We gotta have a Rove thread

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Post by DiggityBiggity »

We wouldn't be getting blown up by these foreign extremists if we weren't illegally in that country. And if Karl Rove and the administration would have listened to Joe Wilson and not lied to the American public about reasons for war.. this whole situation would have been avoided.. but they wanted their war for political capitol, oil, and the money that war produces for their corporate buddies..

Flat out.. Karl Rove is a traitor to our country and has commited treason.. let's stay on topic

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"Let's hang the fucker"Biggity
Last edited by DiggityBiggity on Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

diggitybiggity wrote:We wouldn't be getting blown up by these foreign extremists if we weren't illegally in that country. And if Karl Rove and the administration would have listened to Joe Wilson and not lied to the American public about reasons for war.. this whole situation would have been avoided.. but they wanted their war for political capitol, oil, and the money that war produces for their corporate buddies..

Flat out.. Karl Rove is a traitor to our country and has commited treason.. let's stay on topic

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"Let's hang the fucker"Biggity
Topic, Schmopic.

Did you even read my last post?
I just got finished saying that most of the attacks are not commited by Iraqis. We're not in the country of the people who are attacking us. Get over your preconceptions.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Like I said.. if we weren't in Iraq... these extremists wouldn't have the ability to be blowing us up.. but since we illegally invaded Iraq.. we gave them an easy way for them to attack us.. I didn't say Iraqi's in the last post.. I said extremists.. I agreed with you.. they are coming across the border.. but if we weren't in that country illegally in the first place.. they wouldn't have that opportunity..

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"This is about Karl Rove"Biggity
The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

If we weren't in Iraq, they'd be blowing up your front porch instead.
Once Iraq is able to stand on its own feet again (very soon), then there will be one less place for terrorists to hide.
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Post by V8Archie »

Last edited by V8Archie on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Right right.. let's listen to the Bush administrations lies.. "We're fighting them there, so we don't have to fight them here"

But remember.. IT WASN'T IRAQ THAT ATTACKED US!! That would have been like if the Japanese attacked us during WW2 and we started bombing Brazil

Get your head out of your ass..

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Diggity"Wheres Osama? Forget about him?"Biggity
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Post by V8Mikie »

Iraq is part of the global war on terror. While Saddam and his henchmen did not attack us directly him being in power was an overall threat to our security and more importantly middle east security.

Yes its true, American watches out for itself in terms of world oil production and middle east affairs. If you don't like it, too bad. Sell your car and protest America's oil dependency then our gov't might not care as much. But as long as we use a gazillion barrels of oil a day this gov't will look out for its interest in overseas oil production.
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Post by eHoward »

Those snooty brazilians would have had it coming.
diggitybiggity wrote:That would have been like if the Japanese attacked us during WW2 and we started bombing Brazil
The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

diggitybiggity wrote:Right right.. let's listen to the Bush administrations lies..
Lies? The fight was brought to our doorstep in 2001. We took it back to theirs.

Think Osama's being left alone to play checkers or something? What the fuck do you think those SEALs were doing in Afghanistan?

Get your head out of your ass. I'm tired of listening to you extremist conspiratorial bullshit.

And like V8 Mikie said, we are fighting the GWOT, a war unlike any others before, and for which new strategies are being developed by the day... Regime change in regions harboring terrorism being one element of that strategy.
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Post by donk_316 »

Will I still love you.

The americans beef in 2001 was with Afganistan...not Iraq. Al Quada blew up your buildings.

No Al Quada in Iraq.
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Post by Kohburn »

diggitybiggity wrote:We wouldn't be getting blown up by these foreign extremists if we weren't illegally in that country.
were we illegally in their country when 9/11 happened? or the first time they attempted to blow it from the parking garage?

that is such a weak ass argument
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Post by Kohburn »

donk_316 wrote:Will I still love you.

The americans beef in 2001 was with Afganistan...not Iraq. Al Quada blew up your buildings.

No Al Quada in Iraq.
they are spread throughout all the middle eastern allied countries plus cells in our allied countries like great brittain, spain, etc

Post by DiggityBiggity »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:
Lies? The fight was brought to our doorstep in 2001. We took it back to theirs.
The fight was brought to our doorstep by Al Qaida.. not Iraq.. stop trying to connect the two.. Bush has already had to admit that they have no evidence Iraq and the Sept 11th attacks were related..

We are fighting an illegal war.. that would have never been started if the American people weren't scared out of their wits by the possibility of weapons of mass destruction.. which didn't exist.. which Joe Wilson tried to tell the world.. and Karl Rove outed his wife.. GET THE BIG PICTURE HERE! IRAQ HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WAR ON TERROR!

Your Fuehrer


Post by DiggityBiggity »

Kohburn wrote:
diggitybiggity wrote:We wouldn't be getting blown up by these foreign extremists if we weren't illegally in that country.
were we illegally in their country when 9/11 happened? or the first time they attempted to blow it from the parking garage?

that is such a weak ass argument
I'm talking about our men being blown apart in Iraq.. it's not a week argument.. stop connecting Iraq and terrorism.. I'm sorry.. 9.11 was not conducted by Iraq in any way shape or form.

Your Fuehrer


Post by DiggityBiggity »

V8Mikie wrote:Iraq is part of the global war on terror. While Saddam and his henchmen did not attack us directly him being in power was an overall threat to our security and more importantly middle east security.

Yes its true, American watches out for itself in terms of world oil production and middle east affairs. If you don't like it, too bad. Sell your car and protest America's oil dependency then our gov't might not care as much. But as long as we use a gazillion barrels of oil a day this gov't will look out for its interest in overseas oil production.
Iraq is only a part of the global war on terror because of oil.. there are plenty of other countries that were much more of a threat to our security.. and we ignored them.. Sorry, we aren't an empire here.. or at least we're not supposed to be.. starting war for oil is only going to get us shunned by the world.. oh wait.. it already has

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Post by Kohburn »

diggitybiggity wrote: I'm talking about our men being blown apart in Iraq.. it's not a week argument.. stop connecting Iraq and terrorism.. I'm sorry.. 9.11 was not conducted by Iraq in any way shape or form.

Your Fuehrer

oh you mean our soldiers wouldn't be in harms way if they weren't fighting terrorists -


you'd probably rather have the US just hide inside its borders and hope nobody bothers us.. HELLOO we know from history that does not work.. the only reason it works for Canada is because everyone knows that they US will go after anyone threatening north america or an allie of ours

any country that protects terrorist groups that attack the US is rightfully an enemy of the US and we have every right to go in forcefully - whats that you say? Bush went in there to out Saddam on incorrect pretenses? you say it was all a lie? I don't care what reason the whitehouse gave the UN for going in there - it needed to be done

and don't give me that oil bullshit - have we taken over any oil refineries? have our oil prices gone down? that such a load of regurgitated shit

you like to call others brainwashed - but you are the most brainwashed one here. spewing mountains of liberal extremist backwash

Post by DiggityBiggity »


Why would oil prices go down? They're making money.. the people who run the white house don't care about the American people.. they care about the all mighty dollar..

second of all.. we aren't fighting terrorism in Iraq.. stop trying to connect Iraq and terrorism.. it took the Bush administration a long time to scare the wits out of people to connect the two.. get it out of your head.. IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9.11. Again.. it would be like Japan attacking us in WW2 and us attacking Brazil.. or Madagascar.. it was a ploy.. The Project for a New American Century has been wanting to attack Iraq since Bill Clinton was in office.. they even said themselves that it would take a pearl harbor type event to rally the American people into a war.. Why can't any of you argue to the point of this thread.. that Karl Rove outed a C.I.A. agent and put lives at risk, and endangered the safety of this country.. because one man(Joe Wilson) was brave enough to call the administration on their lie.. that Iraq was an immediate threat to the United States.. Do you forget why we went to war??

"Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the smoking gun, which could come in the form of a mushroom cloud."

We know now.. this was a lie.. and Joe Wilson tried to tell us it was a lie back then.. so Karl Rove committed treason in order to "thank" Joe Wilson for trying to stop the administrations agenda.. an agenda they had developed since Clinton was in office.. Go to the Project for a New American Century websites.. read for yourself


Stop connecting Iraq and terrorism(9.11) It just makes you look like a douche bag..

Your Fuehrer

Diggity"Why don't you talk about Karl Rove? Oh.. because that would make the administration look guilty, wouldn't it?"Biggity
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Post by Kohburn »

dude you are fucking whipped by al gore - :la:
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Post by Wonderfalls »

diggitybiggity wrote:You are correct Zonyl... it is futile

Second..ask any Iraqi if Bush is a terrorist.

I lived in IRAQ for awhile. For the army... a lot of Iraqi people yelled good things about bush.

You go there and ask an Iraqi..

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Wonderfalls.. the point is, we have and had no right to invade.. there may be some Iraqi's that want us there.. just like there are some Americans who think we should be there.. the problem is.. the intelligence in which was given to us for the reasons to go to war were false.. They were said to be false then (by Joe Wilson and others) and have been proven false now.. There are plenty of other countries that were more important than Iraq.. (North Korea being one of them) and if you want to start invading countries to help their people.. maybe we should start with China.. which is run by a dictator who has killed far many more people than Saddam ever did..

The point is.. this war is illegal.. Karl Rove new it.. he outed a C.I.A. agent to keep a whistle blower in line.. and for this.. he should be hung for treason

Your Fuehrer

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