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Damn seahawks!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:22 am
by product1620
Well i'm a little upset (understatement of the century) that my team didn't win, but anyway whats yalls vote for who wins the superbowl
stheeler vs. seahawks

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:59 am
by Indy
I'd put my vote on the S.....Oh, who cares.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:03 am
by donk_316
Whats a "superbowl" is it a new Mc Donalds scratch and win game?

We have McDonalds in Canada too!

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:18 pm
by bryson
Well, considering the Seahawks beat my team, I'm gonna have to go for the Steelers :la:

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:36 pm
by product1620
Well, considering the Seahawks beat my team, I'm gonna have to go for the Steelers
ya same here. your team is?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:41 pm
by bryson
Panthers -- ha I didn't realize my location wasn't listed in my profile. I'll have to fix that one.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:31 pm
by product1620
Panthers rule! curse those damn seahawks! oh well theres always next year right?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:36 pm
by EBSB52
Aside from all the empirical evidence as to why the Seasucks are gonna lose, I want them to win. I am from Seattle, born and raised, I worked in the Kingdome when it was 2 years old and I hate Pittburgh. I don't bleed green and blue, but I would like to see them win. When I was a homer I would be for them, but now I'm a bettor so if they can find a way to lose by 3 or less I will be happy.

Emprically, Seasucks defense is #17 vs Pitts #15 offense / Seattle's #2 offense vs Pitts #4 defense, so I like the matchup all the way.

I like the points a lot due to Pitts anemic offense and their defense having a propensity to invite team back into games in the late 3rd and 4th quarters. A backdoor cover is likely if Pitts gets a lead, even a big lead.

For all those that can't fathom the Seasucks scoring on Pitts #4 D, do remember that Carolina had a #3 D, so it is likely that Seattle could shred them. Cowher, as much of a dink he is, is a pretty good coach and rarely gets routed. Could Seattle get routed? Unlikely since Pitts lets teams back into it when they get a lead, and Seattle has the best back and the 2nd best O all year.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 11:01 pm
by product1620
Don't forget peppers was injured during that game so carolina's Defense was not one hundred percent :angel:

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 11:49 pm
by EBSB52
product1620 wrote:Don't forget peppers was injured during that game so carolina's Defense was not one hundred percent :angel:
True enough, but he did play - he had a below average game. Aside from that, people are sheep; they go with brand names. When Baltimore gave up 6 points on defense a few years back, who were they before the playoffs? Before the season? Patriots had a 6-10 record the year b4 they beat the Rams, right? Seattle isn't a football town, the Seasucks aren't a brand name, and all the clones are for the national market teams. With all that, I see a very good game, a game that can really go either way. I'm a bettor, not a homer, so I'm taking the 4 points and if Seattle loses by 3, I'm happy as shit. Pitts has been letting teams back in games, so I would be very nervous until the end by laying the 4 with Pitts.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:36 am
by V8Mikie
So Ed you going with the Seahawks?

They better win, the thought of seeinh 300 lb women in the grocery store with Steelers jackets on for the next 6 months if downright frightening.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:02 am
by EBSB52
V8Mikie wrote:So Ed you going with the Seahawks?

They better win, the thought of seeinh 300 lb women in the grocery store with Steelers jackets on for the next 6 months if downright frightening.

Bahahahahaa, that is funny shit. Actually, I'm from there, born and raised, worked in the Kingdome when I was 16 in 1978, and used to be a diehard fan, but if the Seasucks lose by less than the spread I'll be a happy mo-fo.

But I hate guys who claim where they're from is the greatest place on earth, even tho they haven't been there for a decade and has no plans to ever live there again. So I'm not doing that. I don't like Pitts and mn ay of their fans, despise their coach too - that jaw thing is so Mike Ditka that I'm embarrassed for him. These hi-tech players are so into themselves and their contracts that they tell him to fuck himself, I'm sure. I like the Bill Walsh type coaches.

I've won the last several years in Vegas at the SB, so I'm due a loss. I felt strong taking the points against NE the last 2 years, as they are wayyyy overrated, but I don't feel good about this game. I like the Hawks plus 4 and the under, but the under 47 scares me a bit. I'm taiking the points for 500, 100 on Jeremy Stevens to make the 1st TDown @ 18:1 and several other small propositions. 1 more fucking day @ work until SB.... YEA!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:10 am
by V8Mikie
I agree about the Patriots, the media is so in love with them they fail to see their weaknesses. And if they don't get the bullshit tuck rule in the AFC Championship game, the Panthers don't kick that ball out of bounds at the end, and the Eagles had their shit together for the 2 min drill, they would be the Buffalo Bills of this century. It kills me how they talk about "dynasty" and how great they are. Whatever, they have to be the luckiest team in NFL history I know that much for sure.

Yea, the thing about Squeeler fans is that half of them have never even been to the dump known as Pittsburgh and never intend to go. Pennsyltucky is so full of all these little redneck towns and they all associate with the Steelers. Throw West Virginia into that category as well.

Regarding this Super Bowl, I have a bad feeling the Steelers are going to win, but here is why I think they might lose...

1. The 2 week break. I think Seattle is kinda used to this since they had a 2 week break heading into the playoffs. Pittsburgh was on a roll but the 2 weeks might throw them off.

2. Blitzburgh neutralized. The Seahawks have maybe the 2nd best o-line behind KC in the NFL. Anybody who watches lots of Ravens/Steelers games (me) over the last 5 or so years will tell you that Porter gets shut down by Ogden every damn game. Every game! He never does squat. Ogden even said he never talks trash to anyone except Porter because he can't stand him. So anyway, I think the Seahawks can definitely neutralize the blitz with their amazing o-line, which leads me to my next point...

3. Pittsburghs secondary. Their CB's are average at best. Polamalu is good against the run but when he is slow at transitioning into pass coverage. The Patriots exposed this weakness in the playoffs last year as Deion Branch destroyed them. The Steelers D usually can make up for this weakness with a good blitz, but the Pats picked it up last year and had success against virtually the same defense. The Seahawks can do it too.

4. Pittsburghs RB's. Willie Parker is not that good and has some fumbles he is just waiting to let out in a big moment. The Bus is horrible, just a goal line back at this point. If Seattle can make good reads on defense and stop the run I think their secondary is pretty good and can contain Pittsburghs passing offense.

But yea, I am still worried though. I can't stomach the thought of Shitsburgh winning a Super Bowl. It makes me want move to the Congo or something.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:52 pm
by EBSB52
V8Mikie wrote:I agree about the Patriots, the media is so in love with them they fail to see their weaknesses. And if they don't get the bullshit tuck rule in the AFC Championship game, the Panthers don't kick that ball out of bounds at the end, and the Eagles had their shit together for the 2 min drill, they would be the Buffalo Bills of this century. It kills me how they talk about "dynasty" and how great they are. Whatever, they have to be the luckiest team in NFL history I know that much for sure.

Yea, the thing about Squeeler fans is that half of them have never even been to the dump known as Pittsburgh and never intend to go. Pennsyltucky is so full of all these little redneck towns and they all associate with the Steelers. Throw West Virginia into that category as well.

Regarding this Super Bowl, I have a bad feeling the Steelers are going to win, but here is why I think they might lose...

1. The 2 week break. I think Seattle is kinda used to this since they had a 2 week break heading into the playoffs. Pittsburgh was on a roll but the 2 weeks might throw them off.

2. Blitzburgh neutralized. The Seahawks have maybe the 2nd best o-line behind KC in the NFL. Anybody who watches lots of Ravens/Steelers games (me) over the last 5 or so years will tell you that Porter gets shut down by Ogden every damn game. Every game! He never does squat. Ogden even said he never talks trash to anyone except Porter because he can't stand him. So anyway, I think the Seahawks can definitely neutralize the blitz with their amazing o-line, which leads me to my next point...

3. Pittsburghs secondary. Their CB's are average at best. Polamalu is good against the run but when he is slow at transitioning into pass coverage. The Patriots exposed this weakness in the playoffs last year as Deion Branch destroyed them. The Steelers D usually can make up for this weakness with a good blitz, but the Pats picked it up last year and had success against virtually the same defense. The Seahawks can do it too.

4. Pittsburghs RB's. Willie Parker is not that good and has some fumbles he is just waiting to let out in a big moment. The Bus is horrible, just a goal line back at this point. If Seattle can make good reads on defense and stop the run I think their secondary is pretty good and can contain Pittsburghs passing offense.

But yea, I am still worried though. I can't stomach the thought of Shitsburgh winning a Super Bowl. It makes me want move to the Congo or something.
I agree about the Patriots, the media is so in love with them they fail to see their weaknesses. And if they don't get the bullshit tuck rule in the AFC Championship game, the Panthers don't kick that ball out of bounds at the end, and the Eagles had their shit together for the 2 min drill, they would be the Buffalo Bills of this century. It kills me how they talk about "dynasty" and how great they are. Whatever, they have to be the luckiest team in NFL history I know that much for sure.

Yep, compare them to the other recent 3 of 4 team, the Cowboys and there is no comparison. Actually I’m disappointed they didn’t make it, I could take the points against them and cover for sure, just like the last 2 years.


Bahahahahaha… never heard that one.

1. The 2 week break. I think Seattle is kinda used to this since they had a 2 week break heading into the playoffs. Pittsburgh was on a roll but the 2 weeks might throw them off.

HUGE. Pitts coulda won 15 more on the road, if they were consecutive. I think this extra week off is a momentum breaker for Pitts.

2. Blitzburgh neutralized. The Seahawks have maybe the 2nd best o-line behind KC in the NFL.

Right, Alexander is good, but like Emmit, his line is the key, as well as for Hasselbeck only throwing 9 picks all year, none in the playoffs.

3. Pittsburghs secondary. Their CB's are average at best.

Right, great against the run tho

4. Pittsburghs RB's. Willie Parker is not that good and has some fumbles he is just waiting to let out in a big moment. The Bus is horrible, just a goal line back at this point. If Seattle can make good reads on defense and stop the run I think their secondary is pretty good and can contain Pittsburghs passing offense.

Yea, Pitts is anemic on offense, 16 picks by Roth. It is uncharacteristic that Pitts is pathetic at RB.

But yea, I am still worried though. I can't stomach the thought of Shitsburgh winning a Super Bowl. It makes me want move to the Congo or something.

I’m there too, but if the Seasucks cover, I’m good with it. I can’t homer anymore - too pathetic to care more than the multimillionaire players.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:58 am
by product1620

That is so funny, this name must be a universal term now! It seems all the people I know that live or have assosiated with PA call it this, I got it from some guys I used to work with and they were from Long Island. where u from??

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:58 am
by V8Mikie
product1620 wrote:

That is so funny, this name must be a universal term now! It seems all the people I know that live or have assosiated with PA call it this, I got it from some guys I used to work with and they were from Long Island. where u from??
I'm in Maryland. We hate Squeeler fans.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:30 am
by V8Mikie
Super Bowl MVP should have went to the zebras. They decided the outcome of that game.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:49 am
by Weponhead
hey mikie , where in maryland are you? i've refered to it as pennsyltucky myself for a couple years. very few good things have come out of that god forsaken state.