a lot more than me recently, I just want to shut up and do nothing a lot more than usual.

I could use a girlfriend, been a few months since I've been on a date, but I keep convincing myself (Or making an excuse), saying I can't afford it.

So I'll let you all stop reading now. No need to say stuff to make me feel better, just say "your stupid and your 3.4 will never run," that will piss me off and make me eager to prove you wrong, and then I will bench race and kick your ass. I guess this post is kinda worthless, as Breaking Benjamin would say, "It's just a fucking phase!" I'll get over it, I just felt like this kinda stuff should be let out, it'll probably be better for me in the long run. Just fealin a little down, that's all.

Thanks for letting me post!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:20 am
by DiggityBiggity
Keep truckin dude.. we all hit tough times.. keep things in perspective, and have fun in CA

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"Smile Man"Biggity

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:57 am
by Kohburn
I think i'd probably get a little mad at my dad if he was like that..

don't worry - the fiero will get fixed - the ladies can wait

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:58 am
by stimpy
It's healthy to vent. Hope you felt better afterwards. I've made lots of posts bitching and whining about the state of my life. Most of them I hit the "back" button on instead of the "submit", but it always helps to form the words in my mind and see them with my eyes.

Anyhow, you know that this will all pass, and that this shitty situation is temporary. Regarding the female situation, do a good deed and have sex with someone uglier then you. Trust me, you'll both feel good afterwards.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:47 am
by Aaron
Stimpy thanks for the life saving advice of having sex with someone uglier than me.

But that won't make me feel any better, I'll see her by chance a week later and will jump off a bridge thinking "I slept with THAT?"

I'm feeling better today, dunno why. I can't wait to be in Cali, I love it there!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:37 pm
by Dirty Sanchez
I see why you can't wait to be in California. Are you really from Oklahoma? I lived in Arkansas for a couple of years when I was In the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. Talk about a dead town, no booze on Sunday, Baptist trying to convert me all the time, not much to do around there either. We used to go to OK for booze as the drinking age there back then was 18, not 21 like Arkansas. Even the terrain was boring, all flat and mostly farmland. I'm glad I came to my senses and decided to finish my degree back East.
I guess the quote that applies to you is "Go West young man".

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:48 pm
by Aaron
I'm in Colorado right now, but I go to school in OK.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:48 pm
by stimpy
Aaron wrote:Stimpy thanks for the life saving advice of having sex with someone uglier than me.

But that won't make me feel any better, I'll see her by chance a week later and will jump off a bridge thinking "I slept with THAT?"

I'm feeling better today, dunno why. I can't wait to be in Cali, I love it there!
Well damn, I'm not saying the Elephant Woman, just someone two to four notches below you on the scale. Maybe a bit thick, or a big nose. Just bust out something that may likely not have been properly busted in a while. Not something that will make you chew your arm off to get away from, just someone who's gonna make the "O" face for you.

Remember the Ladder Theory. It explains EVERYTHING.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:49 pm
by Aaron
I'd rather watch midget porn and get the o face that way.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:12 pm
by stimpy
Well, that explains a lot.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:25 pm
by whipped
there are some hot midgets out there...... don't knock it till you try it ;)



Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:11 pm
by Shaun41178(2)
ARe you fucking kidding me?

Bridget is NOT and I repeat NOT hot at all. She comes to daytona like 2-3 times a year and is seen at Lollipops.

Trust me dude, she is not hot. Sure she fills the place up but I think people just want to see midget twat more then anything.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:36 pm
by Aaron
I was being sarcastic you know, cuz that is fucking gross.

I'm feeling great now, in Cali, having a real good time! It was just a fucking phase, thanks for the works Breaking Benjamin!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 6:06 am
by Blue Shift
You ever get tested for bipolar or Borderline personality disorder?

Thinking back for a second, all your posts seem to bounce between good mood and damn it all to hell mood. There's actually a couple different types of bipolar, from the type where you're awake for 4 days straight, then slitting your wrists, to the type where the ups and downs are much more subtle. BPD manifests itself as instability of emotion, amongst a bunch of other stuff - I wouldn't be surprised if several people I know qualify as BPD to some extent. If ya can't tell, I've done a bit of research, myself.

Other than that, focus and don't let the demons get ya.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 3:52 pm
by Aaron
No I havn't.

Although now that I think about it, you're right about my posts, but they don't really reflect how I'm feeling, I can't explain it.

It was just a week where I just wasn't feeling right, I dunno. It happens every now and then, mainly when something in my life goes wrong. It isn't a big deal tho, and I'm doing great out here at OSU, and lovin every minute of it.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:45 am
by Weponhead
NOT EVERYONE HAS A PERSONALITY DISORDER .. ITS NOT WRONG TO FEEL SAD SOMETIMES. jesus , somebodys havin an off week and everyone wants to analyze the son of a bitch. I am probably certifiably INSANE because my father is an ASSHOLE and my mothers a favoritist bitch but , you dont see me goin to a psychiatrist because i can DEAL with it. Please aaron DEAL with it so i dont have to hear about someone else being put on zoloft and floating around. AND EVERYONE ELSE.. STOP FUCKING DIAGNOSING.. WE'RE NOT MENTALLY ILL!

btw , good to see your feelin better ... im havin an off night , ima take it out on some bitches on the net.. YEA , and that midget porn .. thats just nasty..

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:48 am
by Aaron
Weponhead wrote:im havin an off night.
We couldn't tell :afrocool:

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:52 am
by Weponhead
haha .. all i gots to say is BITCHES ... :angry:

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:51 pm
by EBSB52
stimpy wrote:It's healthy to vent. Hope you felt better afterwards. I've made lots of posts bitching and whining about the state of my life. Most of them I hit the "back" button on instead of the "submit", but it always helps to form the words in my mind and see them with my eyes.

Anyhow, you know that this will all pass, and that this shitty situation is temporary. Regarding the female situation, do a good deed and have sex with someone uglier then you. Trust me, you'll both feel good afterwards.
Ya, all we get from you is bottled sunshine, Stimp... :angel: :)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:20 pm
by stimpy
Aaron wrote:
I live in a house worth more than a half million dollars, I probably spend more money on my education that you make in a year, I work on the verge of full time--in addition to my 19 credit hours at school, I got a 31 on the ACT, the second highest score in my graduating class of nearly 800, have a 3.6 GPA as a junior in my second year at a Big 12 university, I was accepted to Harvard, I earned my Eagle Scout, I pay for my car, everything that goes into my car(including gas), the insurance that costs more than the car payment on a Mercedes Benz, and I still manage to have a little fun and do what I like.
And yet you're depressed. Sounds like you're the one that might need the pity fuck.