I no longer care...

A place for fun discussion of common interests we have besides Fieros

Moderator: ericjon262

Am I out of my gourd?

Do you really need to ask?
Of course dude!
You're a liberal, aren't you?
No more insane than the rest of us..
No votes
I think you're pretty sane..honestly
I can't read..
Total votes: 8


I no longer care...

Post by DiggityBiggity »

..and it feels wonderful. It's been so long talked of, and anticipated, but tonight I realized something pretty excellent. It had been something I've been pondering and experimenting with for some months now, but I truly get it, nothing really matters.((anyone can see..nothing really matters..to me..QUEEN))

But in a greater sense, what I'm really talking about, is not getting upset anymore. Nothing need bother me, it's truly my outlook. Should anything be out of my control, why bother to worry about it. I've repeated that, over and over, like a mantra. But it was tonight (( check time posted on this bitch...I've been up all night with two very close friends..no T.v. No music..just the sounds of our voices..and I don't get to chill with these two boys much..always a great learning experience for the soul with these boys..)) I truly realized what the verse repeated so often meant. I cannot even tell you the weight I feel lifted off my shoulders, the pressure from my chest, the worries surrounding life’s endless possibilities.

Maybe this sounds completely retarded to whomever chooses to read such random ramblings of my crazed and paranoid mind, but I understand what I'm saying, and to me, that's what counts.

I should get some sleep..but I feel more alive right now than I've felt in too many years..and I can't waste this feeling should it fade..However I will do my best((which in this case should involve little effort..doesn't take much effort to not get frustrated or upset..takes a good amount of effort to calm yourself once that point is reached however..I believe this entire revelation I had tonight was completeley work related..That was determined at 5:30..after all other "venting had been achieved" the last and final thing..the topic of main disgust..my job..and that..that I will write another blog about some other time..soon))

Yeah..I'll end it there..for now..Love Ya'll


Last edited by DiggityBiggity on Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Glad to hear you're not getting upset at stuff anymore.
Does this mean we don't get to look forward to your constant lambasting of bleeding heart liberal rhetoric? :(

why don't we have some normal fucking smilies on this board?

Post by DiggityBiggity »

You might hear a rant here or there..But I'll no longer be getting upset over the discussions..I'll just be voicing my view calmly..Don't worry, there is still plenty of crazy left in my head..

Your Fuhrer

Diggity"Still crazy"Biggity
Doug Chase
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Post by Doug Chase »

diggitybiggity wrote:Don't worry, there is still plenty of crazy left in my head..

As for the worry thing, you've got it figured out. If you want to do more figuring, read Dale Carnegie's "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living."
Doug Chase
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Post by eHoward »

Dale's pretty smart. I was really able to apply what I learned from "How to Win Friends and Influence People" to my dealings over at Old Europe.
Doug Chase wrote:
diggitybiggity wrote:Don't worry, there is still plenty of crazy left in my head..

As for the worry thing, you've got it figured out. If you want to do more figuring, read Dale Carnegie's "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living."

Post by DiggityBiggity »

I'll have to pick that book up, sounds like a good read.

Thanks for the advice! I'm always down for a good book.

Your Fuhrer

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Post by 355gonebad »

After reading what you have at the bottom of your post tells me you are mentally disturbed and need help.
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Post by 88GTneverfinsihed »

355gonebad wrote:After reading what you have at the bottom of your post tells me you are mentally disturbed and need help.
Actually that is the biggest argument for sanity I have seen.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

Are you telling me the President and his cabinate officials aren't terrorists? I strongly beg to differ, as would most Iraqi civilians.

Your Fuhrer

The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Last week some insurgents started shooting up an avenue... they were gunned down by armed Iraqi civilians. The insurgency has lost. I don't think Iraqis are dumb enough to think that GWB is responsible for Pakistani terrorists...

Post by DiggityBiggity »

No no..That's not the form of terrorism I am talking about. I'm talking about Depleted Uranium and an Illegal Invasion..

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Post by 355gonebad »

diggitybiggity wrote:Are you telling me the President and his cabinate officials aren't terrorists? I strongly beg to differ, as would most Iraqi civilians.

Your Fuhrer

I'm telling you that we disagree and I wish you would talk more about Fieros and stop trying to ruin this forum with your brain dead political beliefs. If you don’t like our wonderful President stop talking trash and run yourself if you are so smart. All you are doing is running your mouth Bush did something he became President twice. I do believe you have the right to your opinions even if they are wrong but crying like a bitch and not getting into a position to change things is not doing anyone any good.
God Bless America and President Bush

Post by DiggityBiggity »

355gonebad wrote:I'm telling you that we disagree and I wish you would talk more about Fieros and stop trying to ruin this forum with your brain dead political beliefs.
I'm sorry you think I ruin the forum, to bad you're not the moderator :knob: .

Yes, we do disagree, but calling me braindead doesn't get your point across. Sticks and stones my friend..sticks and stones..
355gonebad wrote: If you don’t like our wonderful President stop talking trash and run yourself if you are so smart. All you are doing is running your mouth Bush did something he became President twice.
No, I don't like our "wonderful" puppet. Oh sorry, President. For your information I do plenty BY running my mouth.((and writing letters, making phone calls, going to board meetings)) Do you understand what free speech means? Do you understand why we have these rights? People who try and shut people like me up are the real terrorists. If we disagree with the murdering tyrant, all the sudden we're the braindead enemy.

As far as becomming our president twice. Very soon I will have a thread on the forum about vote fraud that can't not raise suspision. We've covered it before already. Besides, I don't think Kerry is any better, both of the candidates did not represent the people. They represent corporate America. Not working class America.
355gonebad wrote: I do believe you have the right to your opinions even if they are wrong but crying like a bitch and not getting into a position to change things is not doing anyone any good.
God Bless America and President Bush
You're damn right I have a right to my opinion, as do you.

I do find it amazing how you can not even know me, and claim all I do is "cry like a bitch". If you knew everything I did, you would be eating your shoe. :withstupid:

God Bless America..Bush can go to hell

Your Fuhrer

Diggity"You don't like it? Fucking leave"Biggity
Doug Chase
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Post by Doug Chase »

355gonebad wrote:I'm telling you that we disagree and I wish you would talk more about Fieros and stop trying to ruin this forum with your brain dead political beliefs.
But, but, but...

But this is the "Anything Goes" section. This is where we don't talk about Fieros and instead talk about our brain dead political beliefs. And post NWS pictures, of course.


Post by DiggityBiggity »

Thanks Doug..I'm glad you're not braindead!

YOU GET PROPS! :thumbleft:

and this one..this ones cool :afrocool:

yah mon..


Your Fuhrer

Diggity"still laughing at 355's post"Biggity
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Post by 355gonebad »

diggitybiggity wrote:Thanks Doug..I'm glad you're not braindead!

YOU GET PROPS! :thumbleft:

and this one..this ones cool :afrocool:

yah mon..


Your Fuhrer

Diggity"still laughing at 355's post"Biggity
If you only knew how like a child you sound. If you would look all over this forum you will see your crap. I'm not going to play your games and go back and forth with this issue and if this forum is full of this kind of crap I don’t have to be here. You have a lot to learn and need to grow up but some people stay a child all there life and yes you are ruining this forum with politics and if I were the Moderator I would not allow this to continue and as far as knowing you I could care less about you because in my opinion you are a worthless piece of crap that needs to leave the USA. You would fit in good in North Korea. I do want to thank you for letting me know that there is someone in this world as you to laugh at.
The Dark Side of Will
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Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Dude... it's a forum on the internet. Chill out.

Post by DiggityBiggity »

355. Kiss my :bootyshake:

You've really lost your mind. Even Will is on my side :) (( thanks Will ))
355gonebad wrote:I'm not going to play your games and go back and forth with this issue and if this forum is full of this kind of crap I don’t have to be here.
You're already playing into my game, you've responded to my post. As far as not having to be here, I could care less whether you stayed or not.
355gonebad wrote: You have a lot to learn and need to grow up but some people stay a child all there life and yes you are ruining this forum with politics and if I were the Moderator I would not allow this to continue and as far as knowing you I could care less about you because in my opinion you are a worthless piece of crap that needs to leave the USA.
That's the longest run on sentence I've ever seen. As far as you not being the moderator, you're right, you're not. :knob: So just :stfu: already.
I need to leave the U.S.A. because I have dissent for our president? Sounds pretty rediculous to me. Speaking my mind and being free to do so is what makes this country beautiful, and anyone who thinks different is the real terrorist.

Your Fuhrer

Diggity"Laughing my ass off"Biggity
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Message from a true liberal

Post by psybrdelic »

Hey...I have an idea...

America is full of different people and different ideas. We pride ourselves on individuality, it is the American way. I am a liberal, I won't lie. However, I think EVERYONE'S opinion is valid, from the farthest right to the farthest left. Let's just remeber, that political views are relative to one's life experiences. You are all wrong, because you are all acting like you are correct, simply by basing your arguments on your beliefs. This is the greatest fallacy.

You all need to mature mentally. Accept each others opinions. Value the fact that there are people that think differently, without such, our partisanship would be even worse off than it already is.


Re: Message from a true liberal

Post by DiggityBiggity »

psybrdelic wrote: Value the fact that there are people that think differently, without such, our partisanship would be even worse off than it already is.

Very wise my friend

Your Fuhrer

Diggity"not moving anywhere"Biggity
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