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You guys had better wake up and see what your gov't is doing

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:10 pm
by Sinister Fiero
READ the Nationalized Healthcare bill (which is now over 1000 pages).

Just a few things that are in its current version:

-Government employees will have access to ALL of your medical and financial records under the terms of this bill.

-All persons in the U.S. shall have free healthcare; regardless if they are illegally here or not.

-Employers shall pay for health care bills for all PART and full time employees AND their families.

-Healthcare Commissioner (appt. by gov't) shall decide whether you are entitied to a specific treatment for your condition or not. This means if they deem treatment for your "disease" is "too expensive", YOU WILL NOT BE TREATED/COVERED under gov't healthcare.

Basically, in a nutshell, what this bill does is gives the government power to invade your privacy and look into your private medical and financial records as well as mandate to you what coverage and treatments you will receive under their plan. And don't think for a minute that you will be able to keep your own doctor and private health insurance. Because private insurance won't be around for long, due to the fact that they won't be able to compete with a government plan that doesn't need to turn a profit. And many doctors will opt-out of this gov't program because they won't be paid for many procedures they are currently doing and pay for the services the government will cover will be cut.


Re: You guys had better wake up and see what your gov't is doing

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:37 pm
by CincinnatiFiero
Been against it since he started running for office. What can we do, is there a petition or something like that.

Re: You guys had better wake up and see what your gov't is doing

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:21 pm
by Sinister Fiero
CincinnatiFiero wrote:Been against it since he started running for office. What can we do, is there a petition or something like that.
AFAIK, all you can do is call your senator and local congressional rep and tell them to say NO to this legislation.

Hell, the gov't can't even run CASH FOR CLUNKERS effectively (a minuscule sized program in comparison); they've essentially shut down that program in less than a week after starting it due to "unexpected" high demand and too little funding. WTH do they think they are going to get with their "free" healthcare program???????????


Re: You guys had better wake up and see what your gov't is doing

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:52 am
by The Dark Side of Will
I've lost faith in the ability of Congress to effectively implement or manage anything.

Democracy is a terrible form of government... it just happens to be better than anything that was tried before. -Churchill

The checks and balances incorporated in the Constitution prevent the very worst people from coming to power, but they also prevent the very best from coming to power. We are left with the mediocrity in the middle, and so far it seems to be working. I don't need papers to drive into the next state, for instance.

Re: You guys had better wake up and see what your gov't is doing

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:11 pm
by Aaron
You guys had better wake up and see what your gov't is doing
It's not just our government, it's your's too.