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Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:03 pm
by Mach10
"Experienced" doesn't imply smarter. It implies that you have experience with the subject material.

Describing yourself as a POWER user implies that you are superior to others, but without actually implying how. When describing a skill-set, it's pretentious and empty--the exact qualifications for a buzz-word.

The more traditional usage of "Power User" is simpy a set of priveledges a specific account has. More access than a guest or user, but not as much as a full administrator. It's easier to type than "Priviledged User."

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:15 am
by 88GTneverfinsihed
yea the experience index of 2.0 should have been your first clue.

Your hardware sucks.

Vista is designed for dual core cpu's, 2gb ddr2 with dual raptor raid and dx10 cards.

It will run well on much less than that but the goal is next gen, not what worked well 5 years ago.

Everybody cryed the same when xp came out. Wahh my p2 266 doesn't run well. MS sucks.

software and hardware go hand in hand. Vista on the right hardware spendy as it is freakin rocks

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:56 pm
by z.MacK
I have been running vistax64 beta for about 4 months now. Its been going flawlessly. All my games run fine, only prob I have had is firefox crashes sometimes and my tvtuner doesnt work. All of my games work just fine.

My experience is @ 4.0, thats with 2gig ram and a 64bit 2.2 gig athlon. I dont use my system as much as I use to , but I like vista way better then XP. Its much more modern.

Im going to spend the 200$ and buy a copy when the 64 bit is out.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:16 pm
by cactus bastard
Mach10 wrote: No mechanic would call himself a "Motor Vehicle Manual Technologist."
ooh ooh ooh
There's a guy on the quad4 forum who's actually like that.
It's hillarious. He's pretty dim, but he thinks he's a god.
I think his frequently mentioned description of himself includes the word "master" too. Or maybe "Ultra"

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:39 am
by Falcon4
FWIW, a quick update... I'm up to 5 days, 5 hours uptime on Vista so far. Pretty impressive considering all the whacked-out crap I do with my system each day. Hundreds of programs opened and closed, crashed programs, lockups, hardware installed and removed, and still no hard system crashes or needs to reboot. Kinda neat.

I have gotten a few "click here to activate windows" notifications but nothing saying I'm running out of time... :scratch:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:24 am
by Series8217
Falcon4 wrote:still no hard system crashes or needs to reboot. Kinda neat.
What? You just said you had to reboot to delete a file. :lamer:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:09 am
by Falcon4
That is, within the last 5 days (6 days, 3 hours, 10 minutes now).

I do plan on switching back to XP tonight or tomorrow though. Vista just has too many issues to deal with... :(

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:47 pm
by Mach10
Me, I wait and see if the wheels are going to come off before I jump on the bandwagon.

I'm sure Vista will be righteously awesome... Eventually.

For now, XP is quicker, more stable, and with better driver support. Why would I want to upgrade? So I can stack my open windows? Puh-lease, most of the shit I do is either command line or fullscreen.